

Recitativo di Fantasia


Recitativo di Fantasia is the first Roguelite mode introduced by Kurogames in the patch Recitativo di Fantasia.

In this gamemode, the player will travel through a fantasy world while completing nodes and obtaining useful buffs in order to build a team to complete the journey.

Starting Out

Difficulty Levels

For each run of Recitativo di Fantasia, the player must begin with choosing a difficulty level. Once chosen, the difficulty level cannot be changed until the end of the current run.

Difficulty Level Rewards Multiplier Performance Effect
Basic x0.5
  • Defense Boost: The character's Extra DMG Reduction increases by 50%
  • Rerun I: 15 Reruns Owned
  • Exhausted III: Enemy HP -90%
  • Weakened II: Enemies' ATK decreases by 65%
Intermediate x1
  • Rerun II: 8 Reruns Owned
  • Exhausted II: Enemy HP -75%
  • Weakened I: Enemies' ATK decreases by 30%
Advanced x2
  • Rerun III: 5 Reruns Owned. Commandant, you are recommended to upgrade Truth Unveil before challenging again.
  • Exhausted I: Enemy HP -50%
  • ATK: Enemies' ATK remains normal
  • Berserk I: The enemies' attacking desire increases by 33%. When dealing DMG, has a 20% chance to deal 33% Extra DMG.
Advanced x2
  • Rerun IV: 3 Reruns Owned. Commandant, you are recommended to upgrade Truth Unveil before challenging again.
  • HP: Enemy HP remains normal
  • ATK: Enemy ATK +70%
  • Berserk II: The enemies' attacking desire increases by 66%. When dealing DMG, has a 40% chance to deal 33% Extra DMG.
  • Black Hole II: Periodically leaves a black hole with moderate gravitational pull at your location.


In the Difficulty Selection screen the player can select a work which increases the chance of a specific school to appear as reward during the run.

The list of work items is the following:

Work Name Work image Effect Work Level Acquirement LEVEL-UP REQUIREMENT
Pelleas et Melisande When equipped, it significantly increases the chance to get Impressionism in the theater. 1 Obtained upon Impressionism Lv.1. Clear 35 nodes with it to level up. Equip this work to fight 35 battles.
2 Obtained upon clearing 35 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 40 battles.
3 Obtained upon clearing 40 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 45 battles.
4 Obtained upon clearing 45 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 50 battles.
5 Obtained upon clearing 50 battles with the work equipped. MAX LEVEL
I Lombardi When equipped, it significantly increases the chance to get Nationalism in the theater. 1 Obtained upon Nationalism Lv.1. Clear 35 nodes with it to level up. Equip this work to fight 35 battles.
2 Obtained upon clearing 35 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 40 battles.
3 Obtained upon clearing 40 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 45 battles.
4 Obtained upon clearing 45 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 50 battles.
5 Obtained upon clearing 50 battles with the work equipped. MAX LEVEL
Madama Butterfly When equipped, it significantly increases the chance to get Realism in the theater. 1 Obtained upon Realism Lv.1. Clear 35 nodes with it to level up. Equip this work to fight 35 battles.
2 Obtained upon clearing 35 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 40 battles.
3 Obtained upon clearing 40 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 45 battles.
4 Obtained upon clearing 45 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 50 battles.
5 Obtained upon clearing 50 battles with the work equipped. MAX LEVEL
Der Ring Des Nibelungen When equipped, it significantly increases the chance to get Romanticism in the theater. 1 Obtained upon Romanticism Lv.1. Clear 35 nodes with it to level up. Equip this work to fight 35 battles.
2 Obtained upon clearing 35 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 40 battles.
3 Obtained upon clearing 40 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 45 battles.
4 Obtained upon clearing 45 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 50 battles.
5 Obtained upon clearing 50 battles with the work equipped. MAX LEVEL
Salome When equipped, it significantly increases the chance to get Expressionism in the theater. 1 Obtained upon Expressionism Lv.1. Clear 35 nodes with it to level up. Equip this work to fight 35 battles.
2 Obtained upon clearing 35 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 40 battles.
3 Obtained upon clearing 40 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 45 battles.
4 Obtained upon clearing 45 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 50 battles.
5 Obtained upon clearing 50 battles with the work equipped. MAX LEVEL
Don Giovanni When equipped, it significantly increases the chance to get Classicism in the theater. 1 Obtained upon Classicism Lv.1. Clear 35 nodes with it to level up. Equip this work to fight 35 battles.
2 Obtained upon clearing 35 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 40 battles.
3 Obtained upon clearing 40 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 45 battles.
4 Obtained upon clearing 45 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 50 battles.
5 Obtained upon clearing 50 battles with the work equipped. MAX LEVEL
L'incoronazione di Poppea When equipped, it significantly increases the chance to get Baroque in the theater. 1 Obtained upon Baroque Lv.1. Clear 35 nodes with it to level up. Equip this work to fight 35 battles.
2 Obtained upon clearing 35 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 40 battles.
3 Obtained upon clearing 40 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 45 battles.
4 Obtained upon clearing 45 battles with the work equipped. Equip this work to fight 50 battles.
5 Obtained upon clearing 50 battles with the work equipped. MAX LEVEL

