St. Elmo

- St. Elmo
- ★★★★★★

- St. Elmo's Fire
- Lightning DMG increases by 10%. No. of Lightning Strikes required to trigger Core Passive reduced to 3 under "Signature - Lightning Charge".

Signature Weapon belonging to Chrome: Arclight.

Target Weapon Research Banner: There is an 80% chance to obtain the targeted 6★ weapon when a 6★ weapon is obtained.
A 6★ weapon is guaranteed to be obtained on the 30th pull since the last 6★ weapon obtained if any.
Two other "off-banner" weapons share its pool, and it is possible to pull one of those instead of the targeted weapon.
Available permanently.


Weapon Data

St. Elmo is made of a highly conductive alloy. Its foldable design makes it very easy to carry around. Whenever it is swung, the blade leaves a flash of blue lightning. Electricity flows through the blade.

Weapon Backstory

It can unleash a great amount of electricity without producing any heat. St. Elmo's Fire, good name, ain't it?
- Weapon Designer I