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Main Story Info Here

A World Government Conference begins on Babylonia. Citizens of the World Government are able to directly vote on bills or decisions through their terminals, with all the data handled by Gestalt. Congressman Fermi asks Hassen about the extravagance behind the return ceremony of the Commandant. The latter explains this is justified due to the Commandant's heroic feats in Atlantis, including the retrieval of the Omega File, which in turn, gives the people of Babylonia hope in humanity’s future. Nikola follows up that having the Gray Ravens present and in the public's attention hinders Kurono from interfering with them. The hall clears out, leaving only Hassen, Nikola, and Ombudswoman Hilda behind and they begin to discuss the Science Council’s findings on the Omega File.
A World Government Conference begins on Babylonia. Citizens of the World Government are able to directly vote on bills or decisions through their terminals, with all the data handled by Gestalt. Congressman Fermi asks Hassen about the extravagance behind the return ceremony of the Commandant. The latter explains this is justified due to the Commandant's heroic feats in Atlantis, including the retrieval of the Omega File, which in turn, gives the people of Babylonia hope in humanity’s future. Nikola follows up that having the Gray Ravens present and in the public's attention hinders Kurono from interfering with them. The hall clears out, leaving only Hassen, Nikola, and Ombudswoman Hilda behind and they begin to discuss the Science Council’s findings on the Omega File.

Latest revision as of 17:34, 8 December 2023

← 15 The Last Spark 17 The Surviving Lucem →

16 Evernight Beat

1200px x 300px

Main Story

A World Government Conference begins on Babylonia. Citizens of the World Government are able to directly vote on bills or decisions through their terminals, with all the data handled by Gestalt. Congressman Fermi asks Hassen about the extravagance behind the return ceremony of the Commandant. The latter explains this is justified due to the Commandant's heroic feats in Atlantis, including the retrieval of the Omega File, which in turn, gives the people of Babylonia hope in humanity’s future. Nikola follows up that having the Gray Ravens present and in the public's attention hinders Kurono from interfering with them. The hall clears out, leaving only Hassen, Nikola, and Ombudswoman Hilda behind and they begin to discuss the Science Council’s findings on the Omega File.

Elsewhere in Babylonia, Collins is having a meltdown. Kurono has captured Luna, but the data they gathered from Luna’s frame is not satisfactory enough for Collins. He believes that if Constructs are an improvement on the flesh and bones of humans, then Ascendants are extraordinary leaps of progress and what Kurono has discovered isn’t close. Collins knows that to find the answers he’s seeking he needs more information from “that Agent.”

Back in the congress hall, Hilda reveals that the Science Council has been running experiments with the information from the Omega File. They were eventually able to reproduce the phenomenon that the Atlantis researchers observed. Hassen concludes that the implication of this finding is that the Punishing Virus can be absorbed. He orders the Science Council be promoted to the highest level of resource distribution and for all their needs to be prioritized.

Asimov speaks about his desire for more data regarding Hetero-Creatures and the Hetero-Hive Mother. Hilda recounts findings from the Science Council regarding the fight with the Hetero-Hive Mother. The Glory frame’s Inver Device was overloading because it had intercepted a connection the Hetero-Hive mother had with something else beyond the sewers. This behavior is similar to the connection of the Polyphage and the Pterygota Queen. Damaging one part of the connection has the wounded side send out an alert to the surviving side in a way to accumulate experience. The fact they are able to do this means that the Hetero-Creatures have already evolved to a high level of intelligence.

Hilda speculates that there may be more than one Hetero-Hive Mother, or at the very least believes that having multiple bodies is a shared characteristic of Hetero-Creatures. Asimov reasons that there is like a more “completed” Hetero-Hive mother out there. Hassen assures him that he will send out forces to find more information on such a creature. He waves his hand to activate a recorded projection of the mass of Task Force teams he is dedicating to this project. Asimov notices a pink-haired Construct with a badge from the Control Courts staring directly into the camera.

Babylonia’s artificial sun sets, and most of Babylonia is asleep. The Commandant is still awake and going over recent combat logs. Recently the Gray Ravens have spent most of their time traveling from safe zone to safe zone on the surface, and far away from the frontline. The Commandant has grown weary of the overprotection the Parliament has foisted on its newest hero.

The Commandant’s train of thought is broken when Liv, Lucia, and Lee enter the office. They discuss the current situation of the Gray Ravens. Lee expresses frustration, believing that there were more problems they could solve if they were not stuck on the backlines in safety. Lucia brings up that the situation is not steady, and that Kurono may still have not given up on the Commandant. The Commandant’s terminal rings, the caller being Chrome.

Chrome says that finding this advanced Hetero-Creature that Vonnegut is growing is time sensitive, thus they need someone who has combat experience with Specialized Frames, overloading Inver-Devices, and Ascendants. The only choice is the Commandant..

