07 Inver-Collapse

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07 Inver-Collapse

Main Story

Chrome convinces Bianca to give Kamui a chance while he reports to Babylonia regarding Kamui and “Tenebrion.” Chrome argues that Kamui has not yet shown signs of corruption and has kept his consciousness intact. Bianca agrees to delay the execution until she locates him, despite her partner Karenina’s objections.

The Gray Ravens join the search for Kamui. They follow Kamui’s trail into some ruins but find their path blocked, drawing Karenina’s ire. Nanami suddenly appears with her robot companion, Rohacchi, who has been awakened by a mural created by the Sagemachina, and offers to help.

During the group’s conversation with Nanami and Rohacchi, Bianca realizes that Karenina has run off on her own to find Kamui. Bianca and the Gray Ravens find Karenina in a dire state, her M.I.N.D. overheated by a form of unknown energy. To prevent the energy from doing any more damage to her M.I.N.D., Liv and Lucia manually put Karenina’s frame to sleep.

After they rescue Karenina, Roland, who has been after Kamui all along, appears in front of the group. With the help of Watanabe and Bianca, the Gray Ravens defeat Roland, but he manages to escape at the last moment.

Hidden Story

In the ruins, Liv makes a copy of Rohacchi’s memory data in light of the recent phenomenon of awakened machines. Liv and the Commandant look through its memories to find out more about the mural Rohacchi mentioned:

During Rohacchi’s search for buried treasures under the ruins, they encounter a series of sparks that pique their interest.

Rohacchi follows the sparks to their origin and stumbles into the Corrupted, who are looking for “Tenebrion” under Roland’s order. Rohacchi escapes from the hostile Corrupted’s attack and finds other awakened machines, who are also attacked by the Corrupted.

Soon thereafter, Rohacchi meets Nanami, who gives them the name “Rohacchi” and becomes their “friend.” Rohacchi tells her about the mural and that they are seeking the Sagemachina’s guidance.

The duo once again make their way into the ruins. Upon reaching the area where Rohacchi first saw the mural, they find that the mural has disappeared.

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