

TBD · Rank: S-Rank · Class: Attacker · Element: Fire (100%) 50%


- -
Burst - Deals massive DMG in a short time.
Electroconvergence - Skills can trigger Electroconvergence.
Electroconvergence -
June 15
Dawn's Flaming Feathers
Gray Raven
Frog Acc.

Optimal Weapon: Astraea

ATK increases by 10%. Base DMG of Signature - Celestial Edge increases by 15%. Each time Splendor Points are full, one random Signal Orb and one Cipher Orb of the same color will be generated. Ultralimit Torque now increases Physical DMG by 20%.

Optimal CUB: Dawn Chorus

Dawn Chorus will fire lasers to attack the target, dealing DMG.

Memory Builds ◇ Alisa: Echo

A list of recommended builds for Alisa: Echo can be found here. Each tab represents one build — click the tabs below to view each one.
See here for more information about Ultima Awakening and resonance slots.

Disclaimer: Build switching is easier when placing 2-set Memories in top slots.
Builds below show placements for optimal stats, but the difference is negligible.
Weapon Harmony builds are now the meta. Builds that do not utilize Harmony remain viable if Players lack 6★ Weapons or materials.

Memory Placement
Signa x4 / Da Vinci x2 / Da Vinci x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Any ATK: ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Amplifier: Class Skill Level +1
Key Notes
  • Main build after Harmony
  • Ultima Awakening Set
  • General-purpose set
  • 6 Signature Move can be resonated if prioritizing Echo's damage output.
    • This should only be considered if the player does not own a Physical Construct that outputs higher DPS than Echo
    • Class Passive provides more versatility.

Memory Placement
Signa x4 / Philip II x2 / Philip II x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Any ATK: ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Amplifier: Class Skill Level +1
Key Notes

Memory Placement
Signa x4 / Philip II x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Any ATK: ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Amplifier: Class Skill Level +1
Key Notes
  • Transitory build before Harmony
  • Ultima Awakening Set
  • General-purpose set
  • 6 Signature Move can be resonated if prioritizing Echo's damage output.
    • This should only be considered if the player does not own a Physical Construct that outputs higher DPS than Echo
    • Class Passive provides more versatility.

Weapon Resonance ◇ Alisa: Echo

Recommended 6★ weapon resonances for Alisa: Echo can be found here listed in order of priority.

1. Superconducting Axial Ray
Increases full ATK of all characters of the team by 8%. This effect does not stack.
2. Glorious Spear
When using a healing skill or effect, increases Full ATK of the healed target by 10% for 8s, CD for 10s.
3. Dead Line Timing
Gain 2 extra random signal orbs upon deployment, and 3 signal orbs of the same color every 45s (also gain signal orbs on standby).
  • Superconducting Axial Ray
  • Glorious Spear


  • Dead Line Timing
Minimum recommended amount: 2

Skills & Passives

Red Orb

Scorching Polarizer

Revolving Twister — Tap Red Orb
Uses dual blades to spin and fly upwards, obtaining Temper Points and dealing Fire DMG.
- Gains 20 / 40 / 60 Temper Points while performing the skill based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Deals 240% / 480% / 720% Fire DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Performing this skill requires at least 1 White Orb to be consumed, after which Lucia remains in the air momentarily.

Inferno Gust — In the air + Tap Red Orb
Rotates in the air before rapidly plunging downwards, obtaining Temper Points and dealing Fire DMG.
- Gains 20 / 40 / 60 Temper Points while performing the skill based on the number of orbs pinged. Gains Super Armor while performing this skill.
- Deals 420% / 840% / 1260% Fire DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Performing this skill requires at least 1 White Orb to be consumed, after which Lucia remains in the air momentarily.
- Lucia is able to evade attacks when rotating.

Flickering Sparks — After a Red 3-Ping + Tap Basic Attack
After a 3-Ping that performs the Red Orb skill, tap Basic Attack to follow up with Lightspeed Rend – Flickering Sparks once, coordinating an attack with afterimages of self on the target, dealing Fire DMG and during which gains Super Armor. After performing this skill, obtains Signature Energy and Radiance Points based on the number of Red Orbs consumed earlier (up to 9 Orbs).
- Deals 120% Fire DMG.
- Obtains 1 / 2 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 15 Signature Energy after landing on the ground based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Obtains 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 Radiance Points immediately based on the number of orbs pinged.
- After performing this skill, Lucia lands on the ground.
Yellow Orb

Omnidirectional Glare

Soaring Strike — Tap Yellow Orb
Lunges at the target, obtaining Temper Points and dealing Fire DMG.
- Gains 20 / 40 / 60 Temper Points while performing the skill based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Deals 160% / 320% / 500% Fire DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Performing this skill requires at least 1 White Orb to be consumed.

