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- Unreleased Character
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|Information=Selena's alternativebackup frame. whoseMade completionwith wasthe facilitatedsupport byof an artist from theWGAA, Artsit Asfree-spirited theand namelively suggestslike itits carries a fantastical soundnamesake, but the emotionssentiments containedit within itembodies are anythingearnest butand falsesolemn.
|SpecialitySpecialty='''AmplifyAmplification''' — Can buffEnhances teammates.<br>'''Burst''' — CanDeals dealmassive largeDMG amountsin ofa damageshort quickly.time
|Element=[[File:Element-Physical-Icon-White.png|25x25px|link=]]Physical (10%) [[File:Element-Dark-Icon-White.png|25x25px|link=]]Dark (90%)
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|Gift Text=Iris
|Size= 60x60px
|Question= Optimal Weapon: [[Sarastro]]
|Answer= Each phantom unleashed by Selena: Capriccio on the field will make Selena: Capriccio deal {{o|5%}} more Extra DMG. This effect can be stacked up to {{o|6}} times. Upon casting a {{o|Reprise: Echo}}, Selena: Capriccio gains {{o|12}} additional Signature Energy.}}
- PP Recommended Memory Sets
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<!--------Red Orb----------->
|Red Orb=Butterflies' Serenade — '''{{b|Ping Red Orb + Hold the joystick}}'''
|Red Orb Detail=<span style="color:#6db135;">Automatically uses a 3-Ping version of this attack upon switch-in.</span> <br>Selena: rushesCapriccio quickly dashes forward, dealing Physical DMG. Upon a 3-Ping, Selena: Capriccio will deal Dark DMG instead and piercesdash again with Super Armor in the target,joystick's dealingdirection <spanto style="color:#FF6549;"deal Dark DMG. <br>- Deals {{o|168 % / 336% / 504%</span>}} Physical DMG correspondingbased toon the number of Orbsorbs pinged. 3<br>-Pings convert Physical DMGDashes to Darkdeal DMG, additionally, Selena charges forward, dealing <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|90%</span>}} Dark DMG.
<!-------Yellow Orb--------->
|Yellow Orb=Ruinous March — '''{{b|Ping Yellow Orb + Hold the joystick}}'''
|Yellow Orb Detail=Selena: brandishesCapriccio draws her sword,blade dealingto <spandeal style="colorPhysical DMG. Upon a 3-Ping, Selena:#FF6549;" Capriccio will deal Dark DMG instead and dash again with Super Armor in the joystick's direction to deal Dark DMG. <br>- Deals {{o|112% / 224% / 336%</span>}} Physical DMG. 3-Pingsbased converton Physicalthe DMGnumber toof Darkorbs DMG,pinged. additionally, Selena<br>- chargesDashes forward,to dealingdeal <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|144%</span>}} Dark DMG.
<!--------Blue Orb---------->
|Blue Orb=Nebula Rondo — '''{{b|Ping Blue Orb}}'''
|Blue Orb Detail=Selena: blowsCapriccio plays her flute,Flute twirlsSword andas thenshe leapsspins backand jumps backward, drawingpulling enemies in nearbya enemiessmall andarea breakingclose, outinterrupting ofenemy stunattacks, and dealing <spanPhysical style="color:#FF6549;"DMG. Upon a 3-Ping, deals Dark DMG instead and gains Super Armor while casting this skill. <br>- Deals {{o|182% / 364% / 546%</span>}} Physical DMG. 3-Pingsbased converton Physicalthe DMGnumber toof Darkorbs DMGpinged.
<!-------Basic Attack------->
|Basic=Andante Strike — {{b|Tap Basic Attack}}
|Basic Attack Detail=Basic AttackSelena: SelenaCapriccio continuouslylaunches consecutive attacks with herthe flute-swordFlute Sword, dealing <spanPhysical style="color:#FF6549;"DMG. <br>- Deals {{o|976%</span>}} Physical DMG in total.
<!------Signature Move------>
|Signature=SignatureDream MoveCosmos Suite
|Signature Detail='''Realm of Capriccio — {{b|80 Energy + Tap Signature}}'''<br>Signature Move: CostsConsumes 80 Energy to activate {{o|Realm of Capriccio}}, gaining Extra DMG Reduction. Selena: entersCapriccio <spangains 5 {{o|Shooting Stars}}. At the end of {{o|Realm of style="color:#FF6549;">Capriccio}}, all Signal Orbs will be rearranged in the order of Red-Blue-Yellow. Zone</spanbr>,- increasingSelena: herCapriccio's Extra DMG Reduction increases by {{o|50%.}} Selenain gainsRealm 5of Capriccio.