Please refer to the Main page before reading, as it contains notes and info that may be important to know before viewing team compositions. Players should refer to both Competitive and Budget compositions, as not all investments will be described per section.
This composition shows the recommended investment to compete at higher levels. Investment recommendations will not be available to the majority of players. Refer to Main (Budget) for a more accessible setup.
Starter. Recommended investment: SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Echo should be set in Blue for optimal synergy with Stigmata's Orbs while leaving Yellow open for Solacetune. Echo's Orb rearrangement will always be in order of Red-Blue-Yellow, allowing Echo to potentially trigger Solacetune's QTE immediately before casting Heavenlight Edge. This does not apply when Solacetune is SSS-Rank or above, as Echo's optimal cycle changes. Echo should switch to Solacetune. 50 Inver-Shards for this Construct can be obtained for free through Dormitory Commission. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Voucher Shop. S5-Rank triggers available QTEs when performing a Joint Attack. SS-Rank provides a 3-Ping upon switch in and increases damage when in Judgement Zone. SSS-Rank greatly improves Echo's overall performance, doubling the effects of the Amplifier Class Passive and granting 30 points of Might and a Soulshatter Mark on switch in. Join Attack: Soulshatter's damage is also improved. Signature Weapon drastically improves Echo's support through access to Weapon Harmonization, namely in War Zone, where Echo can make use of both 4-set Signa and 4-set Da Vinci to retain her CRIT rate buff while utilizing Da Vinci's QTE reset and ATK buff. Signature Weapon also provides considerable damage increases, access to Weapon Resonances, improves gameplay by providing an Orb whenever Echo reaches maximum Might, and doubles the effects of her Physical DMG Bonus buff.
Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Stigmata is set on Red as other slots are better used by her teammates and her Red Orb is her weakest option. SS3-Rank provides stacks of Stigmata Will when entering Sword Form, improves energy gain, and provides a 3-Ping on switch in. Signature Weapon also provides stacks of Stigmata Will and allows Stigmata to immediately enter Sword Dance on entering Sword Form.
Leader. Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Solacetune is set on Yellow to allow Echo to better utilize her QTE, while Stigmata's Yellow Orb is her strongest. SS3-Rank grants 3 Orbs upon a switch in and increases accumulation rate of Veiled Edge points while within Moonsong Realm. SS3-Rank also improves damage during Way of Strife and increases Solacetune's Physical Resistance reduction by 5%. If affordable, SSS-Rank increases the Base DMG amplification effect on consecutive casts of Azure Allure, casts Phoenix Down to gather enemies when the Complex Time gauge is filled, increases damage dealt by Trueslash effects, increases Physical Resistance reduction by 10%, and reduces switch cooldown by 3 seconds. Signature Weapon increases Defense reduction by 20%, greatly improves DPS by increasing the maximum stack count of consecutive casts of Azure Allure, and grants Veiled Edge points when triggering Pheonix Down.
Main (Budget)
This composition serves as a more budget friendly version of the Main (Competitive) composition. Unless explicitly stated as otherwise, players should invest based on what can be reasonably afforded before using investment recommendations as a guideline. (For example, obtaining SS-Rank despite Signature Weapon being recommended, as SS-Rank can be obtained through Phantom Pain Cage.)
Starter. Recommended investment: Signature Weapon Echo should be set in Blue for optimal synergy with Stigmata's Orbs while leaving Yellow open for Solacetune. Echo's Orb rearrangement will always be in order of Red-Blue-Yellow, allowing Echo to potentially trigger Solacetune's QTE immediately before casting Heavenlight Edge. Echo should switch to Solacetune. 50 Inver-Shards for this Construct can be obtained for free through Dormitory Commission. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Voucher Shop. Signature Weapon drastically improves Echo's support through access to Weapon Harmonization, namely in War Zone, where Echo can make use of both 4-set Signa and 4-set Da Vinci to retain her CRIT rate buff while utilizing Da Vinci's QTE reset and ATK buff. Signature Weapon also provides considerable damage increases, improves gameplay by providing an Orb whenever Echo reaches maximum Might, and doubles the effects of her Physical DMG Bonus buff.
Recommended investment: SS-Rank Stigmata is set on Red as other slots are better used by her teammates and her Red Orb is her weakest option. S5-Rank increases Stigmata's CRIT rate by 20%. SS-Rank increases the stack limit of Stigmata Will, the amount gained when activating Sword Form with more than half Afterglow Points, and triggers available QTEs when performing Illuminated Abyss, drastically improving Stigmata's damage output.
Leader. Recommended investment: SS-Rank Solacetune is set on Yellow to allow Echo to better utilize her QTE, while Stigmata's Yellow Orb is her strongest. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs when performing either of Solacetune's Signature Moves. SS-Rank improve's Solacetune's cycles by granting Complex Time points upon switch in, granting 3 Orbs upon pinging a Harmonics Orb, allowing Blue Pings to be consumed to cast Azure Allure if Solacetune does not have enough Complex Time. SS-rank also improves Base DMG of Hymn of the Pale Moon and increases Defense reduction by 20%.
Gen 1 (Crimson Abyss)
This team composition acts solely to show examples of older Constructs that may be used to fill in empty slots of players' teams. This team is no longer optimal and will see minimal use. This does not mean Constructs shown here that do not appear in stronger teams are useless, only that they are not the most effective option available.