They rendezvous at Asimov’s lab and are told that the Science Council needs a lot of research samples of the Hetero-Hive mother or similarly complex creatures made of the Punishing Virus. Chrome hypothesizes the areas that Vonnegut could be located. The researcher describes anomalies that result from the high amount of Punishing Virus that is required to make a Hetero-Hive Mother. The Commandant, with their recent missions visiting Safe Zones, notes common factors and narrows down the most probable location Vonnegut is hiding -- Pulia Forest Park.

On the Command bridge, Hassen is approached by Nikola. Despite their misgivings, they conclude it was the correct decision to approve Gray Raven’s request to join this mission. Hilda rushes into the bridge announcing that they found the Hetero Hive Mother’s location: inside CPF 040 located at the center of the Forest Park. However, the images they have from the location show a dire situation. The Punishing Virus has taken over the trees and a giant tree infused with the Virus has replaced the CPF. More video shows that the Hetero-Creatures are now able to form humanoid bodies, alternatively now called “Hetero-Sapiens.”

Nikola points out that trying to retrieve a sample of this Hetero-Hive Mother while also clearing the forest of the Punishing Virus will require a hefty price. Hilda suggests that they use the Longinus Arsenal system for the operation, however this means that they would give up on retrieving a sample, which would put research on the Omega File behind. Hassen decides that the Longius Arsenal will only be a worst-case scenario solution and decides to deploy the Task Force instead. Nikola recommends that Hans be the commander of the mission, since he is the only soldier known with the experience and strength to decide whether to use the Longinus Arsenal or to order a full-scale assault to retrieve samples.

Hassen has a meeting with Hans, who puts forward that he is ready and willing to die for this operation. Hans requests Woodcock, Egret, Gray Raven, and an additional commandant in Simon to join the operation, as Simon has a strong M.I.ND. Beacon second only to the Commandant.

The force gathers on the surface and are briefed on the situation by Hans. The first objective is to defeat the Hetero-Hive Mother and gather samples, and if that is not possible they are to give Babylonia coordinates for orbital bombardment to wipe out the area. The second is to save as many Scavengers as possible.

During the strategy meeting, the Commandant meets the commandant of Woodcock, Harley Jo and a Construct under his command, Yata. Simon and Vanessa are also present. Harley Jo describes the ecology of the forest and how the Punishing Virus has begun imitating plants. Destroying these “Hetero-Plants” is difficult and impedes traversal through the forest. Egret attempts short-distance flights across the trees, but they are immediately met with surface-to-air attacks by Hetero-Creatures that turn themselves into weapons. The frequency and strength of the attacks becomes stronger near the filter tower of CPF 040.

The Task Force advances through the forest and fights through the creatures that attack them. After some time they receive an urgent message from Babylonia. Hassen informs them that the Red Tide is showing up all over the globe where there are Corrupted activities, rapidly raising virus concentrations and turning more and more areas into Dead Zones.

News grows even more dire when Liv and another Construct, Eleanor, explain their findings regarding the Hetero-Sapiens. Extremely potent electric signals spread in their nervous system after being hurt, and unlike humans, this system continues on through their umbilical cords. The Commandant suspects that these signals are being uploaded, creating a sort of hive-mind.Hans deduces this to be the reason why the density of enemies increases as they come closer to the filter, like insects protecting their queen. Liv explains further that these signals won’t be uploaded until the Hetero-Sapiens gather and share their senses. The Task Force realizes that if they are able to disrupt this process and dislodge the umbilical cords, the Hetero-Sapiens will be unable to handle the input and break apart, causing a chain-reaction and paralyzing the entire group.

The group eventually reaches their destination at CPF 040. Liv informs the team that the concentration of the virus is rising within the tower. They breach the tower and enter inside. Simon and the Commandant work hard to stabilize the Constructs as they secure the area.

The Gray Ravens come upon a Hetero-Hive Mother suspended in mid-air, larger and even more complete than they had last seen. The Commandant fires upon the creature and is immediately attacked by tentacles that the rest of the Gray Ravens fend off. They destroy all of the umbilical cords that Mother has attached to it, denying it the ability to upload information. However, strange black fluid pours out of the creature. Lucia’s attacks put the Mother on the defensive, but the way it is positioned has the Commandant realize that it is protecting something within itself. They shout out a warning, but the Hetero-Hive Mother uses the remaining umbilical cords to escape a lethal attack from Lucia and hoist itself into the air. The plates on the Hetero-Hive Mother shift and rearrange, revealing a red structure where two humanoid figures were contained.