<span style="color:#FF6549;"br><br>'''Shooting Star — {{b|Ping Shooting Star Orb}}'''</spanbr> Orbs. EveryEach time a <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|Shooting Star</span> Orb}} is expendedcast, Selena: Capriccio will chargesdash toward the target, dealing <spanDark style="color:#FF6549;"DMG. <br>- Deals {{o|160%</span>}} Dark DMG.<br><br>'''Reprise: WhenTwin <spanStars — {{b|All style="color:#FF6549;">Shooting Star Orbs consumed}}'''</spanbr>When Orbsall have{{o|Shooting beenStars}} usedare upconsumed, Selena: Capriccio will control all herphantoms shadowto remnants,launch activating <span style="color:#FF6549;">Ensemblea follow-up Binaryattack Star</span>.to Selenacast then{{o|Reprise: blowsTwin herStars}} fluteagain, commandingthen hershe presentwill shadowplay remnantsher Flute Sword to pursuetrigger {{o|Time Lag Calculation}} and order all phantoms to attack the enemiesenemy, with each shadow remnantphantom dealing <span style="color:#FF6549;">340%</span> Dark DMG. whileMeanwhile, triggeringRealm theof zoneCapriccio towill explodebe detonated, dealing a total of <span style="color:#FF6549;">1360%</span> Dark DMG andwhile leaving behinda 1phantom shadowbehind, remnanthealing forally 5units seconds.within Surroundingthe alliesrange areevery healedsecond. for <span style="color:#FF6549;"br>30- Every phantom deals {{o|340%}} Dark DMG. </spanbr>- ofThe Selena’srealm Attackexplosion everydeals second{{o|1360%}} forDark 5DMG Whentotal. <span style="color:#FF6549;"br>Capriccio- Zone</span>The ends,phantom Signalheals Orbsally rearrangeunits intowithin athe Red,range Yellow,for andHP Blueequal sequenceto {{o|30%}} of Selena: Capriccio's ATK per second over {{o|5}}s.
|QTE=QTELingering Bladesong
|QTE Detail=QTESelena: SelenaCapriccio leaps into battle and blowsplays her fluteFlute Sword, dealing <spanDark style="color:#FF6549;"DMG and restoring HP. <br>- Deals {{o|600%</span>}} Dark DMG and heals for <spanHP style="color:#FF6549;">equal to {{o|60%</span>}} of her attackATK.
<!-------Core Passive------->
|Core=Core PassivePhantasia
|Core Detail='''Core Passive: When Selena{{b|Any performs3-Ping + Hold the joystick}}'''<br>Upon a 3-Ping, moving the directionaljoystick stickwill summonscause Selena: Capriccio to summon a shadowphantom. remnantThe whichphantom continueswill executingcontinue theto initialcast Signalthe Orboriginal skill, used.and Selena activatesherself <spanwill style="colorgain Super Armor and cast {{o|Reprise:#FF6549;">Ensemble -Echo}} instead. Reverb</spanbr> and- Each {{o|Reprise: Echo}} cast by pinging Red/Yellow/Blue Orbs dealdeals <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|620% / 410% / 600%</span>}} Dark DMG.<br><br>'''Core WhenPassive Selena expends <span{{b|Ping style="color:#FF6549;">Shooting Star Orb + Hold the joystick}}'''</spanbr>When Orbscasting a Shooting Star, moving the directionaljoystick stickwill activatescause <span style="colorSelena:#FF6549;">Ensemble -Capriccio Binaryto Star</span>,cast dealingan <spanadditional style="colorReprise:#FF6549;">180%</span> Twin Stars, dealing Dark DMG andwhile summoning a shadowphantom remnantat the original location. <br>- Deals {{o|180%}} Dark DMG.
<!-------Core Passive Activation Image-->
|Core Activation=[[File:Skill-Capriccio-Core.png|center|400px]]
<!-------Leader Skill------->
|Leader=LeaderFamed SkillConcertmaster
|Leader Detail=AllIncreases teamATK members’of Attackall and HP increasesmembers by <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|10%</span>}} and <spanHP of all members by style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|5%</span>}}.
<!-------SS Passive--------->
|SS Rank=SS-PassiveImmortal Song
|SS Rank Detail=Passive:Upon Whenentering battle, Selena: entersCapriccio theheals field,herself she recoversfor HP equal to <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|30%</span>}} of her AttackATK. When Selena: entersCapriccio <spancasts {{o|Realm of style="color:#FF6549;">Capriccio}} Zone</span>to andheal healsally herunits, allies,the excess healing abovewill fullbe HPconverted convertsinto to{{o|Song <span style="color:#FF6549;">Musicalof Protection</span>, lasting}} for {{o|3 seconds}}s. When Selena: Capriccio is inwithin <span{{o|Realm of style="color:#FF6549;">Capriccio Zone</span>}}, she gainsdeals a <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|10%</span> increase}} inadditional Dark DMG.
<!-------SSS Passive-------->