Starter. Luminance should avoid being set anywhere but Blue as both Crimson Abyss and Rigor rely heavily on their Blue Pings. Crimson Abyss requires a Blue 3-Ping to activate her Core Passive, while Rigor benefits greatly from using her Blue Pings to reduce enemy Defense to increase her personal damage output. Luminance acts as the starter of this team to set up for future rotations with the Level 18 effects of her Signature Move’s Leap. Luminance should switch to Crimson Abyss as soon as possible. Luminance's Leap is required for her to be an effective Physical Support. If players plan on obtaining a Signature Weapon for Luminance, they should obtain Type Zero instead of Dragon Wind, as Dragon Wind is sub-optimal despite being her Signature Weapon.
Before gaining her Leap, Crimson Abyss' Red Ping was a stronger option for activating her Core Passive due to her SS-Rank Passive. With the introduction of her Leap, Crimson Abyss' Yellow and Red Pings are equal in strength, meaning no changes need to be made to team placements. Rigor's Leap increases her DPS by a significant amount, and provides Physical Resistance reduction debuffs at higher ranks.
Crimson Abyss
Leader. Before gaining her Leap, Crimson Abyss' Red Ping was a stronger option for activating her Core Passive due to her SS-Rank Passive. As such, Yellow Pings were only used if necessary, making Yellow the optimal team slot for Crimson Abyss. Crimson Abyss' Leap significantly improves both her functionality and damage, and is highly recommended if players wish to use her as their Physical Attacker.
Gen 1 (Entropy)
This team composition acts solely to show examples of older Constructs that may be used to fill in empty slots of players' teams. This team is no longer optimal and will see minimal use. This does not mean Constructs shown here that do not appear in stronger teams are useless, only that they are not the most effective option available.
Starter. Luminance is best placed in Blue due to the frequent usage of Blue Pings by Entropy and Rigor. Luminance acts as the starter of this team to set up for future rotations with the Level 18 effects of her Signature Move’s Leap. Luminance should switch to Entropy as soon as possible. Luminance's Leap is required for her to be an effective Physical Support. If players plan on obtaining a Signature Weapon for Luminance, they should obtain Type Zero instead of Dragon Wind, as Dragon Wind is sub-optimal despite being her Signature Weapon.
Leader. Entropy should avoid any team slot other than Red as he requires Yellow and Blue 3-Pings to activate his Core Passive. Red 3-Pings are rarely used as Entropy's Red Ping is more useful for activation of his Core Passive rather than the potential damage from a 3-Ping.
Rigor's optimal placement in this composition is Yellow for synergy with her team. Rigor's Leap increases her DPS by a significant amount, and provides Physical Resistance reduction debuffs at higher ranks.
Beginner Friendly/F2P Options
This composition exists solely for new players who need a coverage team/general idea on where to start their team. Recommendations on investment will only be given if a Construct can fill a specific niche. Players with more experience/access to more Constructs should use this composition as nothing more than a guideline on how to fill empty slots they may have in their teams.
Zitherwoe can serve as a temporary Physical Support until Alisa: Echo can be obtained from Dormitory Commission.
Leader. Blast may serve as a temporary Attacker until a stronger option is available to players. Bianca: Zero is potentially stronger than Blast, but is not listed as her use cases are more limited due to her lack of AoE.
Starter. Ayla: Brilliance and Kamui: Bastion may also be used as budget alternatives for Physical Tanks. However, investment should only be made if strictly necessary, as A-Rank alternatives can not compete with S-Ranks in this role.
Fire Teams
Main (Competitive)
This composition shows the recommended investment to compete at higher levels. Investment recommendations will not be available to the majority of players. Refer to Main (Budget) for a more accessible setup.
Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Hyperreal may also occasionally be set as Leader in War Zone. As Hyperreal can not access Blue Pings during Hypermatrix, he should be set on Blue. Hyperreal's Signature Weapon drastically improves gameplay by triggering Matrix when performing Realm Travel and generating an extra Sight Point, cutting down on Orbs needed to maximize Collapsing Realm's damage. SS3-Rank indirectly improves damage output greatly by allowing Hyperreal to switch his 2-set Memories, as he no longer requires 2-set Cottie. SS-Rank Passive synergizes greatly with this, as Hyperreal can Harmonize 4-set Shakespeare and apply Fire Resistance reduction effects from off-field with Covering Fire.
Starter. Recommended investment: Leap, SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Empyrea should be set on Red as both Epitaph can only access Red Orbs during Paradigm: Assault, while Hyperreal can only access Red and Yellow Orbs while in Hypermatrix. Empyrea should switch to Epitaph. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Tactical Assessment Manual and Voucher Shop. SSS-Rank doubles the effects of the Amplifier Class Passive and Empyrea's Fire DMG Bonus buff, and provides a 3-Ping during Empyreal State when reaching 8 stacks of amplication within the first 2 Pings. Signature Weapon improves damage and generates 50% Prayer Gauge on switch in. It also provides access to Weapon Resonances which greatly improve damage through Orb generation and improve buffs. Leap drastically improves Empyrea's overall strength by greatly cutting down on cycle duration, improving Orb management, and considerably increasing damage.
Leader. Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Epitaph should be set on Yellow as Hyperreal can only access Red and Yellow Orbs during Hypermatrix, while Empyrea is better set in Red. SS3-Rank increases Epitaph's Fire Resistance reduction debuff. If affordable, SSS-Rank increases maximum stack count of Thermal Superconductivity and increases the buff provided by each stack by 5%, increases animation speed of Thermal Erosion, grants an extra Blaze Orb when parrying for the first time on switch in, further increases Fire Resistance reduction, and reduces switch cooldown by 3 seconds. Signature Weapon allows use of Flaming Purgation multiple times per cycle by granting a Red 3-Ping when Epitaph enters Paradigm: Assault twice per switch in.
