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During the emergency evacuation for Operation Red Tide, No. 21’s careless driving causes Cerberus to crash their folding truck. After a call from Nikola, the Support Force arrives to recycle the crashed vehicle, and a transport craft takes Cerberus back to Babylonia.
Main Story Info Here

A few days after the emergency evacuation, a woman named Rebecca speaks with Collins in his office. He asks her to be the face of the operation and to act as a middleman between Kurono and the Parliament. In addition, she would have to scour inside the Commandant’s brain for hidden secrets.

Collins’ observation of the Commandant has revealed signs of a corrupted mind beacon. He proclaims that this, along with the chain reaction memory replays, might be what he is looking for in his quest for a new era of research.


After preparing for their mission, Cerberus arrives in an abandoned residential area from the late Golden Age. Their objective is to investigate the abnormal M.I.N.D. fluctuations in the area and find the missing Luna. Noctis and No. 21 set up the node device that enhances remote connections. Once the nodes are running, they report in and wait for the exact coordinates from Murray.

Inside a glass chamber, the Gray Raven Commandant drifts in and out of consciousness. They recall resting in the infirmary after Operation Red Tide when two Special Forces members had brought them a transfer note. Hassen previously told the Commandant that collaborating with Kurono would be the only way to ensure their freedom. Although Hassen is reluctant to involve the Commandant in the search for Luna, he sees this as the first step to strike back at Kurono.


Rebecca’s voice brings the Commandant back to the present. She reminds them of the mission and allows them to connect remotely with the deployed team. The device detects a familiar M.I.N.D. signal. When the Commandant’s vision clears, they see two unfamiliar Constructs. They had synced up with Vera, much to her and the rest of the team’s displeasure. After introductions, they confirm their assignment to search for Luna and proceed as the sun rises.

Through the fog, No. 21 fires a beam from her laser cannon. She claims to have sensed “eyes” that turn out to be a tree. Entering the town, No. 21 spies more dolls in the window of a nearby shop. She decapitates the doll, but Vera dismisses her suspicions.


After checking the map, the team realizes they have reached the hospital. A brief recon of the area turns nothing up.

The Commandant’s vision goes black, and the scene shifts as they experience symptoms of memory replay. Questioning Vera reveals that she had not experienced the same apparitions.

As they ponder the absence of the Corrupted, red dots light up the terminal. Cerberus tracks the signal to the hospital entrance and engages with a horde of Corrupted Medic Bots.

Noctis finds a message leading them along. Vera declares it unrelated to the mission but agrees to send a reluctant No. 21 with the Commandant to investigate. Meanwhile, she would continue the original mission with Noctis. After a turbulent connection switch to No. 21’s M.I.N.D., they set out to track the mysterious third party.

They pass by the precinct Noctis mentioned. No. 21 gets startled by a child’s laughter and hands on the window while inspecting a car. She fires her laser cannon at it, but nothing is inside. The Commandant is surprised that, unlike Vera, No. 21 can see the apparitions.

As they head back to the hospital, No. 21 begins to experience a strange feeling in her head. The Commandant loses their connection to her M.I.N.D. and wakes up back in the glass chamber. Rebecca’s hologram informs the Commandant both Kurono and Cerberus have lost No. 21’s connection. She would have to abandon No. 21, but the Commandant convinces her otherwise when they explain the strange apparitions only they and No. 21 could see.


It takes the Commandant much effort to connect with No. 21 again. They find her terrified and wounded, but take the time to soothe her so she does not reject the M.I.N.D. connection.


Signs of battle line the hospital reception, and there is a high level of abnormal M.I.N.D. fluctuation. The Commandant concludes that Luna had been here. These apparitions were shadows of the past activated by objects or locations. The question is, who wanted the Commandant to experience them?

They follow the shadow of the young girl to a house. No. 21 solves the door puzzle and enters. A frame with a picture of two familiar young girls catches the Commandant’s attention.


It becomes clear that they are watching Luna’s memories unfold. The Commandant falls into the current of memories. As the light comes close to disappearing, No. 21 cuts her hand. The pain drags the Commandant back to reality.

