Tactical Assessment Manual - Battle Pass


The Tactical Assessment Manual (Battle Pass) is a system that rewards playing daily.

BP Overview

Kuro Games' take on the popular multi-tiered Battle Pass system has finally arrived in PGR. Its official name is Tactical Assessment Manual but for simplicity's sake it will be referred to as BP throughout this article. The BP's purpose is to award consistent daily play. It contains repeatable daily and weekly missions which can be easily achieved by spending all free daily Serum, reaching 100 Daily Activity, finishing all weekly tasks and spending a specific amount of Serum throughout the week.

Each BP lasts exactly as long as its respective patch and contains specific missions tied to its limited-time events. These tasks can already be achieved by participating in them and reward a much higher sum of Intel Value. These missions reward participation and are not overly challenging. It's possible to finish all levels of the BP as a f2p player without access to any additional Serum. Alternatively, it is possible to buy missing BP levels at a ratio of 200 BC per level.

If you forget to claim your Intel Value that day/week, the game will keep and accumulate all that progress and reward it back to you the next time you view the Tactical Assessment Manual. So dont feel the need to check back in every day/week. So long as your completing your usual daily and weekly challenges, you will be good.

BP Tiers

Each BP features three tiers:

  • Basic Intel
    • Free tier accessible to each player, contains resources, upgrade materials, and 6★ Memory Shards.

Basic Intel

  • Encrypted Intel
    • Costs 30 RC and its main rewards are 2500 CUB R&D Tickets, 5 Assesment Manual Shard Choices, and CUB upgrade materials

Encrypted Intel

  • Top-Secret Intel
    • Costs 68 RC and its main rewards are 2500 Event Construct R&D Tickets, an exclusive weapon coating, 10 Assesment Manual Shard Choices, and upgrade materials.

Top-Secret Intel

Each Commandant can choose which BP tier(s) to buy as they stack with each other.

BP Spending Tips

The final rewards in the first iteration of the BP were achieved at BP level 50. Starting with the revamped version of the BP the levels rose to 70 for Basic Intel and 80 for Encrypted and Top-Secret Intel.

The base rewards are consistent across patches but the revamped version of the BP introduces S-Rank Inver-Shards of characters who received an Ascension Buff as well as Trade Vouchers, the new BP currency. Trade Vouchers can be spent in a new shop, whose main rewards are said S-Rank Inver-Shards and other rare materials. The first 20 S-Rank Inver-Shards are discounted (804 Trade Vouchers) and it's not recommended to purchase them at full price (1200 Trade Vouchers). BP levels 51-70/80 award Trade Vouchers only.

Voucher Exchange Shop

The Voucher Shop can be accessed from the "Shop" section in-game. Discounted items refresh every month and It's generally not advisable to buy items after their first purchase discount.

S-Rank Inver-Shard

Item Amount Discounted Stock Available Discounted Price Regular Price
Inver-Shard - Capriccio
1 20 804 1200
Inver-Shard - Luminance
1 20 804 1200
Inver-Shard - Rigor
1 20 804 1200
Inver-Shard - Kaleido
1 20 804 1200
Inver-Shard - Pulse
1 20 804 1200
Inver-Shard - Tenebrion
1 20 804 1200
Inver-Shard - Ember
1 20 804 1200
Inver-Shard - Entropy
1 20 804 1200

Redeem Rare Items

Item Amount Discounted Stock Available Discounted Price Regular Price
6★ Memory Resonance Material Pick
1 1 1020 3000
6★ Memory Resonance Material Pick
1 1 2010 3000
Harmony Accelerator
1 None N/A 1200
6★ Weapon Resonance Shard
1 None N/A 120
Hypertune Crystal β
1 None N/A 30
Hypertune Crystal α
1 None N/A 5
Leap Wafer Chip
1 None N/A 2
Uniframe Single Crystal
1 None N/A 2

BP Rewards For All Three Tiers

Recitativo di Fantasia's BP establishes the improved formula including Trade Vouchers. Most of the rewards available in following BP shops are interchangeable with the biggest difference being the S-Rank Inver-Shards. Please refer to the detailed Patch Notes of future events to check when new Shards become available. The following list uses Reveries With A Whale's BP level rewards as an example.

