Vera: Rozen/Secrets

Revision as of 14:19, 21 March 2022 by Katakuri (talk | contribs) (Katakuri fixed some spelling errors)
← Lucia: Plume Camu: Crocotta →

Leader of Cerberus, and the backbone of Babylonia's long-range connection field test team. Vera's extreme methods and belligerent, elusive demeanor have put her at the center of many a controversy. · Rank: A-Rank · Class: Support · Element: Physical (20%) Dark (80%) 50%


Rozen's Secret 1

Smiles when she feels pain.

Rozen's Secret 2

Had trouble recognizing faces when she was still a human. Had a habit of coming up with nicknames for people and things.

Rozen's Secret 3

Often misunderstood by people. The misunderstanding almost always takes a turn for the worse. Stopped bothering to explain herself eventually.

Rozen's Secret 4

Once returned from a mission walking back with a bionic dog.

Rozen's Secret 5

Hard to discern what she dislikes or likes. The difference in her expression is subtle and nigh-unnoticeable.

Rozen's Secret 6

secret Thinks the Construct-use electrolytic sim-liquor tastes like complete dog water

Rozen's Secret 7

Once tried a frame with black hair on a mission. Noctis did not recognize her.

Rozen's Secret 8

Has a completely messed up sleep schedule. Almost always completely awake.

Rozen's Secret 9

Weaves lies and truth together when talking.

Rozen's Secret 10

Has seriously considered kidnapping Gray Raven's commandant to Cerberus and is looking for the opportunity to do so. The coverup afterward-plans for system file tampering and concealing the truth-has also been prudently prepared.

Rozen's Secret 11


Rozen's Secret 12