Return of Lustrous Wings — In the air + Tap Yellow Orb
Spins and dives to slash at the target, obtaining Temper Points and dealing Fire DMG. During this, gains Super Armor.
- Gains 20 / 40 / 60 Temper Points while performing the skill based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Deals 180% / 360% / 540% Fire DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Performing this skill requires at least 1 White Orb to be consumed, after which Lucia descends to the ground.
- Gains 30 Radiance Points while performing this skill.
- After performing this skill, tapping Basic Attack at the precise timing will perform Searing Slash – Shatter.

Dual-wielding Arcflash — After a Yellow 3-Ping + Tap Basic Attack repeatedly
After a 3-Ping that performs the Yellow Orb skill, tap Basic Attack repeatedly to follow up with Lightspeed Rend – Dual-wielding Arcflash up to four times, dealing Fire DMG and gaining Radiance Points. During this, gains Super Armor.
- Gains 20 Radiance Points throughout the first three combos of Lightspeed Rend – Dual-wielding Arcflash.
- Gains 30 Radiance Points and 5 Signature Energy during the fourth combo of Lightspeed Rend – Dual-wielding Arcflash. After performing this skill, tapping Basic Attack at the precise timing will perform Searing Slash – Shatter.
- Deals a total of 1250% Fire DMG.
Blue Orb

Roaring Firestorm

Solar Pierce — Tap Blue Orb
Jumps and knocks the target airborne, dealing Fire DMG.
- Deals 120% Fire DMG.
- After performing this skill, Lucia remains in the air momentarily.
- Performing this skill does not consume any White Orbs.

Lightcrushing — In the air + Tap Blue Orb
Rapidly slams down from the air, dealing Fire DMG.
- Deals 180% Fire DMG.
- After performing this skill, Lucia lands on the ground.
- Performing this skill does not consume any White Orbs.

Tempest Gathering — After Basic Attack Combo 5 + Tap Blue Orb
After performing Basic Attack Combo 5, tap Blue Orb to turn and perform a heavy strike, dealing Fire DMG and gaining points of Ampere Accumulation. During this, gains Super Armor. After performing this skill, performing Basic Attack continues from Combo 3.
- Deals 240% Electroconvergence DMG.
- Gains 250 points of Ampere Accumulation while performing this skill.

Tempest Unleash — Ampere Accumulation full + Hold Blue Orb
When Ampere Accumulation of the party reaches the maximum value, hold Blue Orb to trigger the Electronic Blast state. During Signature Move – Forged in Molten, Blue Orb can also be held.

Thunderous Trial — Ping Electrofuge Orb
When in the Electronic Blast state, all Signal Orbs are converted into Electrofuge Orbs. After pinging Electrofuge Orbs, jumps and slashes at the target from the air, obtaining Radiance Points and dealing Electroconvergence DMG. During this, gains Super Armor. After exiting the Electronic Blast state, all Electrofuge Orbs are converted into White Orbs.
- Gains 20 / 40 / 60 Radiance Points while performing the skill based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Deals 180% / 360% / 540% Electroconvergence DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
Basic Attack

Feather Storm

Rapidly fires arrows at the target, dealing Physical DMG.
- Deals 460% Physical DMG in total.

Echoing Twins

Cipher of Synergy - Press and hold Basic Attack
Cecily fights alongside Echo. Press and hold Basic Attack to make Echo enter Tactical Cipher. In Tactical Cipher, Signal Orbs will be temporarily replaced by Cipher Orbs. Pinging a Cipher Orb will make Cecily fire a swordwave at the enemy, dealing Physical DMG. Cecily will then act based on the color of the Cipher Orbs pinged.
- Each swordwave deals 30% Physical DMG.
- Red Cipher: Launches a thrust attack at the enemy, dealing 90% Physical DMG.
- Yellow Cipher: Launches a downward thrust from above, pulling in nearby enemy units and dealing 50% Physical DMG.
- Blue Cipher: Slashes the target, restoring HP equal to 20% of Echo's ATK to allies and dealing 50% Physical DMG.