Main (Budget)
This composition serves as a more budget friendly version of the Main (Competitive) composition. Unless explicitly stated as otherwise, players should invest based on what can be reasonably afforded before using investment recommendations as a guideline. (For example, obtaining SS-Rank despite Signature Weapon being recommended, as SS-Rank can be obtained through Phantom Pain Cage.)
Recommended investment: SS-Rank Hyperreal may also occasionally be set as Leader in War Zone. As Hyperreal can not access Blue Pings during Hypermatrix, he should be set on Blue. S5-Rank triggers available QTEs when entering Hypermatrix and triggering End of Time. SS-Rank increases damage while in Hypermatrix and provides a recorded 3-Ping when entering Hypermatrix for the first time per switch in. Performing Collapsing Realm will grant bonus energy, which is doubled if 4 Sight Points are consumed on trigger. If End of Time is used before switching out, Covering Fire will be triggered to deal off-field damage whenever teammates perform Signature Moves.
Starter. Recommended investment: Leap, SS-Rank Empyrea should be set on Red as both Epitaph can only access Red Orbs during Paradigm: Assault, while Hyperreal can only access Red and Yellow Orbs while in Hypermatrix. Empyrea should switch to Epitaph. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Tactical Assessment Manual and Voucher Shop. SS-Rank significantly improves Empyrea's cycles by allowing use of multiple Core Passives with Matrix, drastically improving cycles and grants a Fire DMG Bonus buff on heal. Leap drastically improves Empyrea's overall strength by greatly cutting down on cycle duration, improving Orb management, and considerably increasing damage.
Leader. Recommended investment: SS-Rank Epitaph should be set on Yellow as Hyperreal can only access Red and Yellow Orbs during Hypermatrix, while Empyrea is better set in Red. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs while performing Thermal Erosion. SS-Rank grants Epitaph massive bonus energy when reaching 3 stacks of Thermal Superconductivity for the first time per switch in. Damage is also increased during Paradigm: Assault.
Gen 2 (Starfarer)
This team composition acts solely to show examples of older Constructs that may be used to fill in empty slots of players' teams. This team is no longer optimal and will see minimal use. This does not mean Constructs shown here that do not appear in stronger teams are useless, only that they are not the most effective option available.
Leader. If Starfarer has her Signature Weapon and Hyperreal is S5-Rank or higher, Hyperreal should switch placements with Empyrea. As Hyperreal rarely uses Blue 3-Pings, his optimal slot in this composition is on Blue.
If Starfarer has her Signature Weapon and Hyperreal is S5-Rank or higher, Hyperreal should switch placements with Empyrea. Frequent use of Red Pings and use of Da Vinci allow for consistent triggers of Empyrea's QTE. Leap drastically improves overall gameplay, significantly increasing cycle speed, along with considerable quality of life and damage improvements.
Starter. Frequent use of Yellow Pings allow for consistent triggers of Starfarer's QTE. Starfarer acts as the starter of this team to set up the Amplifier Class Passive. If Starfarer is using her Signature Weapon, she can also use a Blue 3-Ping to set up Fire Resistance reduction for Hyperreal. Starfarer should switch to Hyperreal. If Starfarer has her Signature Weapon, Hyperreal is S5-Rank or higher, and Hyperreal and Empyrea have switched placements, Starfarer should use a Blue 3-Ping before switching.
Gen 1
This team composition acts solely to show examples of older Constructs that may be used to fill in empty slots of players' teams. This team is no longer optimal and will see minimal use. This does not mean Constructs shown here that do not appear in stronger teams are useless, only that they are not the most effective option available.
Pulse should take the Blue slot in the team to allow Ember to semi-consistently trigger her QTE while offering the best synergy with Silverfang. If Pulse is used as a substitute Fire Tank while in a team with Liv: Empyrea, she should use her Main Build [1]. In this composition, Pulse uses her Pain Cage build [2] to effectively sub-DPS for Ember.
Leader. Despite Red being one of Ember's stronger options, controlling timings for QTEs becomes inconsistent due to her Red Ping's fast animation. This can lead to a portion of the Ping being unbuffed, leading to suboptimal damage output.
Starter. Silverfang takes Yellow as it provides consistent QTE and Da Vinci triggers as Yellow Pings are Ember's highest source of DPS, and will be used frequently. Ember's Yellow Ping animation is delayed enough that players can trigger Silverfang's QTE and activate Da Vinci in time for the Yellow Ping to damage enemies while being buffed, leading to Yellow being the most consistent slot when it comes to allowing Silverfang to support her team. Silverfang acts as the starter of this team to allow Ember to use her switch in skill. Silverfang should switch to Ember immediately.
Beginner Friendly/F2P Options
This composition exists solely for new players who need a coverage team/general idea on where to start their team. Recommendations on investment will only be given if a Construct can fill a specific niche. Players with more experience/access to more Constructs should use this composition as nothing more than a guideline on how to fill empty slots they may have in their teams.
Leader. Palefire may serve as a temporary Attacker until a stronger option is available to players. At SSS-Rank with his Leap, Palefire can outclass Karenina: Ember as a Fire Attacker. However, Lee: Hyperreal heavily outclasses both and is much more cost efficient.
Starter. Silverfang is a relatively weak Fire Support that does not see usage in competitive content. Replacing her with Liv: Empyrea is highly recommended to do as soon as possible.
Ardeo can serve as a temporary Tank until a stronger option is obtained, namely Watanabe: Epitaph.