Basic Intel

Item Amount Description Flavor Text
EXP Pod (L)
15 Contains a large amount of EXP points for leveling up members. Construct combat data is preserved for training other members.
Skill Point
6 Data program that increases Construct understanding of skills. Increases skill level. Chip containing skill data. Helps Constructs improve their skills.
Weapon Enhancer IV
20 A bundle that enhances weapons to varying extents based on the density of high-entropy alloy. A rod-shaped weapon containing high-entropy alloy. Often used to enhance other weapons.
Memory Enhancer IV
20 Enhance module for Memory Chips. Provides different benefits based on size. The Science Council preserves Memory Chip enhance data to increase the strength of other Memory Chips.
Major Overclock Alloy
2 Used to exceed equipment level limit for high-rank equipment. Parts containing a large amount of high-entropy alloy. Used to increase the strength of Construct equipment.
Weapon Overclock Core II
2 Key material used to increase weapon level limit. Useful for high-rank equipment. Advanced computing core that increases weapon strength.
Memory Overclock Circuit II
2 Key material used to increase weapon level limit. Useful for high-rank Memory. Advanced parts used to expand Memory Chip computing pathways and increase Memory strength.
Minor Overclock Alloy
6 Used to exceed equipment level limit for low-rank equipment. Parts containing a small amount of high-entropy alloy. Used to enhance equipment of Constructs.
Weapon Overclock Core I
6 Key material used to increase weapon level limit. Useful for low-rank equipment. Basic computing core that increases weapon strength.
Memory Overclock Circuit I
6 Key material used to increase Memory level limit. Useful for low-rank equipment. Basic parts used to expand Memory Chip computing pathways and increase Memory strength.
Fine Gift Box
5 Gives a random fine gift. A wrapped gift box. No way to know what is inside without opening it.
6★ Memory Shard
150 Obtained from recycling 6★ Memory Chips. Parts obtained from recycling a 6★ Memory Chip. Can be used to manufacture other weapons of the same grade, maximizing the use of resources.
Trade Voucher
2000 Can be exchanged for items in Shop - Voucher Exchange A voucher that records resource transactions, which will be submitted for approval.
Integrated CUB EXP (S)
8 Contains learning materials for Combat Unit Boosters to update their data. Can increase the level of Combat Unit Boosters. Constructs and humans need to accumulate experiences over time, but Combat Unit Boosters just need to load the data — this naive belief only lasted until the first batch of Combat Unit Boosters was deployed in battle.
Integrated CUB EXP (L)
4 Contains learning materials for Combat Unit Boosters to update their data. Can significantly increase the level of Combat Unit Boosters. An integrated data set with lots of combat experiences collected from Constructs and Combat Unit Boosters. It can quickly teach the Combat Unit Booster how to adapt to the battlefield and assist other combatants.
Support Overclock Bundle (S)
12 A modification bundle prepared for Combat Unit Boosters. It can remove the level limit on low-rank Combat Unit Boosters. To evolve to the next stage, creatures need to go through substantial hard work and suffering. This also applies to Combat Unit Boosters.
Support Overclock Bundle (L)
4 A modification bundle prepared for Combat Unit Boosters. It can remove the level limit on high-rank Combat Unit Boosters. The special tool and material bundle required for further modification of Combat Unit Boosters after they have accumulated sufficient experience.
Support Skill Component
10 With Combat Unit Booster's skill data loaded, this can increase the skill level of Combat Unit Boosters. The combat data of Constructs and Combat Unit Boosters is refined and analyzed. By learning such data, the skill module of Combat Unit Boosters can be further optimized.

Encrypted Intel

Item Amount Description Flavor Text
Trade Voucher
4500 Can be exchanged for items in Shop - Voucher Exchange A voucher that records resource transactions, which will be submitted for approval.
Integrated CUB EXP (S)
60 Contains learning materials for Combat Unit Boosters to update their data. Can increase the level of Combat Unit Boosters. Constructs and humans need to accumulate experiences over time, but Combat Unit Boosters just need to load the data — this naive belief only lasted until the first batch of Combat Unit Boosters was deployed in battle.
Integrated CUB EXP (L)
30 Contains learning materials for Combat Unit Boosters to update their data. Can significantly increase the level of Combat Unit Boosters. An integrated data set with lots of combat experiences collected from Constructs and Combat Unit Boosters. It can quickly teach the Combat Unit Booster how to adapt to the battlefield and assist other combatants.
Support Skill Component
50 With Combat Unit Booster's skill data loaded, this can increase the skill level of Combat Unit Boosters. The combat data of Constructs and Combat Unit Boosters is refined and analyzed. By learning such data, the skill module of Combat Unit Boosters can be further optimized.
CUB R&D Ticket
2500 The item used to research Combat Unit Boosters. Tickets issued to Executor Squads. Accumulate them to access special equipment research facilities.

Top-Secret Intel

Item Amount Description Flavor Text
EXP Pod (XL)
10 Contains a huge amount of EXP points for leveling up members. Construct combat data is preserved for training other members.
Weapon Enhancer IV
20 A bundle that enhances weapons to varying extents based on the density of high-entropy alloy. A rod-shaped weapon containing high-entropy alloy. Often used to enhance other weapons.
Memory Enhancer IV
80 Enhance module for Memory Chips. Provides different benefits based on size. The Science Council preserves Memory Chip enhance data to increase the strength of other Memory Chips.
Major Overclock Alloy
19 Used to exceed equipment level limit for high-rank equipment. Parts containing a large amount of high-entropy alloy. Used to increase the strength of Construct equipment.
Weapon Overclock Core II
19 Key material used to increase weapon level limit. Useful for high-rank equipment. Advanced computing core that increases weapon strength.
Memory Overclock Circuit II
19 Key material used to increase weapon level limit. Useful for high-rank Memory. Advanced parts used to expand Memory Chip computing pathways and increase Memory strength.
Precious Gift Box
6 Gives a random precious gift. A wrapped gift box. No way to know what is inside without opening it.
Weapon Coating (BP)
1 Weapon Coating Each Top-Secret Intel contains one exclusive Weapon Coating.
6★ Memory Shard
150 Obtained from recycling 6★ Memory Chips. Parts obtained from recycling a 6★ Memory Chip. Can be used to manufacture other weapons of the same grade, maximizing the use of resources.
Trade Voucher
7500 Can be exchanged for items in Shop - Voucher Exchange A voucher that records resource transactions, which will be submitted for approval.
Event Construct R&D Ticket
2500 Used to research event items. Tickets issued to Executor Squads. Accumulate them to access special equipment research facilities.
Support Skill Component
51 With Combat Unit Booster's skill data loaded, this can increase the skill level of Combat Unit Boosters. The combat data of Constructs and Combat Unit Boosters is refined and analyzed. By learning such data, the skill module of Combat Unit Boosters can be further optimized.