
Revision as of 01:50, 28 June 2024 by Purples (talk | contribs)

Purple's Page


General Info
Protector is a common enemy in early stages, you can meet it almost everywhere.
Enemy Info
Zi Wei
Enemy Details
Production Time
Produced in the early Golden Age. It is slightly more advanced than model α

Low intelligence level, but equipped with multiple functions. Eager for power, it will modify itself with surrounding resources.
Enemy Portrait
Enemy Data
Data I
Shows obvious traces of corruption. Already a mindless puppet of the virus.

Data II
Without its lower body, it can only crawl on the ground.
Enemy Backstory
Story I
Once a large security robot commonly used by the clubs. Without proper maintenance and viable substitutes, its heavy upper body has eventually crused its lower body. After being corrupted by Punishing Virus. It displays great resentment for humans and Constructs with complete bodies.

Story II
Traces of repair can be found on its surface, though all of them have been carried out improperly. Nearly all repair materials are makeshift materials.


{{Memory Build |Frame= Feral |Builds= 6 |- |Build 1 Name= Main Build |Build1_Memory1= Guinevere |Build1_Memory2= Fran |Build1_Memory3= Guinevere |Build1_Memory4= Fran |Build1_Memory5= Fran |Build1_Memory6= Fran |Build1_Memory_Details= Fran x4 / Guinevere or Cottie x2 |Build 1 Top Resonance Name= ATK |Build 1 Top Resonance Effect= ATK +15 |Build 1 Bottom Resonance Name= Core Passive |Build 1 Bottom Resonance Effect= Core Passive +1 |Build 1 Key Notes= * No.21: Feral Sub-DPS set for War Zone.

  • Ultima Awakening Set
  • Standard Sub-DPS build for No.21: Feral.

|Build 1 Usage=

|Build 1 Details= * Build designed for use in War Zone

  • Having a proper rotation is key for the build to work.
  • Cottie can be a substitute for Guinevere if you have No.21 Feral at SS3 rank. This change provides a higher damage potential but is more difficult to execute effectively.
  • Any resonance in Top Resonance Slot (1) that offers ATK + 15 suffices.

|- |Build 2 Name= PPC Support |Build2_Memory1= Guinevere |Build2_Memory2= Guinevere |Build2_Memory3= Guinevere |Build2_Memory4= DaVinci |Build2_Memory5= Guinevere |Build2_Memory6= DaVinci |Build2_Memory_Details= Guinevere x4 / Da Vinci x2 or Gloria x2 |Build 2 Top Resonance Name= ATK |Build 2 Top Resonance Effect= ATK +15 |Build 2 Bottom Resonance Name= Class Passive |Build 2 Bottom Resonance Effect= Class Passive +1 |Build 2 Key Notes= * PPC Support build |Build 2 Usage= * Phantom Pain Cage |Build 2 Details= * General PPC Support set.

  • Any resonance in Top Resonance Slot (1) that offers ATK + 15 suffices.

|- |Build 3 Name= WZ Solo DPS Support |Build3_Memory1= Guinevere |Build3_Memory2= DaVinci |Build3_Memory3= Guinevere |Build3_Memory4= DaVinci |Build3_Memory5= DaVinci |Build3_Memory6= DaVinci |Build3_Memory_Details= Da Vinci x4 / Guinevere x2 |Build 3 Top Resonance Name= NA |Build 3 Top Resonance Effect= NA |Build 3 Bottom Resonance Name= NA |Build 3 Bottom Resonance Effect= NA |Build 3 Key Notes= * To be used with Lucia: Crimson Weave as a solo DPS in War Zone. |Build 3 Usage= * War Zone |Build 3 Details= * Support set when paired with Lucia: Crimson Weave.

  • Resonances are not needed since this build is a typical support set.
  • Memories can be borrowed from other characters.
    • With this build, No. 21: Feral won't see field time.


|Build 5 Name= Harmonized Team Build (h) |Build5_Memory1= Einsteina |Build5_Memory2= Fran |Build5_Memory3= Einsteina |Build5_Memory4= Fran |Build5_Memory5= Fran |Build5_Memory6= Fran |Build5_Memory_Details= Fran x4 / Einsteina x2 / Guinevere x2 |Build 5 Top Resonance Name= ATK |Build 5 Top Resonance Effect= ATK +15 |Build 5 Bottom Resonance Name= Core Passive |Build 5 Bottom Resonance Effect= Core Passive Level +1 |Build 5 Key Notes= * For use with fully harmonized teams

  • Only viable after Polaris Bond patch due to Heisen memory set changes.

|Build 5 Usage= * War Zone

|Build 5 Details= * Vera: Garnet should be using Heisen for this build to work.

  • Any resonance in Top Resonance Slot (1) that offers ATK + 15 suffices.
  • Cottie harmonization can be used instead of Guinevere if No.21: Feral is SS3 rank or higher.


Weapon Resonance ◇ No.21: Feral

Recommended 6★ weapon resonances for No. 21: Feral can be found here listed in order of priority.

1. Glorious Spear
When using a healing skill or effect, increases Full ATK of the healed target by 10% for 8s, CD for 10s.
2. Superconducting Axial Ray
Increases full ATK of all characters of the team by 8%. This effect does not stack.
3. Dead Line Timing
Gain 2 extra random signal orbs upon deployment, and 3 signal orbs of the same color every 45s (also gain signal orbs on standby).
  • Superconducting Axial Ray
  • Glorious Spear


  • Dead Line Timing
Minimum recommended amount: 2