Ice Teams
Main (Competitive)
This composition shows the recommended investment to compete at higher levels. Investment recommendations will not be available to the majority of players. Refer to Main (Budget) for a more accessible setup.
Starter. Recommended investment: SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Kaleido and Shukra should be set in Blue and Yellow as Lucid Dreamer cannot use Red 3-Pings. Placement does not significantly impact performance. Kaleido should switch to Lucid Dream to allow setup of Frostbound Zone. 50 Inver-Shards for this Construct can be obtained for free through Dormitory Commission. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Voucher Shop. SSS-Rank doubles the effects of the Amplifier Class Passive. Signature Weapon doubles Kaleido's Ice DMG Bonus buff and provides access to Weapon Resonances, which can be used to further improve Kaleido's buffs.
Lucid Dreamer
Recommended investment: SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Lucid Dream should be set in Red as his Red Orb is utilized for his Core Passive. 50 Inver-Shards for this Construct can be obtained for free through Dormitory Commission. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Voucher Shop. SS3-Rank improves Lucid Dreamer's Ice Resistance reduction debuff, increase Orb recovery rate when performing Bullet Hail, and greatly improves the Base DMG of Cryonic Cryonic Explosion, Airdropped Revolver, and Effulgent Shatter. SSS-Rank futher increases the Ice Resistance reduction debuff, greatly increases Base DMG of Hyperlinked Flight and Ruinous Blizzard when performed during Calibration Mode, additionally increases Base DMG of Hyperlinked Flight even further when cast with max Wounding stacks, increases damage dealt by Diamond Dust, and reduces switch cooldown by 3 seconds. Signature Weapon greatly improves the Base DMG of Gale Strike, Bullet Hail, and Frosty Ascent, and provides access to Weapon Resonances for stronger debuffs and overall performance.
Leader. Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Kaleido and Shukra should be set in Blue and Yellow as Lucid Dreamer cannot use Red 3-Pings. Placement does not significantly impact performance. SS3-Rank improves Shukra's damage immensely when activating Enter the Fray. Signature Weapon drastically improves gameplay by triggering Matrix if available when activating Enter the Fray, and through access to Weapon Resonances which are necessary for smooth cycles through extra Orb generation. Damage is improved and bonus energy is granted for attacks while performing Tor Invocation.
Main (Budget)
This composition serves as a more budget friendly version of the Main (Competitive) composition. Unless explicitly stated as otherwise, players should invest based on what can be reasonably afforded before using investment recommendations as a guideline. (For example, obtaining SS-Rank despite Signature Weapon being recommended, as SS-Rank can be obtained through Phantom Pain Cage.)
Starter. Recommended investment: Signature Weapon Kaleido and Shukra should be set in Blue and Yellow as Lucid Dreamer cannot use Red 3-Pings. Placement does not significantly impact performance. Kaleido should switch to Lucid Dream to allow setup of [persistent shred field]. 50 Inver-Shards for this Construct can be obtained for free through Dormitory Commission. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Voucher Shop. Signature Weapon doubles Kaleido's Ice DMG Bonus buff and provides access to Weapon Resonances, which can be used to further improve Kaleido's buffs.
Lucid Dreamer
Recommended investment: SS-Rank Lucid Dream should be set in Red as his Red Orb is utilized for his Core Passive. 50 Inver-Shards for this Construct can be obtained for free through Dormitory Commission. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Voucher Shop. S5-Rank triggers available QTEs whenever entering Calibration Mode and when casting Hyperlinked Flight or Ruinous Blizzard. SS-Rank causes Lucid Dreamer's switch-in skill to count as a Blue 3-Ping and provides an Orb on switch-in, grants bonus energy when entering Calibration Mode, and greatly improves Base DMG and Glaciation Point accumulation rate of Gale Strike and Bullet Hail.
Leader. Recommended investment: SS-Rank Kaleido and Shukra should be set in Blue and Yellow as Lucid Dreamer cannot use Red 3-Pings. Placement does not significantly impact performance. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs when performing Rimy Valediction, Tor Invocation, and Ascended Sovereign, Quell Their Spirits. SS-Rank grants a stack of Soul Ripple when performing Star of Dawn, Indite Their Souls. The Soul Ripple generation from Rimy Valediction and the base DMG increase from Tor Invocation are improved.
Gen 1
This team composition acts solely to show examples of older Constructs that may be used to fill in empty slots of players' teams. This team is no longer optimal and will see minimal use. This does not mean Constructs shown here that do not appear in stronger teams are useless, only that they are not the most effective option available.
Leader. Plume should be set in the Blue slot due to a general lack of reliance on her Blue Pings, as her Red and Yellow 3-Pings are stronger options while in Arctic Form.
Starter. Hypnos is best set in Red for consistent QTE triggers from Plume's frequent use of Red 3-Pings. Hypnos acts as the starter of this team to set up proper positioning. Hypnos should switch to Plume as soon as he has closed the gap.
Glory takes the remaining slot in the team as his QTE can be triggered semi-consistently with Plume's Yellow 3-Pings and offers better synergy for Double QTE Triggers with Hypnos.
Beginner Friendly/F2P Options
This composition exists solely for new players who need a coverage team/general idea on where to start their team. Recommendations on investment will only be given if a Construct can fill a specific niche. Players with more experience/access to more Constructs should use this composition as nothing more than a guideline on how to fill empty slots they may have in their teams.
Leader. Vitrum may serve as a strong alternative to Lucia: Plume, though high investment is required. The cost of necessary investment can be bypassed through the respective Shard farming mission. However, both options are significantly outclassed by Qu: Shukra.