|SSS Rank=SSS-PassiveDark Star Shines
|SSS Rank Detail=Passive:The effect of Amplifier Class skill effectSkill increases by <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|100%</span>}}, <spanand the style="color:#FF6549;">Dark Radiation</span>’sDMG Bonus of {{o|Dark DMGRadiation}} increasesis byincreased <spanto style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|20%</span>}}. <spanThe style="color:#FF6549;">CoreExtra PassiveDMG -Bonus of [{{o|Core Passive name]</span>- Extra DMG BonusPhantasia}} increases by <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|20%</span>}}. <spanThe style="color:#FF6549;">Capricciohealing Zone</span>’sduration healingof ability{{o|Realm lastsof forCapriccio}} 5is secondsextended moreby {{o|5}}s.
<!-------SSS+ Passive------->
|SSS+ Rank=SSS+Adored PassiveBy Stars
|SSS+ Rank Detail=PassiveWhile Selena: When teamCapriccio membersis performon 3-Pingsstandby, Selenashe gains {{o|12}} Signature Move Energy. <spaneach style="color:#FF6549;">Signaturetime Movea -team [Signaturemember Movecasts name]</span>a 3-Ping. The Extra DMG Bonus of {{o|Signature Move - Dream Cosmos Suite}} increases by <span style="color:#FF6549;">{{o|50%</span>}}.
- Gameplay Tips
{{Header Full|How to play}}<big>
=====Capriccio - Fundamentals=====
*Pressing or holding a direction while using 3-Pings or Signature Move orbs will summon an <span style="color:#B17ACE;">Echo</span>:
**The <span style="color:#B17ACE;">Echo</span> will perform the same action that was used to create it
**Capriccio will move in the selected direction when summoning an <span style="color:#B17ACE;">Echo</span>
*Casting Signature Move will hide all current orbs and replace them with 5 '''Shooting Star''' orbs:
**Each '''Shooting Star''' orb can be used to summon an <span style="color:#B17ACE;">Echo</span>
**When all '''Shooting Star''' orbs have been used, <span style="color:#FF6549;">Time Lag Calculation</span> is triggered and all the <span style="color:#B17ACE;">Echoes</span> will perform a coordinated attack for massive damage
**A phantom is created afterwards that heals the entire team over time
*Capriccio's '''Amplifier Class Skill''' gives every member of the team <span style="color:#FF6549;">10% ATK bonus</span> and <span style="color:#FF6549;">10% Dark DMG bonus</span> for 10 seconds upon entering the field:
**Switching characters often is recommended to make full use of the Class Skill
**Both Dark DMG and ATK bonuses double at SSS rank
=====Capriccio - Additional Information=====
*Signature Move details:
**Capriccio gains 50% damage reduction for the duration
**After using Signature Move all orbs will be returned, sorted in the order of <span style="color:#FF476D;">Red</span>-<span style="color:#00A0FF;">Blue</span>-<span style="color:#D4B920;">Yellow</span>
**Capriccio can still generate orbs with Basic Attacks, even if they are temporarily hidden
*To make full use of her '''Amplifier Class Skill''':
**Activate Signature Move and use all '''Shooting Star''' orbs within 10 seconds of Capriccio taking the field, <span style="color:#FF6549;">Time Lag Calculation</span> will help extend the buff duration to the rest of the animation
**This means activating her Signature Move within 5 seconds from her switch in, as using all the '''Shooting Star''' orbs takes around 5 more seconds
*Advanced techniques:
**Holding a direction while switching to Capriccio will summon an <span style="color:#B17ACE;">Echo</span>, as the switch-in attack is considered a 3-Ping
**It's possible to dodge immediately after summoning an <span style="color:#B17ACE;">Echo</span> to skip the animation, as the <span style="color:#B17ACE;">Echo</span> will still carry out the attack
***Doing this for a <span style="color:#FF476D;">Red Orb 3-Ping</span> will however result in reduced damage
**During her Signature Move, it's recommended to dash through the enemy and back for each '''Shooting Star''' orb to deal maximum damage
***This can be accomplished easily by holding back on the joystick while looking at the enemy and using all five '''Shooting Star''' orbs</big>
- Videos
{{Header Full|Videos}}
[[Video:【PUNISHING: Gray Raven-CN】Selena Capriccio Showcase|300px]]
[[Video:【PUNISHING: Gray Raven-CN】Selena Capriccio Moveset セレーナ モーション集|300px]]
{{Character Bottom Nav}}