Moving through the house, No. 21 searches for clues, fighting the Corrupted along the way. The more clues she comes across, the more visions she experiences as the scene shifts between the past and the present. No. 21 watches Lucia and Luna prepare for a party. From outside, their mother urges them to hide upstairs. The girls take refuge in their bedroom as Lucia checks on her mother through the window. She watches the Corrupted crush her father while her mother dies, attempting to barricade the gate with her body.

To calm her sister, Lucia explains that everything is part of a horror movie the town is making. Luna is also part of the movie and needs to hide while Lucia distracts the monsters. Time passes, and Luna grows tired of hiding. She leaves the basement to find her sister getting attacked by the monsters. Luna rushes to save Lucia, and the Corrupted sets its sights on her. As it leaps towards her, the memory ends, and No. 21 returns to the present to hear a loud bang at the door. She finds Vera and Noctis outside.

Cerberus follows the final message, eager to meet the clown behind this elaborate game of hide-and-seek. Their trek brings them to a woodland trail where they hear the faint sound of voices. They find Roland engaged in battle with a metal monstrosity called Voodoo.

Vera decides to retreat, but before they can do that, Voodoo spots No. 21. The squad has no choice but to fight.

Voodoo reveals that she has already corrupted No. 21’s M.I.N.D. from the moment they arrived in the town. The Commandant leaves the battle to Vera and Noctis. They enter No. 21’s M.I.N.D. to bring her back.

Inside the M.I.N.D. space, No. 21 continues to observe Luna’s memories. The voice of a fake Commandant demeans her and spurs her on in continuous battle. No. 21 sees through the illusion and regains her senses. She joins her squad to battle against Voodoo. Victory is within Cerberus’ grasp, but Roland activates an attack that immobilizes them.

Voodoo agrees to take Roland to Mr. Vonnegut following the satisfactory performance. After she leaves, Roland directs his gaze at No. 21. He senses she is connected to the Gray Raven Commandant, saying he would love to see their face once they discover the truth.

Kurono reinforcements arrive, forcing Roland to leave. Vera breaks free from the magnetic restraint device and explains that it had been a trick as she goes to free Noctis and No. 21. The leading Kurono Construct explains that Cerberus would have to terminate their mission. At first, Vera is unwilling to cooperate but changes her mind without warning. The other squad members do not question her.


The M.I.N.D. connection ends, and the Commandant finds themself back in the glass chamber. Kurono’s true mission becomes clear to them—they are not looking to find Luna but to gather evidence from her memories.

The Operation Leader at the World Government Operation Logistics Center brings Nikola the storage module he had been looking for. He instructs the Operation Leader to send the address to Cerberus’ channel. They both pretend the conversation had never happened.

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{{Header Full|Hidden Story}}
{{Header Full|Hidden Story}}

Roland’s body is unresponsive. He struggles to crawl out of the underground waterway before succumbing to the darkness. A voice in the darkness jolts his memories—his body had given in after the effort he had spent escaping and searching for Luna.
Hidden Story Info Here

He attempts to repair what little he can of his frame before he sees her again. Through his daze, he spots a vague light slowly moving towards him. When Roland opens his eyes again, he finds himself in a makeshift tent. He can move his body and quickly realizes someone restructured his frame.

Outside the tent, Roland finds a hooded woman sitting by the campfire. He recognizes her as the person he had seen with Alpha before—“The Merciful One,” an agent who grants suitable people with unfinished business a second chance.

Roland expresses his gratitude. He opens up and tells her all about Alpha, Luna, and how the Ascendants fell apart.
{{Story Top Nav}}

Lamia returns while they are drinking tea. She is startled by the sight of Roland and attempts to flee but stops at The Merciful One’s command. After learning that Roland and Lamia are acquainted, The Merciful One leaves them to talk as the sun rises.

Roland asks Lamia why she ran from him. Lamia is too scared to admit that she had abandoned the Ascendants to save herself. Instead, she claims it had been too chaotic to find him. Voodoo had been chasing her and only left her alone after she had come across The Merciful One’s camp.
<span id="2"></span> <center>> [[#0|Back to Top]] <</center>

Lamia suggests they split up to search for Luna. However, Roland dismisses the idea, saying they would not make much progress alone. Before they set out, Roland asks Lamia about The Merciful One. He has been curious about her since the incident with Shome, but Lamia is just as clueless.