Sinbreaker's Judgment - During Tactical Cipher + Ping Cipher Orbs consecutively
Upon entering Tactical Cipher, Echo starts charging, during which time Cecily will prevent enemies from attacking her and repel them. Echo gains Super Armor for 1.5s and 40% DMG Reduction. Cooldown: 5s. Keep pinging Cipher Orbs or drag the joystick to keep charging. When orbs are no longer pinged or when the joystick is released, Echo will stop charging and fire a Sinbreaker's Arrow, dealing Physical DMG. Echo can dodge attacks when performing this move. Cecily will then attack in the order of the Cipher Orbs pinged, with each attack consuming one Cipher Orb. After Echo exits the battlefield, Cecily will stay and continue to attack enemies until all Cipher Orbs are consumed.
- When fully charged, Sinbreaker's Arrow deals 580% Physical DMG, rearranges all Signal Orbs into 3-Pings, and activates Judgment Zone, which heals allies within for 80% of Echo's ATK for 8s and grants Echo 6 Signature Energy.
- If Sinbreaker's Arrow is not fully charged, it will only deal 230% Physical DMG without activating Judgment Zone.

Majestic Splendor - In Judgement Zone + Ping Orbs
Each orb pinged inside Judgment Zone will generate 10 Splendor Points, max 90.

Swift Archery - In Judgement Zone + Tap Dodge
Tapping Dodge inside Judgment Zone will trigger Swift Archery, dealing Physical DMG.
- Deals 80% Physical DMG.

Judgment Co-Strike - In Judgment Zone + 90 Splendor Points + Ping One Specific Signal Orb
At max Splendor Points, pinging a Signal Orb that matches the color of Cipher Orb inside Judgment Zone will trigger a Co-Strike. The first Co-Strike after Judgment Zone is activated will cast Imprisoning Co-Strike. If Echo has Soul Shatter Mark, she can trigger another Co-Strike afterward while the Judgment Zone is still active to cast Soulbreaking Co-Strike.
- Imprisoning Co-Strike: Consumes all Splendor Points to imprison and pull in nearby enemies, dealing 720% Physical DMG and restoring 36 Signature Energy.
- Soulbreaking Co-Strike: Consumes Soul Shatter Mark to leap and shoot the target, dealing 576% Physical DMG and restoring 20 Signature Energy.- Echo becomes invincible during a Co-Strike but cannot cast Signature - Celestial Edge.
- Echo gains Soul Shatter Mark after casting Signature - Celestial Edge.

Blessing of Fortitude - Upon receiving Healing
Allies are granted Ultralimit Torque which increases their Physical DMG by 10% for 8s after being healed. The duration resets every time it is triggered.

Celestial Edge

Signature Move — 90 Energy + Tap Signature
Echo and Cecily attack at the same time, dealing Physical DMG and triggering Time Lag Calculation. Afterward, Echo gains Soul Shatter Mark.
- Deal 2660% Physical DMG in total.

Advent of Justice

Fires multiple arrows at the enemy, dealing Physical DMG and healing HP.
- Deals 600% Physical DMG and heals for 100% of ATK in total.

Harbinger of Law

All members' ATK increases by 10%. Amplifiers' Physical DMG Bonus increases by 5%.


Extra DMG Bonus increases by 20%.

Ultima Awaken

Gains 3 Signal Orbs when entering battle.

Decisive Omen

Level 1 — Unlocked at S5
Casting Imprisoning Co-Strike and Soulbreaking Co-Strike will activate all available QTEs.

Level 2 — Unlocked at SS
Gains a set of 3-Ping Orbs when switched in. While Judgment Zone is active, Extra DMG Bonus increases by 30%.

Mark of Libra

Level 1 — Unlocked at SS3
When Echo is switched out, Cecily immediately gains 6 bonus Cipher Orbs. After Echo exits the battlefield, Cecily gains 100% Extra DMG Bonus.

Level 2 — Unlocked at SSS
The effect of Amplifier Class Skill increases by 100%. Echo gains 30 Splendor Points and Soul Shatter Mark every time she enters the battlefield. Soulbreaking Co-Strike's Base DMG increases by 50%.
SSS+ Rank

Dreamer's Shore

Level 1 Unlocked at SSS3
Extra DMG Bonus of Signature - Celestial Edge increases by 30%.

Level 2 — Unlocked at SSS6
Extra DMG Bonus of 3-Ping skills and Cipher Orb skills increases by 50%.

Level 3 — Unlocked at SSS+
Extra DMG Bonus of Imprisoning Co-Strike and Soulbreaking Co-Strike increase by 30%.