Creating your Team

After choosing a difficulty level and completing a chapter, the player will have a selection screen where they can choose up to 2 characters to make a team.

There is no special category here, the player can choose what they prefer most.



  • Uses: Purchasing items in the shop nodes.
  • How to Acquire: Completing battle nodes which contain this item as reward.
  • Marg will not carry over between runs.


  • Uses: Use Neumes to exchange for items in the Memento Hall
  • How to Acquire: Completing chapters and missions.


  • Uses: Use Inspiration to exchange for buffs in Behind the Curtain
  • How to Acquire: Completing battle nodes which contain this item as reward.


  • Uses: Use Cadenza to upgrade Works in Rehearsal
  • How to Acquire: Completing battle nodes which contain this item as reward.

Ending 1: Unfinished Epilogue

  • How to Unlock: Unlocked by default
  • How to Reach:
    • Complete Chapter 3.
    • The player will automatically reach this ending upon completing their first run.

Ending 2: Death of the Piper

  • How to Unlock: unlock the node Island Stranding within Behind the Curtain.
  • How to Reach:
    • Complete Chapter 5 for the first time.

Ending 3: Walking on the truth

  • How to Unlock: unlock the node Wasteland within Behind the Curtain.
  • How to Reach:
    • Complete Chapter 6 for the first time.

Ending 4: Peony and Iris

  • How to Unlock: unlock the node Kingdom Capital 1 within Behind the Curtain.
  • How to Reach:
    • Complete Chapter 6 for the second time.

Ending 5: In the name of Iris

  • How to Unlock: unlock the node Kingdom Capital 2 within Behind the Curtain.
  • How to Reach:
    • Complete Chapter 6 for the third time.

The players can unlock Behind the Curtain when they complete the Chapter 2: On the sea.
They have access to 3 different trees, the first node they can unlock is chosen by the player, however they will have to progress from that point by unlocking adjacent nodes.


Node Node Image Base Level Max Level
Extra DMG Reduction Character gains 5% Extra DMG Reduction Character gains 25% Extra DMG Reduction
HP Up Base HP +10% Base HP +150%
ATK Up Base ATK +10% Base ATK +150%
Periodic DMG Immunity Gain a shield every 15s and deal 10% more Extra DMG with the shield Gain a shield every 8s and deal 10% more Extra DMG with the shield
Signal Orb Recovery Restores 3 Signal Orbs every 15s Restores 3 Signal Orbs every 8s
DMG Boost Character deals 5% more Extra DMG Character deals 25% more Extra DMG
Dodge Recovery Dodge Gauge Recovery Speed +5% Dodge Gauge Recovery Speed +25%
Dodge Gauge Limit Character Dodge Gauge Limit +100 Character Dodge Gauge Limit +400
DMG Boost II Character gains a 2% Extra DMG Boost every 10s Character gains a 3% Extra DMG Boost every 5s


Node Node Image Effect
Island Stranding Unlock scene 4 and scene 5
Wasteland Unlock scene 6
Kingdom Capital I Unlock branch storyline ending for Scene 6
Kingdom Capital II Unlock another branch storyline for Scene 6