In the shadows, Vonnegut instructs Cinderelik to stick to the plan. She heads to the other end of the ruins to remind Voodoo to focus on the mission. Voodoo prepares to set out.

Roland converses with his more honest self, “Roland?” who asks if his new body has changed him. “Roland?” reminds him that just because The Merciful One had granted him this new life did not mean that Roland had no control over his decisions.

Roland and Lamia head out after daybreak. They encounter wandering Corrupted along their route and discover they cannot control them. Roland finds it even stranger that despite changing their route multiple times, the Corrupted still managed to find them. Someone must be controlling them, though their goal is unclear.

Roland and Lamia wipe out the Corrupted with ease. The pair decide to trace their origin. They come across a Babylonia transport aircraft carrying Cerberus. Roland sends Lamia to eavesdrop, and she reports that Cerberus is working with the Gray Raven Commandant to find Luna. Roland would have to be one step ahead of them.

As they traverse the quiet town, Roland realizes Luna has been there. The Corrupted appear, and Roland instructs Lamia to go on while he engages them.

Roland has another conversation with “Roland?” Even after the “The Mandhasti Real Park” events, Roland has not changed—he still needs a lighthouse to rely on. Roland refocuses his attention and follows the instructions of a message painted on the wall.

He arrives at what used to be Luna’s home and helps Lamia fight off the pursuing Corrupted. Lamia informs Roland that she has seen one of the Cerberus members in the area. She had attempted to contact him, but a Jitterbomb had exploded, plunging her into a group of Corrupted Constructs.

Roland orders Lamia to find a seat to enjoy the show. He enters the house but does not find much. Babylonia and the mysterious party’s interest in this town puzzles him.
Before Roland can agonize over his identity again, Lamia hurries to tell him that No. 21 is approaching the house. Roland sets up a puzzle on the door as a distraction and leaves Lamia to keep watch. She flees and abandons Roland once again when Voodoo attacks her.

From his hiding place, Roland watches in confusion as No. 21 rushes through the house. He quickly realizes that she has a M.I.N.D. connection with the Gray Raven Commandant, and she can see things he cannot.

For the final act, Roland decides to force whoever is behind the scenes to reveal themselves. Cinderelik appears at the window. She invites Roland to come to the “Final Hell.”

Roland follows traces of the Punishing Virus to a cliff. He finds Cinderelik waiting for him there. She commands Voodoo to attack Roland. Voodoo sets down the conditions of the fight: If Roland wins, he will be allowed to meet “Mister.” If he loses, then “Loki” will tear him apart. Upon the arrival of Cerberus, Voodoo targets No. 21 instead.

After the fight, Roland immobilizes Cerberus. He approaches an exhausted Voodoo and asks her to take him to this “Mister” she keeps talking about, but she takes off, stating Roland would change his mind once he met him.

Rolands makes his way out of town and finds Cinderelik waiting for him. She takes him to meet Vonnegut, who asks Roland to work for him in exchange for information about Luna. Though initially hesitant, “Roland?” persuades Roland to use Vonnegut to get what he truly wants.


Rather than asking for something in return, Roland offers to help Vonnegut freely for the time being. He would require his help later. Vonnegut agrees to these terms, and Roland steps towards his unknown new path.



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{{Chapter Select}}
<center>[[Test:17/Story_Summaries|<span style="color:yellow",>>> Chapter Select <<</span>]]
[[00_Prologue|<span style="color:red",>00</span>]] | [[01_Grafitti_Art|<span style="color:red",>01</span>]] | [[02_Journey_of_Torture|<span style="color:red",>02</span>]] | [[03_Final_Exhibition|<span style="color:red",>03</span>]] | [[04_Forgotten_Sand|<span style="color:red",>04</span>]] | [[05_Shattered_Illusion|<span style="color:red",>05</span>]] | [[06_Alloy_Contamination|<span style="color:red",>06</span>]] | [[07_Inver-Collapse|<span style="color:red",>07</span>]] | [[08_Consumed_by_Darkness|<span style="color:red",>08</span>]] | [[EX00_Frozen_Darkness|<span style="color:red",>EX00</span>]] | [[09_Fallen_Star|<span style="color:red",>09</span>]] | [[10_Eternal_Engine|<span style="color:red",>10</span>]] | [[11_Nona_Ouroboros|<span style="color:red",>11</span>]] | [[12_Kowloong_Metropolis|<span style="color:red",>12</span>]] | [[EX01_Grand_Blue|<span style="color:red",>EX01</span>]] | [[EX02_Firn_Night|<span style="color:red",>EX02</span>]] | [[EX03_Lost_Chapter|<span style="color:red",>EX03</span>]] | [[13_Fake_Ascension|<span style="color:red",>13</span>]] | [[EX04_Echo_Aria|<span style="color:red",>EX04</span>]] | [[EX05_Inscription_of_Labyrinth|<span style="color:red",>EX05</span>]] | [[13_Fake_Ascension|<span style="color:red",>14</span>]] | [[15_The_Last_Spark|<span style="color:red",>15</span>]] | [[16_Evernight_Beat|<span style="color:red",>16</span>]] | [[17_The_Surviving_Lucem|<span style="color:red",>17</span>]]

