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{{Memory Top Nav}}
{{Header Notch|{{ROOTPAGENAME}}'s Backstory I}}
WhenChen Zu WenyuanJiyuan was alive,the hehead servedof asKCC's theFuxi supremeCrew leaderwhen ofhe Fuxi crew,was a branchhuman. ofWith Kowloongastronomy Chamberand ofarithmetic Hishis mainmajor areasfields of expertise include astronomy and mathematicsstudy, andChen heJiyuan was the first to ever observe superluminalFTL travelroute beyond the Milky Way. HisIn mechanicalterms knowledgeof alsohis ledcontribution to the creationfield of machine making technology, he was the prototypescreator of the initial Musashi and Prime, versions and subsequentlydeveloped the East -Asian stylemechanical of mechanoidsstyle. He also leftcame up manywith mechanical upgrade plans that were way ahead ofbeyond his timetimes, but beforeunfortunately he was able to implement them, he"accidently" died infrom a liquid nitrogen leakleakage causedbefore byhe ancould "accident"implement them. It was's said that the Observatoryobservation locateddeck withinin the Kowloong Corp was also built usingaccording one ofto his early designsdesign scheme.
<!-- When Zu Wenyuan was alive, he served as the supreme leader of Fuxi crew, a branch of Kowloong Chamber of Commerce. His main areas of expertise include astronomy and mathematics, and he was the first to ever observe superluminal travel beyond the Milky Way. His mechanical knowledge also led to the creation of the prototypes of Musashi and Prime, and subsequently the East Asian style of mechanoids. He also left many mechanical upgrade plans that were way ahead of his time, but before he was able to implement them, he died in a liquid nitrogen leak caused by an "accident". It was said that the Observatory located within Kowloong Corp was also built using one of his early designs. -->
{{Header Notch| {{ROOTPAGENAME}}'s Backstory II}}
ZuChen WenyuanJiyuan's memoryMemory was later recycled by the Science Council and made into a Memory Chip. HeBack neveron talkedEarth aboutagain, hisChen pastJiyuan refused to reveal the truth behind his death inand thiswould newrather form,redirect buthis choseenergy from clinging to focusthe onpast to a secretscientific research, asthat ifseemingly heaimed was trying toat preventpreventing something from happening. EvenDue Asimov was overwhelmed byto the vastoverwhelming amount of calculation data presentedChen byJiyuan Zuproduced, andeven couldAsimov notfound discoverit thehard realto naturecomprehend what research Chen Jiyuan was doing. The two always had fights because of thisthe research, which ledand totheir frequentold quarrelsidentities.
<!-- Zu Wenyuan's memory was later recycled by the Science Council and made into a Memory Chip. He never talked about his past death in this new form, but chose to focus on a secret research, as if he was trying to prevent something from happening. Even Asimov was overwhelmed by the vast amount of data presented by Zu, and could not discover the real nature of this research, which led to frequent quarrels. -->
{{Memory Bottom Nav}}

Latest revision as of 14:44, 30 January 2023

← BathlonLeeuwenhoek →

Chen Jiyuan's Backstory I

Chen Jiyuan was the head of KCC's Fuxi Crew when he was a human. With astronomy and arithmetic as his major fields of study, Chen Jiyuan was the first to observe FTL route beyond the Milky Way. In terms of his contribution to the field of machine making technology, he was the creator of the initial Musashi and Prime versions and developed the East-Asian mechanical style. He also came up with mechanical upgrade plans that were beyond his times, but unfortunately he "accidently" died from a liquid nitrogen leakage before he could implement them. It's said that the observation deck in the Kowloong Corp was built according to his early design scheme.

Chen Jiyuan's Backstory II

Chen Jiyuan's Memory was later recycled by the Science Council and made into a Memory Chip. Back on Earth again, Chen Jiyuan refused to reveal the truth behind his death and would rather redirect his energy from clinging to the past to a scientific research that seemingly aimed at preventing something from happening. Due to the overwhelming amount of calculation data Chen Jiyuan produced, even Asimov found it hard to comprehend what research Chen Jiyuan was doing. The two always had fights because of the research and their old identities.

← BathlonLeeuwenhoek →