Node Node Image Base Level Max Level
More Reruns Reruns +1 Reruns +5
More Items for Purchase Items for Purchase +1 Items for Purchase +2
More Recruitments Attempts Recruitment attempts +1 Recruitment attempts +1
Backstage Maintenance Inspiration acquisition efficiency +10% Inspiration acquisition efficiency +30%
Affection Up Cadenza acquisition efficiency +5% Cadenza acquisition efficiency +30%
Shop Discount 5% off discount in the Theater Shop 25% off discount in the Theater Shop
Recruitment Refresh Attempts Recruitment Refresh Attempts +1 Recruitment Refresh Attempts +5
Initial Margs At the beginning, gain extra Marg x50 At the beginning, gain extra Marg x300
Obtain Margs Upon clearing any node, gain extra Marg x5 Upon clearing any node, gain extra Marg x30

The players can unlock Rehearsal when they complete the Chapter 1: Dark Woods, the player can spend Cadenza to improve each school.

Click on the blue name to show the upgrade list of each Work.

Impressionism Nationalism Realism Romanticism Expressionism Classicism Baroque
Impressionism Nationalism Realism Romanticism Expressionism Classicism Baroque

⭐ Note that this is not an exhaustive list of all Recitativo di Fantasia choices, this list will be expanded upon in the future. ⭐

Here is a list of all History nodes options and their outcomes.

Scene 1: Dark Woods

Node Name Choices
Deep in the forest
  • Go Find Out
  1. Observe → Advance to the next node
  2. Go up to say hello → Obtain [Silver Bell]
  3. leave → Nothing Happens
  • Leave → Nothing Happens
  • The magic that makes the flowers bloom → Consume [Silver Bell] and watch a cutscene
  • The way to slay the dragon → Obtain [Sacred Sword]
  • The magic that kills any living being → Nothing Happens
Flower and Feather
  • Follow the guidance of the buds → Read lore and continue to the next node
  • Follow the direction of the sunrise → Advance to the next node
  • Follow the guidance of the feather → Advance to the next node

Scene 2: On the Sea

Node Name Choices
  • Hand out the gem → Requires 1 [Gem] and gets into the boat and enables an option in the next node
  • I can be a helper on board → Gets into the boat
  • Be honest and ask for help → Gets into the boat
Story Time
  • The dragon → Tell me more → Learn about the dragon and the traveller
  1. Tell me more → Consumes [Gem] and advance to the next node
  2. I want to have some rest back at my cabin. → Nothing happens
  • The sailor → Tell me more → Learn about the sailor
  1. Tell me about the Traveller → Advance to the next node
  2. I want to have some rest back at my cabin. → Nothing happens
  • I'm not interested → Nothing happens

Scene 3: Island Stranding

Node Name Choices
  • Where am I → Walk around
  1. Sunbathe on the beach → Advance to the next node
  2. Look for the Living Being → Enter a fight
  3. Walk around the coast → Advance to the next node

Scene 4: Village

Node Name Choices
  • Where am I → Walk around → Advance to the next node
  • Explain what happened → Enter a fight
  • I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon → Nothing happens

Scene 5: Wasteland

Node Name Choices
The Lost one
  • Go have a look
  1. Stop him → Advance to the next node
  2. Save him → Enter a fight and save the boy
  3. Leave → Nothing happens
  • Walk By → Nothing happens

Scene 6: Kingdom Capital

Node Name Choices
City Gate
  • Help the army → Obtain item [Portrait of the Princess]
  • Pursue the dragon → Add a new option in the Balcony node
  • Distract the Monster → Consumes [Portrait of the Princess] and hear the History about the princess
  • Go Help → Enter a fight
  • Go directly to the balcony → Advance to the next node


Inver-Shard - Capriccio Inver-Shard - Capriccio Lost Butterfly Event Construct R&D Ticket Basic Construct R&D Ticket Coting Blueprint
x50 x50
Available: 30 Available: 20 Available: 1 Available: 10 Available: 10 Available: 10
1000 1000 4800 100 100 40


6★ Memory Shard Support Skill Component Support Overclock Bundle (L) Support Overclock Bundle (S) Overclock Material Box (β) Overclock Material Box (α) Hypertune Crystal β Hypertune Crystal α
x20 x120
Available: 300 Available: 30 Available: 10 Available: 30 Available: 10 Available: 20 Available: 4 Available: 4
4 18 33 11 40 10 240 240