The two figures break through the cage and fall to the ground. Both resemble humans closely, having distinctive features such as hairs, eyes, and limbs. One is a female and the other male. With its dying gasps, the Mother calls these two beings its “children.”

A blow from the twins sends the Gray Ravens sprawling. The twins exude exceeding levels of the Punishing Virus that the Commandant and Simon are at their limit trying to stop the Gray Raven’s Constructs from being infected. The Commandant feels the anger coming from the twins directed at those that hurt their “mother.” The Hetero-Mother uses one of its remaining tentacles to impale the Commandant’s flank. The Commandant uses their remaining ammunition to kill the Hetero-Hive mother. The platform beneath them crumbles and the Commandant loses consciousness as a Construct catches them.

Hans and Simon use explosives to penetrate the chamber and secure Gray Raven after the death of the Mother. Gray Ravens inform Hans that a piece of the Mother is stuck inside the wound of the Commandant. He orders a full speed evacuation through the top of the tower where Harley Jo had made an exit.

Hans pulls the trigger for the Longinus Arsenal but nothing happens. The bit domain nodes set up by the Task Force malfunction due to the effect of the Hetero-Mother and the twins. Hans tasks Harley Jo and Yata to send the sample back to Babylonia and reminds the force to fulfill their mission while he stays behind. Walking the opposite direction, Hans endures the rising concentration of the Punishing Virus as he manually recalibrates the nodes. In his final moments, he holds no regrets in dying on the battlefield and presses the trigger for the Longinus Arsenal once more.

The Task Force completes its evacuation from Pulia Forest Park and reunites with the Egret squad. Babylonia sends a transmission and advises them to wait for a transport craft. Unfortunately, Simon faints out of exhaustion from stabilizing the Constructs’ M.I.N.D.. At the same time, the twins and all remaining Hetero-Sapiens approach the Task Force’s camp, declaring war on humankind. The Gray Ravens face off against the twins but fall one by one. Meanwhile, the Commandant’s consciousness drifts between dreams and reality. They see the figures of Hans, Simon, and all other Constructs who participated in the mission salute them before fading into darkness.

Before the twins launch a fatal blow on Liv, the Longinus Arsenal strikes down at CPF 040 – disintegrating the Hetero-Mother inside, as well as Hans. The twins rush back in an attempt to save it but fail. They turn and leave the decimated forest park, viewing the loss of their “Mother” as a necessary step for evolution.

Several hours after the twins left the battlefield, the large transport craft promised by Babylonia crash lands before the Task Force, leaving only its pilot alive. They begin their retreat on foot but a similar hellish landscape is seen wherever they go. Liv joins the rescue team and encounters a deceased female Construct buried under the debris whom Liv previously saved in her early career. She begins to question whether she can truly save anyone at all.

The Parliament holds an emergency meeting. While Babylonia has received the sample from the Hetero-Hive Mother, it came with a huge amount of loss for humanity. The people of Babylonia move that Parliament think outside the box and secure humanity’s survival in this pivotal point in history. Hassen reassures everyone that the key of hope is in their hands.

Hidden Story

A week before the battle of Pulia Forest Park, Vonnegut shares his power with Roland in exchange for his cooperation. He believes that “Mother” is the condensation of the Punishing Virus’ will. Where Gabriel failed Vonnegut shall succeed—the former disregarded emotions, but emotions are necessary to pass the Ascension Network’s filtering process. Having fed “Mother” humans, Vonnegut is certain that it will learn their emotions and produce the next step in the Ascension Network’s evolution.

Vonnegut takes Roland to see “Mother.” Once used to reduce the concentration of the Punishing Virus, the city’s Central Purification Filter (CPF) is now “Mother’s” hotbed for absorbing nutrients. All it needs is Roland’s help to complete its gestation.

Roland disguises himself as a helpless refugee named Rolmo and pretends to run into three Scavengers who shake him down for supplies. Promising them there is more in the CPF, Roland tricks the Scavenger group into guiding them there. As Zack, Kordes, and Beardy follow “Rolmo” into the forest, they notice that the surrounding greenery has turned red from the Punishing Virus. They see humanoid creatures—Hetero-Sapiens—crawling on the ground and attempting to mimic human behavior. Frightened, the three Scavengers run for their lives and reconvene with Roland in front of the CPF.

They enter the building through a ventilation duct and arrive in a room of supplies. As they rummage through the boxes, Zack notices a gust of wind rising from a vent. Soon, countless Hetero-Creatures break through the vent. The Scavengers head to higher ground and barricade themselves in an airtight valve. Roland picks up a bag of hydrangea seeds which Kordes dropped. The latter was a former botanist who developed a new variant and promised his lost daughter to plant them in a garden someday. A loud roar interrupts the group and the whole tower shakes from the rapid growth of plants. One of the branches latches onto Roland’s leg and drags him down the elevator shaft.

