Test:97/Physical DMG Factors
Physical DMG Factors
1.1 Character’s ATK Stat
Total ATK Stat is mostly composed of base ATK Stat, memory Stats, weapon Stats and relevant memory resonances. Fixed increases of ATK goes here.
Electricity Add-ons from Norman Revival Plan is an example here.
“Attack of the entire team increases by 50”
1.2 Skill Scaling
The base percentage of DMG dealt by the specific skill.
Liv: Luminance Red Orb is an example here.
“...dealing 200% / 400% / 600% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged...”
1.3 Buffs
Different types of buff factors are typically multiplicative and NOT additive. Exceptions are Final ATK and DEF related factors. Remember that the formula for most buff factors is (1 + Buff).
To calculate Physical DMG, please consult this section.
However if 2 separate buffs are part of the same factor (e.g. both are considered Extra DMG Bonus buffs), they are additive.
To add on, if 2 buffs have the same origin (e.g. apply 2-piece Philip II twice from 2 different characters’ healing), they do NOT stack, and the duration of the buff is refreshed.
The buffs (for Physical DMG) are as follows:
1.3.1 ATK Increase
Any percentage increase to ATK Stat.
Luna: Laurel Leader skill is an example here.
“Dark DMG of all members increases by 10% and Attacker’s ATK increases by 5%.”
For this case only “ATK increases by 5%” is relevant to this buff.
1.3.2 Final ATK
Found in any fixed increases to ATK in CUBs passive skills.
Noctua Passive Skill: Resonance is an example here.
“Increases the carrier’s Attack by 60.”
(The skill does not specify Final ATK but it is certainly classified under Final ATK, not under ATK Stat.)
Also found in 2 of the weapon resonances, specifically:
Incandescence (Weapon's final ATK is increased by 15% at the start of battle. No duration limit.)
Glorious Afterglow (Final ATK of the weapon increases by 30% for 8s upon a 3-ping. Duration resets upon a repeated trigger.)
Final ATK is always a fixed value, as its nature is slightly similar to Base ATK Stat, and should not be converted to its decimal form. If you don’t understand, check Physical DMG Full Formula.
Final ATK DOES NOT directly affect the final DMG output (after all calculations), it only affects ATK Stat. In other words, Final ATK is a further increase in ATK, but the value of Final ATK is unaffected by ATK Increase.
Yet, a strange feature of these weapon resonances across many, if not all, 6★ weapons is that they are not calculated by using the weapon’s real ATK Stat, but collectively use an artificial ATK Stat of 500.
(i.e. Incandescence will increase ATK Stat by 75, since 15% x 500 = 75; there is a small chance this info is outdated.)
1.3.3 Physical DMG Increase
Any percentage increase that specifically applies to Physical DMG.
Wu'an 4-piece memory set effect is an example here.
“Physical DMG increases by 15% while Super Armor is active.”
1.3.4 Base DMG Increase
Concept of this skill is similar to ATK Increase, but usage of this term implies that instead of buffing ATK (which ATK Increase does), it typically buffs the DMG of a specific skill it is tied to.
Wording in-game describing factors under this category right now can be varying and vague, unfortunately.
Marco 6-piece memory set effect, Tifa 4-piece memory set effect and Seraphine 4-piece memory set effect are examples here.
“Dragon Force Combo's Base DMG increases by 50%. …”
“...Basic DMG from Lightning Fall increases by 100%.”
“A random Reprise deals 100% more damage. …”
(There’s nothing that suggests Seraphine 4-piece set effect is under this category just by reading this, but it is after checking it against the CN Wiki. Likely poor phrasing in-game.)
1.3.5 Extra DMG Bonus
Any percentage increase to DMG not covered by those above falls under this category.
Most typically defined as “Extra DMG Bonus increases by...”
Levi-Gun Type Zero skill and Vanguard Class skill are examples here.
“Laser Shot's Extra DMG Bonus increases by 50%.”
“Gain +20% DMG and 20% HP worth of shield for 10s whenever the character enters the battle.”
1.3.6 CRIT DMG Increase
A rarer buff as of the current point in Global servers.
Any percentage increase to CRIT DMG. Only factored in if it is a CRIT DMG.
Bianca: Zero Leader skill is an example here.
“Critical DMG of all party members increases by 10%.”
Side notes
Does the value of ATK Increase affect the amount of healing if it is based on the character’s ATK Stat^?