Latest revision as of 07:37, 10 December 2023

← 14 Imprisoned Sight 15 The Last Spark →

EX05 Inscription of Labyrinth

1200px x 300px

Main Story

During the emergency evacuation for Operation Red Tide, No. 21’s careless driving causes Cerberus to crash their folding truck. After a call from Nikola, the Support Force arrives to recycle the crashed vehicle, and a transport craft takes Cerberus back to Babylonia.

A few days after the emergency evacuation, a woman named Rebecca speaks with Collins in his office. He asks her to be the face of the operation and to act as a middleman between Kurono and the Parliament. In addition, she would have to scour inside the Commandant’s brain for hidden secrets.

Collins’ observation of the Commandant has revealed signs of a corrupted mind beacon. He proclaims that this, along with the chain reaction memory replays, might be what he is looking for in his quest for a new era of research.

After preparing for their mission, Cerberus arrives in an abandoned residential area from the late Golden Age. Their objective is to investigate the abnormal M.I.N.D. fluctuations in the area and find the missing Luna. Noctis and No. 21 set up the node device that enhances remote connections. Once the nodes are running, they report in and wait for the exact coordinates from Murray.

Inside a glass chamber, the Gray Raven Commandant drifts in and out of consciousness. They recall resting in the infirmary after Operation Red Tide when two Special Forces members had brought them a transfer note. Hassen previously told the Commandant that collaborating with Kurono would be the only way to ensure their freedom. Although Hassen is reluctant to involve the Commandant in the search for Luna, he sees this as the first step to strike back at Kurono.

Rebecca’s voice brings the Commandant back to the present. She reminds them of the mission and allows them to connect remotely with the deployed team. The device detects a familiar M.I.N.D. signal. When the Commandant’s vision clears, they see two unfamiliar Constructs. They had synced up with Vera, much to her and the rest of the team’s displeasure. After introductions, they confirm their assignment to search for Luna and proceed as the sun rises.

Through the fog, No. 21 fires a beam from her laser cannon. She claims to have sensed “eyes” that turn out to be a tree. Entering the town, No. 21 spies more dolls in the window of a nearby shop. She decapitates the doll, but Vera dismisses her suspicions.

After checking the map, the team realizes they have reached the hospital. A brief recon of the area turns nothing up.

The Commandant’s vision goes black, and the scene shifts as they experience symptoms of memory replay. Questioning Vera reveals that she had not experienced the same apparitions.

As they ponder the absence of the Corrupted, red dots light up the terminal. Cerberus tracks the signal to the hospital entrance and engages with a horde of Corrupted Medic Bots.

Noctis finds a message leading them along. Vera declares it unrelated to the mission but agrees to send a reluctant No. 21 with the Commandant to investigate. Meanwhile, she would continue the original mission with Noctis. After a turbulent connection switch to No. 21’s M.I.N.D., they set out to track the mysterious third party.

They pass by the precinct Noctis mentioned. No. 21 gets startled by a child’s laughter and hands on the window while inspecting a car. She fires her laser cannon at it, but nothing is inside. The Commandant is surprised that, unlike Vera, No. 21 can see the apparitions.

As they head back to the hospital, No. 21 begins to experience a strange feeling in her head. The Commandant loses their connection to her M.I.N.D. and wakes up back in the glass chamber. Rebecca’s hologram informs the Commandant both Kurono and Cerberus have lost No. 21’s connection. She would have to abandon No. 21, but the Commandant convinces her otherwise when they explain the strange apparitions only they and No. 21 could see.

