

Tirra's Page

 Lucia: Lotus  Lucia: Dawn

Dorm Event Line
Shelf I'm sorry, Commandant...
I misplaced an arm component during maintenance...
I was looking for it and didn't notice you...
You'll help me look for it? Well, would you mind looking over by that shelf for me...?
Thank you. It's only a small component, but it's vital...
Bed Constructs don't experience fatigue.
But beds do look very soft...
Humans seem to have great difficulty leaving them in the morning.
Hm... Warm and... fluffy...
Sofa Is it time to fight yet?
Well, I guess I could rest a while longer.
I remember the Commandant saying how comfortable slouching on a sofa is.
I-indeed... It's very good...
Pat Staying here calms my M.I.N.D.
After all, even machines need maintenance.
It'd be even better if an understanding Commandant were here.
Thanks, Commandant!
Gift Dorm items can be bought with certain special parts, right?
I've only seen them once or twice...
But this should be it, right? Here.
Dorm Coin Are you rearranging the room, Commandant?
I can help out if you like.
At least... I can contribute some materials.
Conversation 1 Windows? They don't matter much to Constructs.
But seeing the sky must be something good.
After all, isn't a blue sky what we are working towards?
Conversation 2 Oh, was there an assembly signal?
Sorry. I didn't catch that...
I must have unknowingly stayed here for too long... Is it because I associate this place with you?
Conversation 3 Oh, isn't that my old knife?
Looks like it's been turned into a piece of decoration.
They say it's proof of my valor... but I was just doing my job.
Conversation 4 I spend most of my time in battles. Moments like these are few and far between.
Still, I can't complain.
After all, we all want to live on Earth with you.
Idle 1 Hm?
Idle 2 You came?
Idle 3 0v0
Idle 4 Boy!
Idle 5 I usually hate cramped places, but I don't really mind them when you're with me.
Idle 6 Is this what a home feels like?
Idle 7 (,,??ω?)ノ"
Idle 8 Yes, quite reassuring.
Idle 9 Finally, some quietude. Usually, it's death cries and Lee arguing with Kamui...
Idle 10

 Liv: Eclipse  Liv: Lux  Liv: Luminance

Dorm Event Line
Shelf (Glares)
Um, Commandant...
Do you happen to know where the parcel I placed here is at?
N-no, I'm not suggesting that you took it...
Would you mind helping me look over that shelf?
There it is! Thanks, Commandant!
Bed Big fluffy quilts are another kind of medicine.
They heal those wounds you cannot see.
Really? May I...?
I don't seem to want to leave.
Sofa Are you escaping from work again?
It troubles me seeing you like this, Commandant...
Then allow me to slack off with you together on the sofa!
Sometimes it's nice just to laze around...
Pat Yesterday I found a new medical book in the database!
It claimed that there are many ways to treat wounds without resorting to drugs or machinery...
One of which includes the usage of affirmative body contact techniques...
Such as patting someone on the head to praise or comfort them.
Ah! Commandant, what are you...? T-that makes me giddy inside somehow.
Gift Commandant, would this be of use to you?
I found it while cleaning Kamui's room!
I almost recycled it. But luckily I was called away...
Dorm Coin I've seen some nice room layouts before, Commandant.
I think I can probably help!
If nothing else, I can at least contribute some materials!
Conversation 1 I love how it feels here!
There's a sort of... warmth here that I've never felt before.
My past? There's nothing worth talking about!
Just being here with you is more than enough for me!
Conversation 2 Trying to care for others is something that came naturally to me...
Don't I get tired...? No, Constructs don't experience fatigue...
But sometimes, I wonder...
What is it like to have someone care for you?
But I guess, I know the answer now.
Conversation 3 This place has a calming effect on my M.I.N.D.
It's the perfect place to rest...
If y-you... wouldn't mind...
...Staying a bit longer, that would be nice too...
Conversation 4 Why do people like to watch the sunrise and sunset?
I guess they enjoy the feeling of the day starting and ending like a cycle.
But for me... I like it because it makes me feel more intensely alive. I can feel the passage of time more acutely.
Idle 1 Like the Commandant says, turn that frown upside down!
Idle 2 Y-you can do it!
Idle 3 The light here has a star-like quality.
Idle 4 ...
Idle 5 Raindrops on roses...
Idle 6 (,,??ω?)ノ"
Idle 7 Is this warm feeling what humans call coziness?
Idle 8 I can stay here if you like, Commandant.
Idle 9 This place is better than my old dormitory.
Idle 10 My M.I.N.D. feels all refreshed!

Stamp - Don't Run Away

Stamp - Bring It On