Lucia: Plume

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Babylonia developed this latest frame specifically for Lucia based on Gray Raven's experience and the data collected from Alpha. · Rank: S-Rank · Class: Attacker · Element: Physical (20%) Ice (80%) 50%


Babylonia developed this latest frame specifically for Lucia based on Gray Raven's experience and the data collected from Alpha.
Continual Burst - Has sustained damage output
Form Switch - Skill can switch attacking modes
Physical (20%) Ice (80%)
15 Jun
C. Birch
Gray Raven
Frog Acc.

Optimal Weapon: Crimson Birch

Ice DMG increases by 15%. DMG increases by 10% for 5s after 3-Ping.

Memory Builds ◇ Lucia: Plume

A list of recommended builds for Lucia: Plume can be found here. Each tab represents one build — click the tabs below to view each one.
See here for more information about Ultima Awakening and resonance slots.

Disclaimer: Build switching is easier when placing 2-set Memories in top slots.
Builds below show placements for ease of switching sets. Placements that optimize stats may differ.
Weapon Harmony builds are now the meta. Builds that do not utilize Harmony remain viable if Players lack 6★ Weapons or materials.

Memory Placement
Hanna x4 / Darwin x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Mute Winter: Red Orb Level +1

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Signature - Halcyonic Blossoms: Signature Move Level + 1
Key Notes
  • Lucia: Plume's main build
  • Ultima Awakening Set
  • Works in all content
  • Hanna helps with Plume's heavy Signal Orb usage and boosts her already high Signal Orb damage
  • Signature Move Resonance scales well across modes

Memory Placement
Hanna x4 / Darwin x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Mute Winter: Red Orb Level +1

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Hyperborea / Ex — Tactical Adjustment: Core Passive +1 / HP +75, ATK +15
Key Notes
  • Alternative build
  • This set also works across all content
    • Performance is slightly worse than Signature Move Resonance in general content
  • Core Passive Resonance allows fast Phantom Pain Cage clears using Signal Orbs only
  • Any mixture of Attack / Core Passive is fine.

Memory Placement
Frederick x4 / Darwin x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Mute Winter: Red Orb Level +1

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Signature - Halcyonic Blossoms: Signature Move Level + 1
Key Notes
  • Niche build
  • Frederick offers extremely high burst damage, allowing Pain Cage clears that aren't possible with Hanna
  • Useable in both Phantom Pain Cage: Advanced and Ultimate Zones
  • Requires high mechanical skill to utilize properly

Memory Placement
Hanna x4 / Darwin x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Glacier Puncture: Yellow Orb Level +1

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Hyperborea: Core Passive +1
Key Notes
  • Niche build
  • Set used for fast low difficulty boss clears
  • It can work against high difficulty Phantom Pain Cage: Advanced Zone bosses given enough investment

Weapon Resonance ◇ Lucia: Plume

Recommended 6★ weapon resonances for Lucia: Plume can be found here listed in order of priority.

1. Dead Line Timing
Gain 2 extra random signal orbs when come out, and 3 same signal orbs every 45s (also can gain signal orbs during background operation).
2. Matrix Lightning
After EX Dodge (triggering Matrix), Movement Speed is greatly increased and all enemies' Extra DMG Reduction is decreased by 10% in Matrix.
3. Glorious Afterglow
Final ATK of the weapon increases by 30% for 8s when 3-Ping. Duration resets every time it is triggered.
  • Dead Line Timing
  • Matrix Lightning


  • Glorious Afterglow
Minimum recommended amount: 2
  • Glorious Afterglow sometimes replaces Deadline Timing in Phantom Pain Cage
  • Leave Glorious Afterglow for last
  • Make sure you have the Tank and Support resonances done before doing this one, as it's weaker than the other resonances

Skills & Passives

Red Orb

Mute Winter

Red Orb — Ping Red Orb
Unleashes several quick slashes on the spot, dealing Physical DMG.
- Attacks 4 / 4 / 8 times, each time dealing Physical 60% / 120% / 120% DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.

Red Orb — Arctic Form + Ping Red Orb
In Arctic Form, creates an ice tornado that moves forward, dealing Ice DMG to the enemies it touches.
- While moving, the tornado deals 30% / 60% / 90% Ice DMG 9 times and deals 130% / 260% / 390% Ice DMG once when it reaches the far end.
Yellow Orb

Glacier Puncture

Yellow Orb — Ping Yellow Orb
Darts at the target and strikes twice, dealing Physical DMG.
- Each hit deals 115% / 235% / 355% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.

Yellow Orb — Arctic Form + Ping Yellow Orb
In Arctic Form, leaps mid-air and smashes at the target, dealing Ice DMG twice.
- Each hit deals 150% / 300% / 450% Ice DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
Blue Orb

Frigid Roundabout

Automatically uses a 3-Ping version of this attack upon switch-in. Switch-in triggers this character's SS-Rank Passive.
Blue Orb — Ping Blue Orb
Whirls vertically while moving, then smashes downward to deal Physical DMG.
- Each hit deals 30% / 60% / 90% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- The downward slash deals 70% / 160% / 250% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.

Blue Orb — Arctic Form + Ping Blue Orb
In Arctic Form, unleashes a tornado toward the front that deals Ice DMG 5 times, then quickly pulls the target in and deals Ice DMG once.
- Each hit of the tornado deals 40% / 80% / 120% Ice DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Deals 80% / 160% / 240% Ice DMG based on the number of orbs pinged while pulling back.
Basic Attack

Frost Blade

Basic Attack — Tap Basic Attack
Cuts at the target quickly with a katana, dealing Physical DMG.
- Deals 640% Physical DMG in total.