(^Not all healing is based on ATK Stat)
What does CRIT Stat do?
CRIT Stat increases CRIT Rate. For every 100 CRIT Stat, the CRIT Rate increases by 3%.
1.4 Debuffs
Likewise, different types of debuff factors are multiplicative and NOT additive, and vice versa if the same type. Remember that the formula for any given debuff factor is (1 - Debuff). All debuffs are protective numbers that reduce DMG taken.
To add on, if 2 debuffs have the same origin (e.g. apply 2-piece Catherine twice from 2 different characters’ QTE), they do NOT stack, and the duration of the debuff is refreshed.
1.4.1 DEF Stat
In this section, the calculation varies massively to the typical formula. You can find more about this here. Please keep in mind these factors do not interact completely the same way as other factors.
The DEF Stat (that exists for all mobs) acts as a debuff.
This stat is difficult to determine, as there are no explicit values in-game for reference. Players must obtain this value by continuous testing on the same specific mob to acquire a rough estimate of what this value is.
This value may vary from mob to mob, difficulty to difficulty.
Trial Zone Nightmare difficulty boss has an estimated DEF Stat of 71.30%.
DEF Stat can be reduced INDIRECTLY by certain specific skills.
A2 Core skill and Catherine 2-piece memory set effect are examples here.
“... While taunted, the target's DEF is reduced by 20%. …”
“QTE and 3-Ping skills reduce the target’s Physical DEF by 20% for 8s.”
(“Physical DEF” and “DEF” refer to the same DEF Stat factor all the time. The word "Physical" is redundant.)
Additionally, SSS A2 can potentially reduce DEF of targets by 100%, so just for this scenario, the DEF Stat debuff factor is null / removed from the DMG calculation.
1.4.2 Physical Resistance
A typically unknown percentage of Physical Resistance exists for all mobs.
This stat is difficult to determine, as there are no explicit values in-game for reference. Players must obtain this value by continuous testing on the same specific mob to acquire a rough estimate of what this value is.
This value may vary from mob to mob, difficulty to difficulty.
The Armor bar found under certain mobs HP bar (that can be reduced with attacks) increases the mob’s Physical Resistance by 20% no matter how much of the bar remains.
The Armor bar, in yellow:
Bow Ramiel is an example here.
“... Signature Move reduces its target's Physical Resistance by 2% for 5s per hit. …”
This value can also be affected by relevant buffs / debuffs in Buff List.
e.g. Physical Weakness, (PRes ↓) “Physical Resistance decreases by 40%.”
1.4.3 Extra DMG Reduction
A typically unknown percentage of Extra DMG Reduction exists for all mobs.
This stat is difficult to determine, as there are no explicit values in-game for reference. Players must obtain this value by continuous testing on the same specific mob to acquire a rough estimate of what this value is.
This value may vary from mob to mob, difficulty to difficulty.
There are relatively fewer ways of decreasing this debuff.
Tank Class skill and Liv: Empyrea Core skill are examples here.
“Attacks lower the target's Extra DMG Reduction by 20% for 5 seconds.”
“When it is full, double tapping the dodge button triggers Divine Prayer with 70% DMG Reduction.”
(The word “Extra” is not specified but it still refers to the same factor. Take note, not all descriptions of Extra DMG Reduction are applied to mobs, it may be applied to your character as seen in Liv: Empyrea’s Core skill.)
This value can also be affected by relevant buffs / debuffs in Buff List.
e.g. Fused Armor (FArmor) “For Damage from Tank Construct, Extra Damage Reduction -50%.”
Read the skill carefully, there are many instances where changes in (Extra) DMG Reduction is applied to your characters and not the mobs.
- Physical DMG varies from 95% to 105% of its final DMG output. Also applies to CRIT DMG.
- Before calculating CRIT DMG Increase if any, CRIT DMG is exactly double the Physical DMG after every other factor has been accounted for.
Physical DMG Full Formula
If DMG is non-CRIT, and where Failed to parse (unknown function "\small"): {\displaystyle \small\color{white}n}
is any value between 0.95 and 1.05, inclusive,
If DMG is CRIT, and where Failed to parse (unknown function "\small"): {\displaystyle \small\color{white}n}
is any value between 0.95 and 1.05, inclusive,
To understand why “NEW DEF Stat” was used, please see 1.4.1 DEF Stat and DEF Stat and DEF Reduction (extension).