Lucia: Dawn

← Nanami: Storm Liv: Lux →

Lucia’s signature frame. As graceful as it is powerful, its mere appearance on the battlefield inspires its allies, earning the “Dawn” sobriquet. · Rank: A-Rank · Class: Attacker · Element: Physical (40%) Lightning (60%) 50%


Lucia’s signature frame. As graceful as it is powerful, its mere appearance on the battlefield inspires its allies, earning the “Dawn” sobriquet.
Duel - Has strong single attack ability
Mixed Damage - Able to deal Physical and Elemental DMG.
Physical (40%) Lightning (60%)
15 Jun
I. Shadow
Gray Raven
Frog Acc.

Optimal Weapon: Inverse - Shadow

Lightning DMG Bonus increases by 5% for 4s when dealing Lightning DMG. Can be stacked up to 4 times. Signature Move increases own Extra DMG Bonus by 10% for 10s. Both duration will reset every time it is triggered.

Memory Builds ◇ Lucia: Dawn

A list of recommended builds for Lucia: Dawn can be found here. Each tab represents one build — click the tabs below to view each one.
See here for more information about Ultima Awakening and resonance slots.

Disclaimer: Build switching is easier when placing 2-set Memories in top slots.
Builds below show placements for ease of switching sets. Placements that optimize stats may differ.
Weapon Harmony builds are now the meta. Builds that do not utilize Harmony remain viable if Players lack 6★ Weapons or materials.

Memory Placement
Heisen x4 / Darwin x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Tactical Adjustment: HP +75, ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Lotus - Lightning Dance: Core Passive +1
Key Notes
  • Ultima Awakening Set
  • Lucia: Dawn's main build
  • Used after her Leap becomes available.
  • It is recommended to directly build this set.

Memory Placement
Heisen x4 / Gloria x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Precision Attack: ATK +15, CRIT +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Scattering Petals: QTE Level +1
Key Notes
  • Niche build

Memory Placement
Heisen x4 / Cottie x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Tactical Adjustment: HP +75, ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Lotus - Lightning Dance: Core Passive +1
Key Notes
  • Secondary build
  • High difficulty content
  • Used in high difficulty content where survival is more important than clearing speed.
  • Current Global set for Dawn, gives frequent i-frames from her Signature Move.
  • If you're confident in your gameplay, you can opt for 2-Piece Frederick instead of Cottie for more damage.

Weapon Resonance ◇ Lucia: Dawn

Recommended 6★ weapon resonances for Lucia: Dawn can be found here listed in order of priority.

1. Dead Line Timing
Gain 2 extra random signal orbs upon deployment, and 3 signal orbs of the same color every 45s (also gain signal orbs on standby).
2. Matrix Lightning
After EX Dodge (triggering Matrix), Movement Speed is greatly increased and all enemies' Extra DMG Reduction is decreased by 10% in Matrix.
3. Glorious Afterglow
Final ATK of the weapon increases by 30% for 8s upon a 3-ping. Duration resets upon a repeated trigger.
  • Dead Line Timing
  • Matrix Lightning


  • Glorious Afterglow
Minimum recommended amount: 2
  • Glorious Afterglow sometimes replaces Deadline Timing in Phantom Pain Cage.
  • Leave Glorious Afterglow for last.
  • Focus on Tank and Support/Amplifier resonances first before unlocking the third Attacker resonance.

Skills & Passives

Red Orb

Lotus - Flurry — Ping Red Orb

Launches a flurry of attacks that deals Physical DMG 5 times in a row (Lightning DMG instead on a 3-Ping). Gains Super Armor while using the skill.
- Deals 40% / 80% / 144% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
Yellow Orb

Lotus - Lightning Field — Ping Yellow Orb

Automatically uses a 3-Ping version of this attack upon switch-in. Switch-in triggers this character's Core Passive.
Deploys a lightning field that deals Physical DMG to targets in the area and marks them. Enemies in the field take Lightning DMG over time. The mark stacks up to 3 times. Applying the mark again refreshes its duration.
- Deals 100% / 200% / 300% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- The lightning field lasts 3 / 4 / 5s, dealing 20% / 30% / 40% Lightning DMG to the enemies in the area every second based on the number of orbs pinged.
Blue Orb

Lotus - Moon Arc Slash — Ping Blue Orb

Quickly strikes the target to deal Lightning DMG, then pulls the target close, dealing Physical DMG and marking the target. The mark stacks up to 3 times. Applying the mark again refreshes its duration.
- Deals 80% / 160% / 240% Lightning DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Deals 80% / 160% / 240% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged when pulling the target close.
Basic Attack

Lotus - Quick Blade — Tap Basic Attack

Launches consecutive attacks with Lotus - Quick Blade, dealing Physical DMG.
- Deals 650% Physical DMG in total.

Lotus - Lightning Dance

Core Passive — Ping Yellow / Blue Orb + Tap Basic Attack (chance to trigger)
Lightning Lure: Attacking a marked enemy has a chance to summon a lightning bolt to trike the target, dealing Lightning DMG.
- There is a 25% / 50% / 75% chance to summon a lightning bolt that deals 60% Lightning DMG based on the number of marks on the enemy.

