
Revision as of 05:26, 25 June 2023 by Roboardo (talk | contribs) (rewritten and added formatting to luna's section, while deleting the old draft)

How to play - Lina Edition

Crimson Abyss - Fundamentals (Pre-Leap)
  • Blue Orb 3-Ping + Any 3-Ping = Core Passive, Blade Will mode (sword wave)
    • Use both 3-Pings back-to-back in quick succession
    • At SS-Rank, trigger Core Passive using Blue Orb 3-Ping + Red Orb 3-Ping
  • Plan around her Matrix
    • Matrix-Ping can help you enter Core Passive state easily
  • The Core Passive backstep animation counts as a dodge
    • Use it to evade attacks
    • It can trigger the effect of Frederick
  • Only use Signal Orbs when:
    • You are activating her Core Passive (sword waves)
    • You need to rearrange your orbs in order to activate her Core Passive
  • Signature Move should only be used for defense
    • Using it gives you temporary invincibility
    • The damage is low and using it results in lower damage-per-second
Crimson Abyss - Additional Information
  • Core Passive details:
    • Every signal orb she has or obtains during her Core Passive gets converted into a sword wave ping.
    • During Core Passive the damage boost from a Blue Orb Ping is massively boosted and turned into additional sword waves.
  • How to use the Frederick memory set:
    • Activate the 4 piece bonus by dodging an enemy's attack to greatly increase the damage they take.
    • Activate the full 2-piece bonus by dodging twice and activating her core passive (the activation counts as a dodge).
    • Dodge towards the enemy to make the most out of the 4 second damage window.
  • Advanced techniques:
    • Dodging shortly after a Red Orb Ping skips the animation but still does full damage.
    • Dodging immediately after a Blue Orb Ping skips the animation.
    • The fastest way to activate her Core Passive and get the most damage is, in extremely rapid succession:
      Blue Orb 3-Ping -> Dodge enemy attack (Matrix) -> Matrix ping (Core Passive) -> Dodge -> Activate QTEs -> Sword Waves

How to play

Plume - Fundamentals
  • Plume has two forms and starts in Normal Form:
    • Pressing the Signature Move button once switches to Arctic Form
    • Activating Signature Move again in Arctic Form performs a powerful attack and turns Plume back to Normal Form
  • When in Normal Form:
    • All of Plume's damage is Physical DMG
    • Using 3-Pings gives 50% energy and a Signature Point (Max 2)
  • When in Arctic Form:
    • All of Plume's damage is converted to Ice DMG
    • Energy drains quickly, but in exchange it gives a 50% extra Ice DMG buff
    • Using 3-Pings gives a Signature Point (Max 4)
  • Signature Points:
    • Are displayed next to the Signature button in Arctic Form
    • Can only be stacked to 4 in Arctic Form (max 2 in Normal Form)
    • Using her Signature Move with 4 points is essential to deal the most damage
Plume - Additional Information
  • Core Passive details:
    • The Blue Orb 3-Ping switch-in attack gives her a signature point and 50% energy in Normal Form
    • Plume's Arctic Form Ice DMG buff also applies to her Signature Move if it's activated before her Energy runs out
    • Activating Arctic Form with full energy rearranges all the orbs in groups of 3-Pings
  • How to use the Hanna memory set:
    • Using a Matrix Ping activates a second Matrix, with a fresh use of Matrix Ping
    • Use the two consecutive Matrix Pings to quickly build Plume's Signature Points
    • Activating the set outside of Matrix doesn't put Plume's Matrix in cooldown
  • Advanced techniques:
    • Dodging immediately after Arctic Form's Red Orb Pings skips the animation but still does full damage.
    • Dodging shortly after Arctic Form's Yellow Orb Pings skips the animation but still does full damage.
    • The best way to deal damage and build full stacks for Plume's Signature Move is:
      Switch-in free Blue Orb 3-Ping -> Signature Move (Arctic Form) -> Dodge enemy attack (Matrix) -> Matrix Ping -> Matrix Ping (Hanna) -> any 3-Ping -> Signature Move
      • The 3-Pings must be executed quickly before Plume's Energy runs out
      • Doing one basic attack before each 3-Ping allows Plume to generate orbs while attacking

How to play

Laurel - Fundamentals
  • Double 3-Pings:
    • After any 3-Ping the next orb pinged will be considered a 3-Ping
    • This bonus does not stack (3-Ping -> Matrix Ping will only give 1 free 3-Ping after)
  • All 3-Pings fill her Core Passive gauge:
    • Each 3-Ping fills 1/4 of the gauge (15 Annihilation Points)
    • After four 3-Pings no more Annihilation Points can be generated
  • Hold Basic Attack to enter Annihilation State:
    • You will get one Annihilation Orb for each 3-Ping (15 points)
    • Your basic attacks deal Dark DMG and generate no energy
    • Each basic attack drains 5 Annihilation Points
    • Depleting all Annihilation Points, swapping out or using Signature Move will exit Annihilation State
Laurel - Additional Information
  • Core Passive details:
    • Annihilation Orbs can be used while doing other actions or while on the ground
    • Ending Annihilation State early will remove all unused Annihilation Orbs
    • Activating Matrix in Annihilation State will generate one Annihilation Orb
    • Exiting Annihilation State by running out of points also sorts your orbs
  • Advanced techniques:
    • Dodging shortly after a Red Orb Ping or a Yellow Orb Ping skips the animation but still does full damage.
    • Blue Orb Ping's animation is almost instantaneous
    • Doing one basic attack before each 3-Ping allows Laurel to generate orbs while attacking
    • To maximize damage it's recommended to save Matrix until Annihilation State is activated with full gauge: four 3-Pings + 5 Annihilation Orbs with the Flamel set will fully charge Laurel's Signature Move
    • Basic attacks during Core Passive still generate orbs, the orbs however get deleted if they appear while in Annihilation State
      • Since an orb is generated every 1.5 seconds while attacking, activating Annihilation State with only 1/4 of the gauge and doing 3 basic attacks is a fast way to sort orbs while also generating them.