Latest revision as of 15:09, 8 November 2023

← Liv: Empyrea Pulao: Dragontoll →

Debuts in the Recitative de Fantasia patch. · Rank: S-Rank · Class: Amplifier · Element: Physical (10%) Dark (90%) 50%


Selena's backup frame. Made with the support of an artist from WGAA, it is free-spirited and lively like its namesake, but the sentiments it embodies are earnest and solemn.
Amplification — Enhances teammates
Burst — Deals massive DMG in a short time
Physical (10%) Dark (90%)
27 Sep
Flute Sword

Optimal Weapon: Sarastro

Each phantom unleashed by Selena: Capriccio on the field will make Selena: Capriccio deal 5% more Extra DMG. This effect can be stacked up to 6 times. Upon casting a Reprise: Echo, Selena: Capriccio gains 12 additional Signature Energy.

Memory Builds ◇ Selena: Capriccio

A list of recommended builds for Selena: Capriccio can be found here. Each tab represents one build — click the tabs below to view each one.
See here for more information about Ultima Awakening and resonance slots.

Disclaimer: Memories displayed here are arranged so that their stats are optimized based on their varying values in different positions.
However, it's more cost-effective to arrange all 2-piece sets in top slots for easy swapping between builds, even if stats aren't optimized.

Memory Placement
Seraphine x4 / Cottie x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Tactical Adjustment: HP +75, ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Amplifier: Class Skill Level +1
Key Notes
  • Selena: Capriccio's main build
  • Ultima Awakening Set
  • Recommended at SSS-Rank and lower
  • Resonate 6 Core Passive instead if you want her to deal more damage
    • Class Passive is for more versatility
  • General DPS/Sub DPS set
  • Capriccio needs to cast her Signature Move before the Amplifier Class Skill expires (10s after switch-in)
Memory Placement
Seraphine x4 / Guinevere x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Tactical Adjustment: HP +75, ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Amplifier: Class Skill Level +1
Key Notes
  • Niche set
  • QTE support
  • Buff-orientated set
  • Paired with a Da Vinci Tank for supporting a solo DPS
Memory Placement
Da Vinci x4 / Guinevere x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Tactical Adjustment: HP +75, ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Amplifier: Class Skill Level +1
Key Notes
  • Secondary build
  • QTE support set for Elemental teams
Memory Placement
Guinevere x4 / Gloria x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Tactical Adjustment: HP +75, ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Amplifier: Class Skill Level +1
Key Notes
  • Niche build
Memory Placement
Seraphine x4 / Darwin x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Tactical Adjustment: HP +75, ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Phantasia: Core Passive +1
Key Notes
  • Niche build
Memory Placement
Seraphine x4 / Einsteina x2

