
Revision as of 19:22, 26 November 2023 by Ro-kurorai (talk | contribs)
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- Hecate
- ★★★★★★

- Deep Scar
- CRIT DMG increases by 30%. Upon entering the Sword Form, immediately gains 20 stacks of Stigmata Will and activate the Resolution status.

Signature Weapon belonging to Bianca: Stigmata.

Target Weapon Research Banner: There is an 80% chance to obtain the targeted 6★ weapon when a 6★ weapon is obtained. A 6★ weapon is guaranteed to be obtained on the 30th pull since the last 6★ weapon obtained if any. Two other "off-banner" weapons share its pool, and it is possible to pull one of those instead of the targeted weapon. Available permanently.


Weapon Data

One of Kurono Tech's best products. A perfect combination of elegance and wildness. When the executor wields the sword as if she is making a prayer, it looks like the multi-faced goddess of the crossroads in the myth has descended to bring victory to her allies and the end to her enemies.

Weapon Backstory

Hecate is known as the goddess of witches and witchcraft, but she also guides people. She'd be sure to fulfill the wishes of those who offer their prayers.