Revision as of 14:24, 13 November 2021 by Nine (talk | contribs)

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This site was built with the purpose of creating a high-quality aggregate of information for the Global version of Punishing: Gray Raven. Information from other versions of the game is also present here so that Global players can have a certain amount of foresight, but egregious spoilers from future patches will not be included.

Punishing: Gray Raven (Chinese: 战双帕弥什, Japanese: パニシング:グレイレイヴン) or simply PGR is a 3D post-apocalyptic and sci-fi action RPG developed and published by Kuro Game (库洛游戏). It was first released in China on December 5, 2019 and a year later on December 4, 2020 in Japan. The global release debuted on July 16, 2021.

Planned Future Content

The following is a list of content that is planned to be implemented in the future in no particular order.

  • Add non-6★ weapons
  • Create banners for non-6★ Memory pages
  • Finish adding screenshots sections for characters
  • Optimise the appearance of certain pages/assets
  • Add more Items
  • Add character voice lines to each character page
  • Create dedicated Dorm pages
  • Add a Story section with all of the character dialogue for each chapter

Official Social Media

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