Starter. Hypnos may serve as a temporary Ice Support until players can obtain Ayla: Kaleido from Dormitory Commission.
Qilin may serve as a temporary Ice Tank until players can obtain Wanshi: Lucid Dreamer from Dormitory Commission.
Lightning Teams
Main (Competitive)
This composition shows the recommended investment to compete at higher levels. Investment recommendations will not be available to the majority of players. Refer to Main (Budget) for a more accessible setup. Rotation playstyles with No. 21: Feral offer significant benefit, investment into Feral should not be overlooked.
Crimson Weave
Leader. Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Crimson Weave may switch placements with Feral in Phantom Pain Cage. Crimson Weave is set on Blue as she can only access Red and Yellow Orbs while in Odachi Stance. Blue Orbs will only be used to gain energy to perform Weave: Splashing Thunder during her initial cycle and to quickly trigger a QTE in Phantom Pain Cage. This requires Crimson Weave to switch placements. SS3-Rank allows for optimization of Crimson Weave's cycles by providing bonus energy on the first use of Resolute Blow when switched in. Signature Weapon greatly improves damage output by increasing the rate at which Aphotic Points are gained, allowing for much quicker gain of a high stack count. Weapon Resonances can also serve to greatly improve damage and rotations through extra Orbs and direct damage improvements.
Starter. Recommended investment: Leap, SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Garnet should be set on Red to allow consistent activation of her QTE as Crimson Weave can only access Red and Yellow Orbs while in Odachi Stance, while Feral's Red Orb is her strongest. Garnet should switch to Crimson Weave to set up Victorious War Flag with her SS-Rank Passive. Garnet may also use a Blue 3-Ping to close the gap or trigger a quick Lightning Fall in Phantom Pain Cage. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Tactical Assessment Manual and Voucher Shop. SSS-Rank increases Garnet's Lightning Resistance reduction debuff and damage dealt by Shining Piercer. Signature Weapon improves damage, allows Victorious War Flag and Shining Piercer to generate a stack of Electric Charge, and causes Garnet to automatically trigger Lightning Fall when switching in if Victorious War Flag is set on-field while generating another stack of Electric Charge. Signature Weapon also provides access to Weapon Resonances, which can drastically benefit Garnet's cycles through extra Orb generation and further increase her debuffs. Leap streamlines cycles through Orb rearrangement and reduced cycle duration, improves damage, and further increases debuffs at SSS-Rank.
Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Feral is set in Yellow as Crimson Weave can only access Red and Yellow Orbs while in Odachi Stance, while Garnet is better set in Red for overall team synergy. Feral remains viable in rotation playstyles even if a Sub-Rank lower than Crimson Weave assuming SS-Rank as the baseline, though equal Rank is greatly preferred. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs when performing Sky-ripping Arcflash or entering Deceleration Field. SS-Rank grants bonus energy when performing Dusk Fluorescence and doubles the base DMG buff applied to Sky-ripping Arcflash from Critical Arclight points. SS3-Rank allows for optimization of Feral's cycle by decreasing time spent in Wolfspirit Release, potentially allowing use of 2-set Cottie which can enable the use of Sky-ripping Arcflash multiple times per cycle. Signature Weapon drastically improves cycles by providing a 3-Ping on switch in. Signature Weapon also doubles the effect of Feral's Lightning DMG Bonus buff and provides access to Weapon Resonances and Harmonization. Harmonization can provide significant improvements to Feral's support through various sets depending on situation. Resonances further improve buffs and are necessary when using 2-set Cottie for extra Orb generation.
Main (Budget)
This composition serves as a more budget friendly version of the Main (Competitive) composition. Unless explicitly stated as otherwise, players should invest based on what can be reasonably afforded before using investment recommendations as a guideline. (For example, obtaining SS-Rank despite Signature Weapon being recommended, as SS-Rank can be obtained through Phantom Pain Cage.) Rotation playstyles with No. 21: Feral offer significant benefit, investment into Feral should not be overlooked.
Crimson Weave
Leader. Recommended investment: SS-Rank Crimson Weave may switch placements with Feral in Phantom Pain Cage. Crimson Weave is set on Blue as she can only access Red and Yellow Orbs while in Odachi Stance. Blue Orbs will only be used to gain energy to perform Weave: Splashing Thunder during her initial cycle and to quickly trigger a QTE in Phantom Pain Cage. This requires Crimson Weave to switch placements. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs when performing Resolute Blow at maximum Blade Aura. SS-Rank significantly improves potential damage output by doubling the Aphotic Point gauge and increasing Aphotic Point gain when using 3-Pings and Resolute Blow. Weave: Splashing Thunder will also trigger Matrix if available.
Starter. Recommended investment: Leap, SS-Rank Garnet should be set on Red to allow consistent activation of her QTE as Crimson Weave can only access Red and Yellow Orbs while in Odachi Stance, while Feral's Red Orb is her strongest. Garnet should switch to Crimson Weave to set up Victorious War Flag with her SS-Rank Passive. Garnet may also use a Blue 3-Ping to close the gap or trigger a quick Lightning Fall in Phantom Pain Cage. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Tactical Assessment Manual and Voucher Shop. SS-Rank allows Garnet to set down Victorious War Flag when switched out and allows canceling of Shining Piercer's animation into Lightning Fall or Refulgent Piercer. Leap streamlines cycles through Orb rearrangement and reduced cycle duration, improves damage, and further increases debuffs at SSS-Rank.