Signature - Lotus Blade

Signature Move — 50 Energy + Tap Signature
Activates the Lotus Blade. Performing Basic Attacks and skills launches an additional attack with Lotus Blade that deals Lightning DMG. Casting the Signature Move again while it is still active will refresh its duration.
- Lotus Blade deals 25% Lightning DMG each time and lasts 15s.

Scattering Petals

Lucia: Dawn spins and slashes the target, dealing Physical DMG and Lightning DMG.
- Deals 210% Physical DMG and 570% Lightning DMG in total.

Leader - Dawn Leader

Attack of all Attacker Constructs increases by 10%.


Extra DMG Bonus increases by 20%.

Ultima Awaken

Gains 3 Signal Orbs when entering battle.

Super Conductivity

Within the Lightning Field, Lightning DMG increases by 20%.

Fiery Lightning

Extra DMG of Lightning Lure increases by 20%.
SSS+ Rank

Daybreak Unleashed

Extra DMG Bonus increases by 15% for 10 seconds after performing a Signature Move. Triggering this effect again can refresh its duration
Hidden Skill
Lotus - Lightning Dance
Blue Ping ◇ yellow ping
Lightning mark
Marks the enemy with Blue Orb or Yellow Orb skills. Attacking an enemy marked by Lucia has a chance to launch lightning attacks that deal Lightning DMG.

Character Leap

This character's Leap is implemented during the Reveries With A Whale patch.

Vortex Flurry

Vortex Flurry

Upon a 3-Ping, Extra DMG Bonus of Lotus - Flurry increases by 10%.

Level 9: Lotus - Flurry pulls in surrounding enemies upon a 3-ping.
Level 18: While casting Lotus - Flurry with a 3-Ping while the Signature is active, pressing and holding the Basic Attack button triggers Iaido - Deadly Slash, dealing 360% Lightning DMG.

Thunder Kill Realm

Thunder Kill Realm

Extra DMG Bonus of lightning bolt attacks triggered by Lotus - Lightning Dance increases by 10%.

Level 9: The chance of triggering lightning bolt attacks by Lotus - Lightning Dance increases to 50%/75%/100%.
Level 18: Lotus - Lightning Dance triggers heavenly bolt attacks instead, increasing Lightning DMG Bonus by 10%.

Glow Lotus Blade

Glow Lotus Blade

When casting Signature - Lotus Blade, Lucia: Dawn's Extra DMG Bonus increases by 10% for 10s. Its duration will reset every time it is triggered.

Level 9: Automatically recovers Signature Energy for 10s after casting the Signature.
Level 18: Energy of Lotus Blade will not be reduced when Lucia: Dawn is on standby.

How to play

Dawn - Fundamentals
  • Hitting enemies with a Blue Orb Ping or Yellow Orb Ping tags them with a Lightning Mark
    • Up to 3 Lightning Marks can be stacked onto the same enemy, indicated by the number of lit lightning bolt icons above the enemy
    • Lightning Marks have a 12 second duration, after which all Lightning Marks on that enemy will expire
    • Lightning Mark's duration will be refreshed on another Blue Orb Ping or Yellow Orb Ping hit
  • Casting Signature Move will activate Lotus Blade for 15 seconds
    • Any attacks launched by Dawn will trigger synchronized attacks from Lotus Blade that deal Lightning DMG
  • Landing a hit on an enemy with Lightning Marks has a chance to cause additional Lightning DMG on that hit
    • This chance is 25%/50%/75%, based on the number of Lightning Marks currently stacked onto that enemy
  • Mark enemies with Lightning Marks, then use high hit count attack sequences such as Dawn's Red Orb Ping and any attacks launched with Lotus Blade active to trigger as many additional Lightning DMG instances as possible
Dawn - Additional Information
  • Only the first hit of the Blue Orb Ping and Yellow Orb Ping will apply a Lightning Mark; damage done by the fields deployed by Yellow Orb Pings cannot apply Lightning Marks
  • Recasting Lotus Blade before it expires will refresh its duration back to 15 seconds
    • This recast has a much shorter casting time and still grants invulnerability frames
  • Lotus Blade's duration continues counting down even when Dawn is off-field
Dawn - Leap Adjustments
  • Lotus Blade's duration will now pause while Dawn is off-field
  • Casting or recasting Lotus Blade will grant Dawn a 10% Extra DMG Bonus buff for 10 seconds, and regenerate a total of 20 Signature Energy over that period
  • The chance of triggering additional Lightning DMG when hitting an enemy with Lightning Marks increases to 50%/75%/100% based on the number of Lightning Marks on that enemy
    • The additional Lighting DMG dealt from these triggers is further increased
  • Red Orb 3-Pings deal increased damage and weakly pull in nearby enemies
    • If Lotus Blade is active when a Red Orb 3-Ping is cast, Basic Attack can be held down to trigger a follow-up attack that dashes Dawn through enemies in front of her


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