Ultima Awakening
In-Game Text
Obtain ultimate skill: 3 Signal Orbs will be obtained on debut.
Awaken Method
- Member Lv.65
- Member reaches 5000 BP
- Equip 6★ Resonance Skills * 12
In-Depth Explanation
Ultima Awakening is a process by which a character must receive twelve Resonances in total, most often done through Resonating the top and bottom slot of each 6★ Memory. If any character can have 12 Resonances equipped at once, including through a 6★ weapon, and have at least 5,000 BP, they will become eligible for Ultima Awakening.
To Awaken a character who is eligible, select the character and go to Train → Level up → Awaken.
The reward for Awakening a character is a new character portrait, a cosmetic ring around the character's limb, and an additional 3 Signal Orbs at the start of battle.
Memory Resonance Slots