

Each week on each server, the lineup of Ultimate Phantom Pain Cage bosses is randomized. Bosses within the same Group cannot be fought within the same week. · Group α contains Qu, Gabriel, Nozzle, Unknown Construct α, and Sharkspeare. · Group β contains Siren, Machiavelli, Huaxu, and Amberia. · Group γ contains Pterygota Queen, Camu, Rosetta, and Musashi IX.


To unlock Ultimate Zone, you must reach a total score of 1-million points in Advanced Phantom Pain Cage. However, there are three potential pools this randomization can draw from: Group α (Alpha), Group β (Beta), and Group γ (Gamma). Bosses within the same Group cannot be fought within the same week. It features new and returning bosses, all of whom have far higher stats than in lower tiers, and different rewards.

Group α

Group β

Group γ