Recommended investment: Signature Weapon Feral is set in Yellow as Crimson Weave can only access Red and Yellow Orbs while in Odachi Stance, while Garnet is better set in Red for overall team synergy. If attempting to use Feral in a rotation playstyle, SS-Rank should be take priority over Signature Weapon. Signature Weapon is not required for effective on-field use, though it provides drastic improvements. Signature Weapon drastically improves cycles by providing a 3-Ping on switch in. Signature Weapon also doubles the effect of Feral's Lightning DMG Bonus buff and provides access to Weapon Resonances and Harmonization. Harmonization can provide significant improvements to Feral's support through various sets depending on situation. Resonances further improve both gameplay and buffs.
Gen 1
This team composition acts solely to show examples of older Constructs that may be used to fill in empty slots of players' teams. This team is no longer optimal and will see minimal use. This does not mean Constructs shown here that do not appear in stronger teams are useless, only that they are not the most effective option available.
Leader. Before the introduction of her Leap, Veritas rarely used Blue 3-Pings, instead Pinging them as soon as she performed a Red 3-Ping to activate her Core Passive. As her Leap serves to improve her functionality rather than change it, her position remains on Blue. Veritas' Leap is highly recommended as it solves significant gameplay issues and greatly improves her damage.
Starter. Lux set on Red to allow Veritas to consistently trigger Da Vinci's 4-set effects. Lux acts as the starter of the team to allow Veritas to trigger a portion of her Core Passive without needing to spend any orbs. Lux should use a Yellow 3-Ping if available to set up Garnet's QTE then switch to Veritas. If a Yellow 3-Ping is unavailable, Lux should switch to Veritas immediately.
As other slots are better used by other teammates, Garnet should be set in Yellow. Garnet's QTE will primarily be triggered by Lux's 4--set Da Vinci, though players with SSS+ Rank Lux may be able to trigger Garnet's QTE semi-consistently with Lux's Yellow 3-Ping. Garnet’s Leap provides important quality of life changes and very considerable damage increases, significantly improving her performance.
Beginner Friendly/F2P Options
This composition exists solely for new players who need a coverage team/general idea on where to start their team. Recommendations on investment will only be given if a Construct can fill a specific niche. Players with more experience/access to more Constructs should use this composition as nothing more than a guideline on how to fill empty slots they may have in their teams.
Starter. Lux may serve as a substitute for players without access to Feral, though they serve different purposes in the team. Lux is severely outclassed and should only be considered if players can not obtain Feral.
Leader. Indomitus may serve as a temporary Attacker until a stronger option is available to players. If players must rely on budget options, Indomitus should be the first choice as his investment requirement to be effective in his role is much lower than Lucia: Dawn as she requires her Leap to see any form of viability in this role.
Arclight may serve as an effective temporary Lightning Tank for players without access to a stronger option.
Dark Teams
Main (Competitive)
This composition shows the recommended investment to compete at higher levels. Investment recommendations will not be available to the majority of players. Refer to Main (Budget) for a more accessible setup.
Starter. Recommended investment: SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Capriccio should be set in Blue as Lost Lullaby can only access Red and Blue Orbs while in Darktide Form, while Scire is better set in Red. Capriccio should switch to Scire to allow Scire to set up Thermal Field for Lost Lullaby. 50 Inver-Shards for this Construct can be obtained for free through Recitativo di Fantasia. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Voucher Shop. SS-Rank heals Capriccio on switch in and grants Capriccio increased Dark DMG while in Realm of Capriccio. SSS-Rank drastically improves Cappricio by doubling the effects of the Amplifier Class Passive and Dark DMG Bonus and decently improving damage dealt by Phantasia. Signature Weapon is necessary for allowing Capriccio to consistently perform Dream Cosmos Suite every rotation, which will make up the majority of her DPS. Signature Weapon also provides access to Weapon Resonances, smoothening out cycles through Orb generation and greatly increasing Capriccio's buffs.
Recommended investment: Leap, SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Scire may switch placements with Capriccio in Phantom Pain Cage. Red provides Scire optimal synergy with her team as Lost Lullaby can only access Blue and Red Orbs while in Darktide Form, while Capriccio's Orb rearrangement priority will always set Red 3-Pings at the start of her Orbs. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Tactical Assessment Manual and Voucher Shop. SS-Rank applies Dark Resistance reduction whenever Scire deals damage and rearranges Orbs when charging Leap Attack. SS3-Rank allows Scire to consume a third 3-Ping to dramatically increase the damage dealt by Leap Attack and Radiant Whirlwind, allowing a rotation playstyle to be viable. SS3-Rank also provides immense support through the Thermal Field generated after performing Starshatter Horizon, immediately applying Dark Resistance reduction once to enemies who enter its range. SSS-Rank increases damage, reduces enemy Extra DMG Reduction by 5%, triggers available QTEs when charging Leap Attack, and automatically increases spin speed of Radiant Whirlwind. If affordable, SSS3-Rank is a significant upgrade for Scire in War Zone by providing her with a 3-Ping every time a party member uses a Signature Move and allowing Leap Attack and Radiant Whirlwind to consume another 3-Ping, increasing damage even further. Signature Weapon improves Scire's Dark Resistance reduction debuffs, improves Leap Attack's damage, and allows for consistent use of Starshatter Horizon every rotation by generating energy whenever triggering Radiant Whirlwind. Signature Weapon also provides access to Weapon Resonances which massively improve Scire as she requires Deadline Timing to consistently utilize her SS3-Rank Passive every rotation, and can further improve her debuffs. Leap gives Scire an automatic Matrix trigger when charging Leap Attack, increases damage, further increases Dark Resistance reduction at SSS-Rank, and allows use of Disintegration Strike.