It takes the Commandant much effort to connect with No. 21 again. They find her terrified and wounded, but take the time to soothe her so she does not reject the M.I.N.D. connection.

Signs of battle line the hospital reception, and there is a high level of abnormal M.I.N.D. fluctuation. The Commandant concludes that Luna had been here. These apparitions were shadows of the past activated by objects or locations. The question is, who wanted the Commandant to experience them?

They follow the shadow of the young girl to a house. No. 21 solves the door puzzle and enters. A frame with a picture of two familiar young girls catches the Commandant’s attention.

It becomes clear that they are watching Luna’s memories unfold. The Commandant falls into the current of memories. As the light comes close to disappearing, No. 21 cuts her hand. The pain drags the Commandant back to reality.

Moving through the house, No. 21 searches for clues, fighting the Corrupted along the way. The more clues she comes across, the more visions she experiences as the scene shifts between the past and the present. No. 21 watches Lucia and Luna prepare for a party. From outside, their mother urges them to hide upstairs. The girls take refuge in their bedroom as Lucia checks on her mother through the window. She watches the Corrupted crush her father while her mother dies, attempting to barricade the gate with her body.

To calm her sister, Lucia explains that everything is part of a horror movie the town is making. Luna is also part of the movie and needs to hide while Lucia distracts the monsters. Time passes, and Luna grows tired of hiding. She leaves the basement to find her sister getting attacked by the monsters. Luna rushes to save Lucia, and the Corrupted sets its sights on her. As it leaps towards her, the memory ends, and No. 21 returns to the present to hear a loud bang at the door. She finds Vera and Noctis outside.

Cerberus follows the final message, eager to meet the clown behind this elaborate game of hide-and-seek. Their trek brings them to a woodland trail where they hear the faint sound of voices. They find Roland engaged in battle with a metal monstrosity called Voodoo.

Vera decides to retreat, but before they can do that, Voodoo spots No. 21. The squad has no choice but to fight.

Voodoo reveals that she has already corrupted No. 21’s M.I.N.D. from the moment they arrived in the town. The Commandant leaves the battle to Vera and Noctis. They enter No. 21’s M.I.N.D. to bring her back.

Inside the M.I.N.D. space, No. 21 continues to observe Luna’s memories. The voice of a fake Commandant demeans her and spurs her on in continuous battle. No. 21 sees through the illusion and regains her senses. She joins her squad to battle against Voodoo. Victory is within Cerberus’ grasp, but Roland activates an attack that immobilizes them.

Voodoo agrees to take Roland to Mr. Vonnegut following the satisfactory performance. After she leaves, Roland directs his gaze at No. 21. He senses she is connected to the Gray Raven Commandant, saying he would love to see their face once they discover the truth.

Kurono reinforcements arrive, forcing Roland to leave. Vera breaks free from the magnetic restraint device and explains that it had been a trick as she goes to free Noctis and No. 21. The leading Kurono Construct explains that Cerberus would have to terminate their mission. At first, Vera is unwilling to cooperate but changes her mind without warning. The other squad members do not question her.

The M.I.N.D. connection ends, and the Commandant finds themself back in the glass chamber. Kurono’s true mission becomes clear to them—they are not looking to find Luna but to gather evidence from her memories.

The Operation Leader at the World Government Operation Logistics Center brings Nikola the storage module he had been looking for. He instructs the Operation Leader to send the address to Cerberus’ channel. They both pretend the conversation had never happened.

Hidden Story

Roland’s body is unresponsive. He struggles to crawl out of the underground waterway before succumbing to the darkness. A voice in the darkness jolts his memories—his body had given in after the effort he had spent escaping and searching for Luna.

He attempts to repair what little he can of his frame before he sees her again. Through his daze, he spots a vague light slowly moving towards him. When Roland opens his eyes again, he finds himself in a makeshift tent. He can move his body and quickly realizes someone restructured his frame.

Outside the tent, Roland finds a hooded woman sitting by the campfire. He recognizes her as the person he had seen with Alpha before—“The Merciful One,” an agent who grants suitable people with unfinished business a second chance.

Roland expresses his gratitude. He opens up and tells her all about Alpha, Luna, and how the Ascendants fell apart.

