Lost Verity


Lost Verity

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Main Story

In a church in City 173, soldiers Lofte and Toby comment on how the church has been bustling ever since Bianca arrived. The church members suspect her connection to the recent disappearances. Toby does not believe the rumors and continues to treat Bianca with kindness. Eventually, he disappears, causing anxiety to spread through the church.

Two months later, Bianca notices someone in front of the statue of God. She identifies him as Toby, though it is clear that he is infected. He asks Bianca to kill him, which she consents to. His last words express his gratitude towards her. The church members discover the bloody scene and force Bianca to leave. She wanders for the next few days, questioning her decision.

A man emerges from the shadows to introduce himself as Wen, chairman of the Daedalus Corporation. They operate by finding those infected by the Punishing Virus, taking them down, and guaranteeing the safety of others. Wen convinces Bianca to join Daedalus, and she receives her first Construct frame: Veritas.

In City 178, Bianca crushes the enemy forces on the battlefield. As she leaves, she overhears a soldier saying they could have handled it if not for the “merchandise.” Halfway to the aircraft, Bianca falls to the ground from exhaustion. While resting at a nearby shelter, she notices a figure carrying a cement column into the sea. Bianca realizes the dog tag attached to the column belonged to the soldier from before and decides to investigate the matter.

Inside a Daedalus secret storage, Bianca discovers the truth behind the corporation: all the missing people had been forcibly turned into Constructs and restrained inside the warehouse. Wen's hologram appears, explaining that the Constructs are Daedalus' merchandise and Bianca is his finest creation. He releases the stored Constructs to fight her.

After the battle, an injured Bianca enters Wen's office. He attempts to resist, but before he can attack Bianca, she ends his life. Climbing up to the rooftop, Bianca collapses in a pool of her vital fluids as the Star of Life comes to her aid.

Hidden Node

In order to unlock the hidden node story, please see each character's unlock requirements in Interludes.

In the Star of Life’s temporary base, a doctor informs President Hassen that Bianca is awake. Hassen thanks her for exterminating Daedalus. He reveals that Wen was a Kurono traitor they had been tracking for some time. Without Bianca’s help, there would have been far more death and destruction. Hassen offers her an opportunity to join Babylonia's Purifying Force and gives her time to consider it.

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