Lost Lullaby
Leader. Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Lost Lullaby is set in Yellow as she can not access Yellow Orbs during Darktide Form. SS3-Rank allows for optimization of Lost Lullaby's cycle duration by providing bonus energy from the first Tidal Orb used per switch in. Signature Weapon greatly improves overall gameplay by triggering Matrix if available when a Tidal Orb is pinged. Weapon Resonances also serve to increase damage considerably and are necessary for optimal cycles through extra Orb generation.
Main (Budget)
This composition serves as a more budget friendly version of the Main (Competitive) composition. Unless explicitly stated as otherwise, players should invest based on what can be reasonably afforded before using investment recommendations as a guideline. (For example, obtaining SS-Rank despite Signature Weapon being recommended, as SS-Rank can be obtained through Phantom Pain Cage.)
Starter. Recommended investment: SS3-Rank If Selena: Capriccio has access to two Weapon Resonances, she is the optimal choice for buffs. Decryptor and Vera: Rozen can be used here due to rotation playstyles being sub-optimal without SS3-Rank and Signature Weapon for Scire. Decryptor should be set in Blue as Lost Lullaby can only access Red and Blue Orbs while in Darktide Form, while Scire is better set in Red. Decryptor should switch to Lost Lullaby. SS3-Rank doubles the effects of Decryptor's Dark DMG Bonus buff.
Recommended investment: Signature Weapon Scire may switch placements with Decryptor in Phantom Pain Cage. Red provides Scire optimal synergy with her team as Lost Lullaby can only access Blue and Red Orbs while in Darktide Form. Additional Inver-Shards can be obtained through the Tactical Assessment Manual and Voucher Shop. Signature Weapon improves Scire's Dark Resistance reduction debuffs. If Signature Weapon is obtained and SS3-Rank can be afforded through the Voucher Shop, refer to Main (Competitive) for investments pertaining to a rotation playstyle.
Lost Lullaby
Leader. Recommended investment: SS-Rank Lost Lullaby is set in Yellow as she can not access Yellow Orbs during Darktide Form. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs when pinging a Tidal Orb while in Primordial Form. SS-Rank grants a Deluge Orb on switch in, improves damage dealt by Deluge/Tidal/Riptide Orbs and increases overall damage while in Darktide Form.
Gen 1
This team composition acts solely to show examples of older Constructs that may be used to fill in empty slots of players' teams. This team is no longer optimal and will see minimal use. This does not mean Constructs shown here that do not appear in stronger teams are useless, only that they are not the most effective option available.
Starter. Laurel's ability to activate any QTEs outside of their cooldown allows for consistent use of all QTEs. Rozen acts as the starter to allow Laurel to use her switch in skill to fulfill a portion of her Core Passive. Rozen should switch to Laurel immediately.
Leader. As Laurel can activate all available QTEs with her Core Passive and does not provide any support with her own QTE, she takes the remaining position in the team.
Laurel's ability to activate any QTEs outside of their cooldown allows for consistent use of all QTEs.
Beginner Friendly/F2P Options
This composition exists solely for new players who need a coverage team/general idea on where to start their team. Recommendations on investment will only be given if a Construct can fill a specific niche. Players with more experience/access to more Constructs should use this composition as nothing more than a guideline on how to fill empty slots they may have in their teams.
Starter. At SSS-Rank, XXI may be able to match or outclass Kamui: Tenebrion. If below SSS-Rank, XXI may serve as a temporary option until raised to a higher Rank, or until players have obtained a stronger option.
Leader. Astral may serve as a temporary Attacker until a stronger option is available to players. Astral's Leap may allow him to be equal to S-Rank Luna: Laurelbut only if Astral is SSS+ Rank at minimum. If Laurel is any higher than S-Rank, she will outclass Astral.
Decryptor may see usage in certain higher investment compositions. This only applies when using a team composition that does not encourage switching between members, as Selena: Capriccio far outclasses Decryptor in rotation playstyles.
Oblivion's Class Passive effect allows for more flexible teambuilding options. Setups shown here serve to show the best options per investment level. Substitutes will be listed per setup if available. As such, it is highly advised to read through all setups to ensure the best possible composition based on each individual's account.
Void Teams
Main (High Investment)
This composition shows the current optimal composition for Oblivion. This composition requires an Elemental Tank with -3 seconds to switch cooldown attached to their SSS-Rank Passive.
Leader. Recommended investment: SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Oblivion should be placed in whichever slot is left after the Amplifier has been set. SSS-Rank improves Apocalyptic Moonlight and increases damage dealt to Homeostatic Forcefields. Signature Weapon provides drastic improvements to gameplay by significantly cutting down on Orbs consumed during each rotation and access to Weapon Resonances which are necessary for optimal cycles through extra Orb generation.
Starter. Recommended investment: Leap, SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon No. 21: Feral and Ayla: Kaleido at SSS-Rank are also viable in this role. Empyrea and Feral should be prioritized in Phantom Pain Cage. Empyrea should switch placements with Garnet in Phantom Pain Cage. Empyrea can be set in Red or Blue as Oblivion can only access Red and Blue Orbs during Main Sequence. Red should be prioritized when using Epitaph, as he can only use Red Orbs during Paradigm: Assault. Empyrea should switch to Epitaph to allow setup of Searing Bulwark for Oblivion. SSS-Rank doubles the effects of Empyrea's Class Passive and Fire DMG Bonus. Signature Weapon provides access to Weapon Resonances to further improve Empyrea's buffs.