Revealing the entire sequence to be an act, Roland lands gracefully and enters Cinderelik’s greenhouse where “Mother” incubates and grows. The room also contains monitors displaying images throughout the CPF, through which Cinderelik monitors the entire building and “Mother’s” status. She explains that “Mother’s” incubation rate has increased due to stimulation from outside the CPF and the changing mental state of the Scavengers. However, neither she nor Roland knows what will hatch out of it.

In order for Roland to better understand the motivations behind “Mother’s” incubation, Cinderelik shows him Gabriel’s last recording. After being bested by Alpha, Gabriel laments not being able to see the peak of the virus’s evolution and leaves his legacy to Cinderelik. Despite being a machine, Gabriel’s emotions and memories – a past mired with abuse from humans – reveal themselves in the recordings. Cinderelik asks Roland to provide details on Gabriel’s experiments not covered by the recordings, but the latter wants to know first about Gabriel’s last words. She opens a data file, where Gabriel ominously declares that the real culmination of the Punishing Virus shall soon come into being.

Meanwhile, the Scavengers come into their bearings after retreating to a safe location. Kordes notes that the Hetero-Plants act more like appendages and cannot be damaged. Doing so will release a high concentration of Punishing Virus. Unable to use the emergency exit, Zack concludes that the group must open the main entrance from the central control room. The Scavengers make use of explosives to distract the Hetero-Creatures in the access corridor. This impresses Roland, who is watching them from the monitors. Cinderelik sees the Scavengers posing little to no threat to “Mother,” but Roland warns her not to underestimate humanity’s potential.

Within the control room, Zack discovers that the system was last activated during the Post-Pandemic Age. He wonders how it has continued to operate for two months despite requiring routine maintenance and why the Punishing Virus concentration in the building remains low. Zack used to be a mechanical engineer who maintained the centrifuge array of filter towers. He dismissed a mechanical abnormality, which caused its machines and his family to be infected by the Punishing Virus. Zack also discovers data on the Hetero-Hive Mother: its umbilical cords provide it with Punishing Virus redirected from the centrifuge array which explains his suspicions.

Realizing that the threat is bigger than what they can handle, the Scavengers attempt to make contact with Babylonia. Unfortunately, the signal was jammed a long time ago. As atonement for his mistakes, Zack decides to deactivate the centrifuge array in order to stop “Mother” from absorbing more of the virus. Cinderelik immediately senses “Mother’s” fear and notices the steady decrease of its incubation rate. Due to a lack of resources, “Mother” tries to climb outside and its vines become more aggressive. A scarlet branch pierces Zack’s abdomen and he falls to the ground.

Cinderelik smashes open the barricaded door. Before she is able to eliminate the Scavengers, Roland breaches the wall beside and “accidentally” interrupts her attack. He requests to have a word with the group first and reveals that he, “Rolmo”, is sided with the Corrupted. Roland proposes that Kordes and Beardy leave the dying Zack behind in order to save themselves. Seeing their reluctance, Roland uses his chain blades to “attack” them and sends Kordes and Beardy flying. Before falling into a dark stairwell, Kordes receives a card from Roland which shows the directions to the building’s exit.

Cinderelik wonders why Roland chose to spare the two. He argues that they were the only variables to have a direct effect on “Mother”. Only by letting it feel fear can they know if it is evolving in the right direction. Roland is curious how it will react by continuing to let Kordes and Beardy survive. Cinderelik reports the events to Vonnegut. He replies that she and “Mother” have completed their mission and that he will uphold his end in Roland’s bargain. Since Babylonia has found their location, Vonnegut advises them to take all their research materials and leave.

Zack’s consciousness continues to fade in and out in his final moments. Roland visits him and tells him that Kordes and Beardy have already escaped. Zack requests Roland to give them his last vial of serum – one which he kept for himself in case the group is separated. He chooses to trust Roland because he witnessed the latter save his friends. Even if Roland’s kindness comes across as fake, it will not be meaningless, just as how he, as a former lead actor, convinced the director to change the original sad ending in a movie that Zack is fond of. Roland promises Zack to deliver the serum as his final gift to the man who remembers his old self.

As Kordes and Beardy retreat through the endless forest, they are stopped by the massive amount of Hetero-Sapiens. Before Beardy throws his last grenade, Roland throws Zack’s vial of serum to him and defends the pair against an approaching monster. He tells them that Babylonia’s transport crafts are arriving and now, they can finally call for help.

After the firing of the Longinus Arsenal, Roland wanders the hellish landscape and picks up another vial of serum. A voice in his M.I.N.D. asks him what kind of world he wants to see. Roland looks back at the scorched earth and remarks how sad and pathetic it is.

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