Memory Resonance
Note: Top and Bottom Resonance Slots can be assumed to be resonated to x6 of the below effects unless specified in orange.
Top Resonance Slot (1):
Ex — Tactical Adjustment: HP +75, ATK +15

Bottom Resonance Slot (2):
Amplifier: Class Skill Level +1
Key Notes
  • Niche build
  • War Zone
  • Norman Revival Plan
  • High difficulty content
  • Allows Karenina: Scire to carry Condelina.
  • Recommended at SSS+ Rank or SSS-Rank with Dead Line Timing Weapon Resonance
  • General set, can sub-DPS and support.

Weapon Resonance ◇ Selena: Capriccio

Recommended 6★ weapon resonances for Selena: Capriccio can be found here listed in order of priority.

1. Glorious Spear
When using the healing skill or effect, increases the full ATK of the healed target by 10% for 8s, CD for 10s.
2. Superconducting Axial Ray
Increases full ATK of all characters of the team by 8%, which will be the only effect.
3. Dead Line Timing
Gain 2 extra random signal orbs when come out, and 3 same signal orbs every 45s (also can gain signal orbs during background operation).
  • Glorious Spear
  • Superconducting Axial Ray


  • Dead Line Timing
Minimum recommended amount: 2

Skills & Passives

Red Orb

Butterflies' Serenade — Ping Red Orb + Hold the joystick

Automatically uses a 3-Ping version of this attack upon switch-in.
Selena: Capriccio quickly dashes forward, dealing Physical DMG. Upon a 3-Ping, Selena: Capriccio will deal Dark DMG instead and dash again with Super Armor in the joystick's direction to deal Dark DMG.
- Deals 168 % / 336% / 504% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Dashes to deal 90% Dark DMG.
Yellow Orb

Ruinous March — Ping Yellow Orb + Hold the joystick

Selena: Capriccio draws her blade to deal Physical DMG. Upon a 3-Ping, Selena: Capriccio will deal Dark DMG instead and dash again with Super Armor in the joystick's direction to deal Dark DMG.
- Deals 112% / 224% / 336% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
- Dashes to deal 144% Dark DMG.
Blue Orb

Nebula Rondo — Ping Blue Orb

Selena: Capriccio plays her Flute Sword as she spins and jumps backward, pulling enemies in a small area close, interrupting enemy attacks, and dealing Physical DMG. Upon a 3-Ping, deals Dark DMG instead and gains Super Armor while casting this skill.
- Deals 182% / 364% / 546% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.
Basic Attack

Andante Strike — Tap Basic Attack

Selena: Capriccio launches consecutive attacks with the Flute Sword, dealing Physical DMG.
- Deals 976% Physical DMG in total.


Core Passive — Any 3-Ping + Hold the joystick
Upon a 3-Ping, moving the joystick will cause Selena: Capriccio to summon a phantom. The phantom will continue to cast the original skill, and Selena herself will gain Super Armor and cast Reprise: Echo instead.
- Each Reprise: Echo cast by pinging Red/Yellow/Blue Orbs deals 620% / 410% / 600% Dark DMG.

Core Passive — Ping Shooting Star Orb + Hold the joystick
When casting a Shooting Star, moving the joystick will cause Selena: Capriccio to cast an additional Reprise: Twin Stars, dealing Dark DMG while summoning a phantom at the original location.
- Deals 180% Dark DMG.

Dream Cosmos Suite

Realm of Capriccio — 80 Energy + Tap Signature
Signature Move: Consumes 80 Energy to activate Realm of Capriccio, gaining Extra DMG Reduction. Selena: Capriccio gains 5 Shooting Stars. At the end of Realm of Capriccio, all Signal Orbs will be rearranged in the order of Red-Blue-Yellow.
- Selena: Capriccio's Extra DMG Reduction increases by 50% in Realm of Capriccio.

Shooting Star — Ping Shooting Star Orb
Each time a Shooting Star is cast, Selena: Capriccio will dash toward the target, dealing Dark DMG.
- Deals 160% Dark DMG.