Basic Attack — Arctic Form + Tap Basic Attack
In Arctic Form, attacks the target with a katana and thruster interchangeably, dealing Physical DMG and Ice DMG.
- Deals 310% Physical DMG and 370% Ice DMG in total.


Core Passive — Any 3-Ping
In Normal Form, every 3-Ping grants Energy and Signature Point (up to 2 Points in Normal Form).
- Every 3-Ping grants 50% Energy and 1 Signature Point.

Core Passive — Arctic Form + Any 3-Ping
In Arctic Form, Energy decreases over time. While there is still Energy, Ice DMG increases and every 3-Ping grants 1 Signature point (up to 4 in Arctic Form). When casting the Signature Move, it can still benefit from the Core Passive's DMG Bonus if there is still Energy left.
- Ice DMG increases by 50% when there is still Energy.

Signature - Halcyonic Blossoms

Signature Move — Tap Signature
Can be cast any time in Normal Form. Quickly switches into Arctic Form. Becomes invincible while switching. Form switch has a cooldown of 3s. If energy is full when switching, all Signal Orbs will be rearranged into 3-Pings.

Signature Move — Arctic Form + More than 1 Signature Point + Tap Signature
Available in Arctic Form when there is more than 1 Signature Point. Leaps mid-air and hurls left-hand weapon at the ground, causing a massive AOE Ice DMG and slowing the enemies temporarily before switching back to Normal Form. Form switch has a cooldown of 3s.
- Deals 900% / 1200% / 1600% / 3040% Ice DMG based on the number of Signature Points accumulated.

Frost Blade - Icebreak

Dashes at the enemy, dealing Physical DMG and Ice DMG.
- Deals 320% Physical DMG and 320% Ice DMG.

Leader - Blade of Raven

Increases Ice DMG of all members by 10%. Increases ATK of all Attacker Omniframes in the team by 5%.


Extra DMG Bonus increases by 20%.

Ultima Awaken

Gains 3 Signal Orbs when entering battle.

Stone Freeze

After Frigid Roundabout hits a target, Plume's attacks deal extra DMG to the target.
- Deals 10% more DMG to the target for 8s.

Raven Zero

Gains max Energy and 2 Signature Points at the start of battle. While Plume still has Energy in Arctic Form, Extra DMG Bonus of Signal Orb skills increases by 5%.


Gain max Energy at the start of battle. While you still have Energy in Arctic Form, Extra DMG Bonus of Signal Orb Skills increases by 10%.

SSS+ Rank

Ivory Album

Ice DMG increases by 20% while Core Passive is active.
Hidden Skill
Any 3-Ping
Enhanced Signature
Every 3-Ping made in the Normal Form generates 50% more Energy and 1 Signature Point. Up to 2 Signature Points can be accumulated. Using Form Switch in the Normal Form will transform Plume into the Arctic Form. Switching with full Energy will re-arrange all the existing Signal Orbs. Ice DMG is increased when in the Arctic Form. A 3-Ping grants 1 Signature Point. Final - Ice Flash requires 4 Signature Points to cast.

How to play

Plume - Fundamentals
  • Plume has two forms and starts in Normal Form:
    • Pressing the Signature Move button once switches to Arctic Form
    • Activating Signature Move again in Arctic Form performs a powerful attack and turns Plume back to Normal Form
  • When in Normal Form:
    • All of Plume's damage is Physical DMG
    • Using 3-Pings gives 50% energy and a Signature Point (Max 2)
  • When in Arctic Form:
    • All of Plume's damage is converted to Ice DMG
    • Energy drains quickly, but in exchange it gives a 50% extra Ice DMG buff
    • Using 3-Pings gives a Signature Point (Max 4)
  • Signature Points:
    • Are displayed next to the Signature button in Arctic Form
    • Can only be fully stacked in Arctic Form (max 2 in Normal Form)
    • Using her Signature Move with 4 points is essential to deal the most damage
Plume - Additional Information
  • Core Passive details:
    • The Blue Orb 3-Ping switch-in attack gives her a Signature Point and 50% energy in Normal Form
    • Plume's Arctic Form Ice DMG buff also applies to her Signature Move if it's activated before her Energy runs out
    • Activating Arctic Form with full energy rearranges all the orbs in groups of 3-Pings
  • How to use the Hanna memory set:
    • Using a Matrix Ping activates a second Matrix, with a fresh use of Matrix Ping
    • Use the two consecutive Matrix Pings to quickly build Plume's Signature Points
    • Activating the set doesn't put Plume's Matrix in cooldown
  • Advanced techniques:
    • Dodging shortly after Arctic Form's Red Orb Pings skips the animation but still does full damage
    • Activating Signature Move to swap to Arctic Form grants a brief period of invincibility
    • It's best to use 3-Pings and Matrix Pings while in Arctic Form and with the 50% extra Ice DMG buff
    • The best way to deal damage and build full stacks for Plume's Signature Move is:
      Switch-in free Blue Orb 3-Ping -> Signature Move (Arctic Form) -> Dodge enemy attack (Matrix) -> Matrix Ping -> Matrix Ping (Hanna) -> any 3-Ping -> Signature Move
      • The 3-Pings must be executed quickly before Plume's Energy runs out
      • Doing one basic attack before each 3-Ping allows Plume to generate orbs while attacking
    • After switching to Arctic Form Plume will only be able to use her Signature Move after 3 seconds, regardless of Signature Points or energy
      • It's possible to cancel the Arctic Form switch animation with a dodge to start the 3 second timer sooner


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