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|- <!--Active-->
|Active 1=HypergravitationalSupergravity Eclipse: Dark
|Active 1 Detail=AfterThe pingingCUB abutton totalwill ofbe activated after pinging 6 basic Signal Orbs,. theUpon CUBcasting, buttonMoonhopper will becometeleport available.into Tappingthe itair willand teleportsmash Ming Yue, who smashesto the enemy downground, interrupting enemies’enemy attacks andskills, dealing <span style="color:#3168b9;">1000% DMG</span>. MingDark YueDMG, thenand leaves behindcreating an antiAnti-gravity field,Field which lasts for 4s. The anti-gravity fieldthat deals <span style="color:#3168b9;">100%</span> Dark DMG to all enemies inside every 0.5s tofor enemies4s. Enemies inside. Inthe addition,Anti-gravity enemiesfield arewill be slowed down and unable to castuse their skills while inside the anti-gravity field.
|Active 1 Detail on Element=
|Active 2=Super Moonfall ZoneField: Dark
|Active 2 Detail=AfterThe pingingCUB abutton totalwill ofbe activated after pinging 6 basic Signal Orbs,. theUpon CUBcasting, buttonMoonhopper will becometeleport available.into Tappingthe itair willand teleportsmash Ming Yue, who smashesto the enemy downground, interrupting enemies’enemy attacks andskills, dealing <span style="color:#3168b9;">1000% DMG</span>. MingDark YueDMG, thenand leaves behindcreating an antiAnti-gravity field, which lasts for 2s. Activating the anti-gravityField fieldthat deals <span style="color:#3168b9;">500% DMG</span>Dark DMG upon its creation. InThe additionAnti-gravity Field lasts 2s, in which enemies arewill be slowed down and unable to castuse their skills. while inside the anti-gravity field.
|Active 2 Detail on Element=
|- <!--Passive-->
|Passive 1=“Higher,“High Higher”Jumping”
|Passive 1 Detail=Ming Yue’sMoonhopper’s Active Skills deal <span style="color:#3168b9;">70%</span> more DMG.
|Passive 2=“Trample, Tromp”“Foot-stamping”
|Passive 2 Detail=Increases the carrier’s ATK of Ming Yue’s carrier by <span style="color:#3168b9;">100</span>.
|Passive 3=“Smash, Crash”“Smashing”
|Passive 3 Detail=UponEach activatingtime MingMoonhopper Yue’scasts an Active SkillsSkill, the carrier’s Extra DMG Bonus of theirthe carrier's Signature Move increases by <span style="color:#3168b9;">5%</span>. Can stackbe stacked up to 3 times.
|Passive 4=“Scratch, Scrape”“Paw-licking”
|Passive 4 Detail=Increases the carrier’s Dark DMG by <span style="color:#3168b9;">10%</span>.
|Passive 5=“Walk“Bye-offbye Homerun”
|Passive 5 Detail=When Karenina: Scire is carrying Ming Yue and activatesperforms her Signature Move while carrying Moonhopper, sheMoonhopper will hitbe Ming Yueswung to increase the Baseenemy, DMGincreaseing of herthe Signature Move's Base DMG Bonus by <span style="color:#3168b9;">100%</span>;. whenWhile Karenina: RadiantScire Daybreak enters theis charging modeup by holding the Basic Attack button, MingMoonhopper Yuewill pullspull in nearbysurrounding enemies and activatesunleash Moonfall<span Zonestyle="color:#3168b9;">Super toMoonfall support KareninaField</span>.

Revision as of 17:15, 29 July 2023


Active & Passive Skills

Active Skill 1

Supergravity Eclipse: Dark

The CUB button will be activated after pinging 6 basic Signal Orbs. Upon casting, Moonhopper will teleport into the air and smash to the ground, interrupting enemy skills, dealing 1000% Dark DMG, and creating an Anti-gravity Field that deals 100% Dark DMG to all enemies inside every 0.5s for 4s. Enemies inside the Anti-gravity field will be slowed down and unable to use their skills.
Active Skill 2

Super Moonfall Field: Dark

The CUB button will be activated after pinging 6 basic Signal Orbs. Upon casting, Moonhopper will teleport into the air and smash to the ground, interrupting enemy skills, dealing 1000% Dark DMG, and creating an Anti-gravity Field that deals 500%Dark DMG upon its creation. The Anti-gravity Field lasts 2s, in which enemies will be slowed down and unable to use their skills.
Passive 1

“High Jumping”

Moonhopper’s Active Skills deal 70% more DMG.
Passive 2


Increases the carrier’s ATK by 100.
Passive 3


Each time Moonhopper casts an Active Skill, the Extra DMG Bonus of the carrier's Signature Move increases by 5%. Can be stacked up to 3 times.
Passive 4


Increases the carrier’s Dark DMG by 10%.
Passive 5

“Bye-bye Homerun”

When Karenina: Scire performs her Signature Move while carrying Moonhopper, Moonhopper will be swung to the enemy, increaseing the Signature Move's Base DMG Bonus by 100%. While Karenina: Scire is charging up by holding the Basic Attack button, Moonhopper will pull in surrounding enemies and unleash Super Moonfall Field.