Nanami: Pulse/Secrets

Revision as of 11:55, 22 October 2021 by Nine (talk | contribs)
← Karenina: Ember Kamui: Tenebrion →

Pulse's Secret 1

Able to perform a perfect three-and-a-half axel.

Pulse's Secret 2

Her digital diary holds the secrets of the world.

Pulse's Secret 3

Her Corrupted friends recorded and numbered in her digital diary are in the triple digits.

Pulse's Secret 4

However, the friend numbers are not assigned in order.

Pulse's Secret 5

Able to run on walls with her propulsion wheels.

Pulse's Secret 6

As good with her hands as Lee is.

Pulse's Secret 7

Her favorite human festival is Halloween.

Pulse's Secret 8

Thinks that older Constructs suffer from hair loss. Once tried to pull Watanabe's hair to confirm her theory.

Pulse's Secret 9

Curious about the concept of dating.

Pulse's Secret 10

Has thought about kidnapping the commandant.