Reprise: Twin Stars — All Shooting Star Orbs consumed
When all Shooting Stars are consumed, Selena: Capriccio will control all phantoms to launch a follow-up attack to cast Reprise: Twin Stars again, then she will play her Flute Sword to trigger Time Lag Calculation and order all phantoms to attack the enemy, each phantom dealing Dark DMG. Meanwhile, Realm of Capriccio will be detonated, dealing Dark DMG while leaving a phantom behind, healing ally units within the range every second.
- Every phantom deals 340% Dark DMG.
- The realm explosion deals 1360% Dark DMG in total.
- The phantom heals ally units within the range for HP equal to 30% of Selena: Capriccio's ATK per second over 5s.

Lingering Bladesong

Selena: Capriccio leaps into battle and plays her Flute Sword, dealing Dark DMG and restoring HP.
- Deals 600% Dark DMG and heals for HP equal to 60% of her ATK.

Famed Concertmaster

Increases ATK of all members by 10% and HP of all members by 5%.


All switched-in members gain an extra 10% ATK and 10% Elemental DMG Bonus of the Amplifier's element for 10s.

Ultima Awaken

Gains 3 Signal Orbs when entering battle.

Immortal Song

Upon entering battle, Selena: Capriccio heals herself for HP equal to 30% of her ATK. When Selena: Capriccio casts Realm of Capriccio to heal ally units, the excess healing will be converted into Song of Protection for 3s. When Selena: Capriccio is within Realm of Capriccio, she deals 10% additional Dark DMG.

Dark Star Shines

The effect of Amplifier Class Skill increases by 100%, and the Dark DMG Bonus of Dark Radiation is increased to 20%. The Extra DMG Bonus of Core Passive - Phantasia increases by 20%. The healing duration of Realm of Capriccio is extended by 5s.
SSS+ Rank

Adored By Stars

While Selena: Capriccio is on standby, she gains 12 Signature Energy each time a team member casts a 3-Ping. The Extra DMG Bonus of Signature Move - Dream Cosmos Suite increases by 50%.

How to play

Capriccio - Fundamentals
  • Pressing or holding a direction while using 3-Pings or Signature Move orbs will summon an Echo:
    • The Echo will perform the same action that was used to create it
    • Capriccio will move in the selected direction when summoning an Echo
  • Casting Signature Move will hide all current orbs and replace them with 5 Shooting Star orbs:
    • Each Shooting Star orb can be used to summon an Echo
    • When all Shooting Star orbs have been used, Time Lag Calculation is triggered and all the Echoes will perform a coordinated attack for massive damage
    • A phantom is created afterwards that heals the entire team over time
  • Capriccio's Amplifier Class Skill gives every member of the team 10% ATK bonus and 10% Dark DMG bonus for 10 seconds upon entering the field:
    • Switching characters often is recommended to make full use of the Class Skill
    • Both Dark DMG and ATK bonuses double at SSS rank
Capriccio - Additional Information
  • Signature Move details:
    • Capriccio gains 50% damage reduction for the duration
    • After using Signature Move all orbs will be returned, sorted in the order of Red-Blue-Yellow
    • Capriccio can still generate orbs with Basic Attacks, even if they are temporarily hidden
  • To make full use of her Amplifier Class Skill:
    • Activate Signature Move and use all Shooting Star orbs within 10 seconds of Capriccio taking the field, Time Lag Calculation will help extend the buff duration to the rest of the animation
    • This means activating her Signature Move within 5 seconds from her switch in, as using all the Shooting Star orbs takes around 5 more seconds
  • Advanced techniques:
    • Holding a direction while switching to Capriccio will summon an Echo, as the switch-in attack is considered a 3-Ping
    • It's possible to dodge immediately after summoning an Echo to skip the animation, as the Echo will still carry out the attack
      • Doing this for a Red Orb 3-Ping will however result in reduced damage
    • During her Signature Move, it's recommended to dash through the enemy and back for each Shooting Star orb to deal maximum damage
      • This can be accomplished easily by holding back on the joystick while looking at the enemy and using all five Shooting Star orbs


Related Frames

← Liv: Empyrea Pulao: Dragontoll →