Recommended investment: SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon Wanshi: Lucid Dreamer at SSS-Rank is also viable in this role. Epitaph is set on Yellow to allow Oblivion to occasionally set up his QTE before entering Main Sequence. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs while performing Thermal Erosion. SS-Rank grants Epitaph massive bonus energy when reaching 3 stacks of Thermal Superconductivity for the first time per switch in. Damage is also increased during Paradigm: Assault. SS3-Rank increases Epitaph's Fire Resistance reduction debuff. SSS-Rank increases maximum stack count of Thermal Superconductivity and increases the buff provided by each stack by 5%, increases animation speed of Thermal Erosion, grants an extra Blaze Orb when parrying for the first time on switch in, further increases Fire Resistance reduction, and reduces switch cooldown by 3 seconds which eliminates the need to switch to Empyrea. Signature Weapon grants a Red 3-Ping when Epitaph enters Paradigm: Assault twice per switch in and provides access to Weapon Resonances, which are required for optimal rotations due to Epitaph no longer using 2-set Cottie in this composition.
Main (Competitive)
This composition shows the recommended investment to compete at higher levels. Investment recommendations will not be available to the majority of players. Refer to Main (Budget) for a more accessible setup.
Leader. Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Oblivion should be placed in whichever slot is left after the Amplifier has been set. SS3-Rank improves damage of Moonfall and provides slight quality of life improvements. Signature Weapon provides drastic improvements to gameplay by significantly cutting down on Orbs consumed during each rotation and access to Weapon Resonances which are necessary for smooth cycles through extra Orb generation.
Starter. Recommended investment: Leap, SSS-Rank, Signature Weapon No. 21: Feral and Ayla: Kaleido at SSS-Rank are also viable in this role. Empyrea and Feral should be prioritized in Phantom Pain Cage. Empyrea should switch placements with Garnet in Phantom Pain Cage. Empyrea can be set in Red or Blue as Oblivion can only access Red and Blue Orbs during Main Sequence. Red should be prioritized when using Epitaph, as he can only use Red Orbs during Paradigm: Assault. Empyrea should switch to Lucid Dreamer to allow setup of Frostbound Zone for Oblivion. If using Garnet as this team's Tank, Garnet should be set as Starter instead. SSS-Rank doubles the effects of Empyrea's Class Passive and Fire DMG Bonus. Signature Weapon provides access to Weapon Resonances to further improve Empyrea's buffs.
Lucid Dreamer
Recommended investment: SS3-Rank, Signature Weapon Watanabe: Epitaph at SS3-Rank and Vera: Garnet at SSS-rank are also viable in this role. Karenina: Scire at SSS-Rank may be used here in Phantom Pain Cage. Lucid Dreamer is set on Yellow to allow Oblivion to occasionally set up her QTE before entering Main Sequence. S5-Rank triggers available QTEs whenever entering Calibration Mode and when casting Hyperlinked Flight or Ruinous Blizzard. SS-Rank causes Lucid Dreamer's switch-in skill to count as a Blue 3-Ping and provides an Orb on switch-in, grants bonus energy when entering Calibration Mode, and greatly improves Base DMG and Glaciation Point accumulation rate of Gale Strike and Bullet Hail. SS3-Rank improves Lucid Dreamer's Ice Resistance reduction debuff, increase Orb recovery rate when performing Bullet Hail, and greatly improves the Base DMG of Cryonic Cryonic Explosion, Airdropped Revolver, and Effulgent Shatter. Signature Weapon greatly improves the Base DMG of Gale Strike, Bullet Hail, and Frosty Ascent, and provides access to Weapon Resonances for stronger debuffs and overall performance.
Main (Budget)
This composition serves as a more budget friendly version of the Main (Competitive) composition. Unless explicitly stated as otherwise, players should invest based on what can be reasonably afforded before using investment recommendations as a guideline. (For example, obtaining SS-Rank despite Signature Weapon being recommended, as SS-Rank can be obtained through Phantom Pain Cage.)
Leader. Recommended investment: SS-Rank Oblivion should be placed in whichever slot is left after the Amplifier has been set. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs when using Original Retribution and Moonfall. SS-Rank provides forced Matrix triggers and greatly improves Original Retribution's damage.
Starter. Recommended investment: Leap, SS-Rank No. 21: Feral and Ayla: Kaleido at SS-Rank are also viable in this role. Empyrea and Feral should be prioritized in Phantom Pain Cage. Empyrea should switch placements with Epitaph in Phantom Pain Cage. Empyrea can be set in Red or Blue as Oblivion can only access Red and Blue Orbs during Main Sequence. Red should be prioritized when using Epitaph, as he can only use Red Orbs during Paradigm: Assault. Empyrea should switch to Epitaph to allow setup of Searing Bulwark for Oblivion. SS-Rank significantly improves Empyrea's cycles by allowing use of multiple Core Passives with Matrix. Leap drastically improves Empyrea's overall strength by greatly cutting down on animation length, providing Orb rearrangement, and considerably increasing damage.
Recommended investment: SS-Rank Wanshi: Lucid Dreamer at SS-Rank is also viable in this role. Epitaph is set on Yellow to allow Oblivion to occasionally set up his QTE before entering Main Sequence. S5-Rank triggers all available QTEs while performing Thermal Erosion. SS-Rank grants Epitaph massive bonus energy when reaching 3 stacks of Thermal Superconductivity for the first time per switch in. Damage is also increased during Paradigm: Assault.