Golden Vortex



  • Unlocks upon reaching level 65
  • Achieve 100% exploration rate to unlock the Chapter Reward and the next Chapter
  • Chapter Reward includes 300 BC, 3 Weapon Enhancers, and 10,000 Cogs
  • Each Chapter consists of many branches and each branch shows a different part of the story
  • Each stage gives rewards when they are cleared
  • For each stage, there is a specific Stamina cost and a limit on how many Characters/Omniframes can be deployed
  • Every Construct has 12 Stamina per Chapter, a resource similar to Pain Cage's AP, so remember to plan Construct usage carefully
  • Construct Stamina will be fully recovered at the start of the next Chapter only
  • There is no Serum cost

Chapter 1: Golden Core

M-1: Unveiling the Golden Veil

Hidden in the darkness before Dawn, Gray Raven traveled through sandstorms and entered the unpopulated desert named "Golden Vortex".

M-2: First Conflict

After parting ways with Liv, Gray Raven and the guards of Golden Vortex had conflict for the first time.

Recommended BP: 3000

Required Units: 1

Stage Reward: 30,000 Cogs

M-3: Mystery of the Light Pillar

In the Center of the Golden Vortex was a group of buildings shrouded in the "Golden Pillar". Its origin was still unknown to Gray Raven.

M-4: Mystery of the Light Pillar

30 minutes after Liv left, Lucia found the remains of the Goldfinch members. She swore that she would find out the murderer.

Recommended BP: 3000

Required Units: 1

Stage Reward: 10 Skill Points

M-5: Lone Raven

After the communication with Liv was cut, Lee left to search for her. Lucia stayed back with the commandant.

M-6: Secret Passage

It had been an hour in Golden Vortex, and only Lucia and the commandant were left. They were forced to fall back to the underground secret passage.

Recommended BP: 3000

Required Units: 1

Stage Reward: 10 Skill Points

M-7: The Queen and Hope

After hiding underground for 15 minutes... a Construct caught Lucia's attention. It was walking without purpose like a corpse.

Recommended BP: 3000

Required Units: 1

Stage Reward: 3 EXP Pods (L)

M-8: Royal Guards

The queen's royal guards chased after Lucia and the commandant. They had to run for almost an hour...

M-9: Letter of Invitation

When Lucia was trapped in a tough fight, the mysterious queen sent her royal guards to invite commandant to her palace.

M-10: Awakening

The invitation was in fact a subjugation. Lucia turned down the Queen's offer, so Gray Raven and the royal guards went to war.

Recommended BP: 3000

Required Units: 2

Stage Reward: 150 Black Cards

M-11: Queen's Arrival

It was nearly noon, the sun was hanging high in the sky and scorching the Golden Vortex. The "Golden Queen" finally revealed herself...

Branches from M-1.

BI-1: Companion
Liv joined Browning, the leader of Goldfinch. They started searching for the tactical devices left behind by Goldfinch in the desert.
Recommended BP: 3000
Required Units: 1
Stage Reward: 30,000 Cogs

B1-2: Digging Site
Browning finally found the device after searching in the desert for almost 40 minutes. But it was covered under some golden powder...

B1-3: Protection
The device seemed to have attracted lots of guards. As they quickly came close, Liv swore to protect Browning...
Recommended BP: 3000
Required Units: 1
Stage Reward: 5 Memory Enhancers

B1-4: Aftermath
After more than 10 minutes of digging, the device was almost out. But Browning triggered a landmine underneath it...

B1-5: Trojan Horse
To ensure the search mission could succeed, Liv decided to hack into the device's operating system...
Recommended BP: 3000
Required Units: 1
Stage Reward: 2 Weapon Overclock Core II

B1-6: Cheap Shot
Liv returned to her Construct after 5 minutes of hacking into the system. But Browning...

B1-7: Explosive Encounter
Liv seized the opportunity for a "mutual destruction" with Browning...

Branches from M-4.

BII-1: Value of Existence
Yesterday at noon time, Goldfinch changed their mission objective and started heading toward the center of Golden Vortex.

BII-2: Stumble
It took Goldfinch members almost three hours before they finally arrived at the outer walls of the central area...
Recommended BP: 3000
Required Units: 1
Stage Reward: 3 EXP Pods (L)

BII-3: A Bridge Too Far
Goldfinch members were attacked and chased by the guards. By evening, they realized they no longer had the strength to move any further...
Recommended BP: 3000
Required Units: 1
Stage Reward: 5 Memory Enhancers

BII-4: Contribution
As the night started to fall, Goldfinch members seemed to have foreseen their upcoming fate...

Branches from M-5. Joins back at M-9.

BIII-1: Red Light, Green Light
Minutes after Lee left, he was trapped among a group of guards with peculiar behaviors...

BIII-2: Battle in Alley
Lee struggled for half an hour trying to get rid of the guards. He moved to the secret passage, hoping the guards would be lost...
Recommended BP: 3000
Required Units: 2
Stage Reward: 5 Weapon Enhancers

BIII-3: Big Gamble
Lee fought a tough battle in the underground secret passage. The guards wanted to trap him to death...