Lamia returns while they are drinking tea. She is startled by the sight of Roland and attempts to flee but stops at The Merciful One’s command. After learning that Roland and Lamia are acquainted, The Merciful One leaves them to talk as the sun rises.

Roland asks Lamia why she ran from him. Lamia is too scared to admit that she had abandoned the Ascendants to save herself. Instead, she claims it had been too chaotic to find him. Voodoo had been chasing her and only left her alone after she had come across The Merciful One’s camp.

Lamia suggests they split up to search for Luna. However, Roland dismisses the idea, saying they would not make much progress alone. Before they set out, Roland asks Lamia about The Merciful One. He has been curious about her since the incident with Shome, but Lamia is just as clueless.

In the shadows, Vonnegut instructs Cinderelik to stick to the plan. She heads to the other end of the ruins to remind Voodoo to focus on the mission. Voodoo prepares to set out.

Roland converses with his more honest self, “Roland?” who asks if his new body has changed him. “Roland?” reminds him that just because The Merciful One had granted him this new life did not mean that Roland had no control over his decisions.

Roland and Lamia head out after daybreak. They encounter wandering Corrupted along their route and discover they cannot control them. Roland finds it even stranger that despite changing their route multiple times, the Corrupted still managed to find them. Someone must be controlling them, though their goal is unclear.

Roland and Lamia wipe out the Corrupted with ease. The pair decide to trace their origin. They come across a Babylonia transport aircraft carrying Cerberus. Roland sends Lamia to eavesdrop, and she reports that Cerberus is working with the Gray Raven Commandant to find Luna. Roland would have to be one step ahead of them.

As they traverse the quiet town, Roland realizes Luna has been there. The Corrupted appear, and Roland instructs Lamia to go on while he engages them.

Roland has another conversation with “Roland?” Even after the “The Mandhasti Real Park” events, Roland has not changed—he still needs a lighthouse to rely on. Roland refocuses his attention and follows the instructions of a message painted on the wall.

He arrives at what used to be Luna’s home and helps Lamia fight off the pursuing Corrupted. Lamia informs Roland that she has seen one of the Cerberus members in the area. She had attempted to contact him, but a Jitterbomb had exploded, plunging her into a group of Corrupted Constructs.

Roland orders Lamia to find a seat to enjoy the show. He enters the house but does not find much. Babylonia and the mysterious party’s interest in this town puzzles him. Before Roland can agonize over his identity again, Lamia hurries to tell him that No. 21 is approaching the house. Roland sets up a puzzle on the door as a distraction and leaves Lamia to keep watch. She flees and abandons Roland once again when Voodoo attacks her.

From his hiding place, Roland watches in confusion as No. 21 rushes through the house. He quickly realizes that she has a M.I.N.D. connection with the Gray Raven Commandant, and she can see things he cannot.

For the final act, Roland decides to force whoever is behind the scenes to reveal themselves. Cinderelik appears at the window. She invites Roland to come to the “Final Hell.”

Roland follows traces of the Punishing Virus to a cliff. He finds Cinderelik waiting for him there. She commands Voodoo to attack Roland. Voodoo sets down the conditions of the fight: If Roland wins, he will be allowed to meet “Mister.” If he loses, then “Loki” will tear him apart. Upon the arrival of Cerberus, Voodoo targets No. 21 instead.

After the fight, Roland immobilizes Cerberus. He approaches an exhausted Voodoo and asks her to take him to this “Mister” she keeps talking about, but she takes off, stating Roland would change his mind once he met him.

Rolands makes his way out of town and finds Cinderelik waiting for him. She takes him to meet Vonnegut, who asks Roland to work for him in exchange for information about Luna. Though initially hesitant, “Roland?” persuades Roland to use Vonnegut to get what he truly wants.

Rather than asking for something in return, Roland offers to help Vonnegut freely for the time being. He would require his help later. Vonnegut agrees to these terms, and Roland steps towards his unknown new path.

← 14 Imprisoned Sight 15 The Last Spark →

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00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | EX00 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | EX01 | EX02 | EX03 | 13 | EX04 | 14 | EX05 | 15 | 16 | 17 | ER00 | 18 | ER01 | 19 | ER02 | 20 | ER03 | 21 | 22 | 23